The online racing simulator
Lap Records Doubled
Hey Sam wake up mate

On the Team Stats Page Total Lap Records have Doubled for some reason Personally I don't mind but I thought you may like to know
#2 - SamH
Holy cow! Hmm.. not sure what's happened there! I'll go through and figure it out! Cheers for the heads-up!
#3 - SamH
Straaange.. it's fixed itself. I didn't make any changes. I've gotta figure out what happened there!
FPR did it!!!
It was probably FPR trying to retake position #1 by any underhanded means at their disposal. They didn't get drivers they got hackers!!
Quote from Toddshooter :It was probably FPR trying to retake position #1 by any underhanded means at their disposal. They didn't get drivers they got hackers!!

no, not this time

we already had the most records, since the stat got alive and
it really doesn´t matter, if the records were doubled or not,
we would´ve been in 1st place anyway (as far as my mathematic
skills can carry me)

anyway the gab between us and HR in points is getting bigger and bigger...
seems we do not drive enough ctra atm and we don´t have
enough drivers....

but someday.... maybe..... not
Quote from LordBlaster :...anyway the gab between us and HR in points is getting bigger and bigger...
seems we do not drive enough ctra atm and we don´t have
enough drivers....

but someday.... maybe..... not

we are getting better and better and mostly you'll find a HR driver online at any time.. almost 24/7 I would say
Quote from LordBlaster :no, not this time

we already had the most records, since the stat got alive and
it really doesn´t matter, if the records were doubled or not,
we would´ve been in 1st place anyway (as far as my mathematic
skills can carry me)

anyway the gab between us and HR in points is getting bigger and bigger...
seems we do not drive enough ctra atm and we don´t have
enough drivers....

but someday.... maybe..... not

You still have the most track records. You will have until X1.5 is released I guess. Bcus I think stats of lape records will be reset due to clutch in new patch. Anyway still think your the best team out there. . (besides HR offcourse )
Quote from niels1 :You still have the most track records. You will have until X1.5 is released I guess. Bcus I think stats of lape records will be reset due to clutch in new patch.

yeah, sam told that if the official hl´s will be deleted, the ctra-records
will follow .... fair enough

Quote from niels1 :Anyway still think your the best team out there. . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx )

so true
aaaah, you should have left it Sam........ my lap records doubled from zero to ..... umm, zero
mine too!
Quote from SamH :Straaange.. it's fixed itself. I didn't make any changes. I've gotta figure out what happened there!

This is getting strange. First LFS fixes itself without Scawen doing anything (AI@Drag), and now the CTRA System fixes itself too.

Maybe the AI is doing all this? Could it be that they are too smart now? Did Scawen create Monsters? Do they have Cookies? What happens if they take over the Sim? What happens if the take over the World? I fear they might turn LFS into a drifting Sim. We need to warn Scawen about this.

I'll investigate some more. :magnify:
Quote from Highsider9 :This is getting strange. First LFS fixes itself without Scawen doing anything (AI@Drag), and now the CTRA System fixes itself too.

Maybe the AI is doing all this? Could it be that they are too smart now? Did Scawen create Monsters? Do they have Cookies? What happens if they take over the Sim? What happens if the take over the World? I fear they might turn LFS into a drifting Sim. We need to warn Scawen about this.

I'll investigate some more. :magnify:

Maybe the AI is more advanced then we thought
It must be aliens...ohnoe...I 'm afraid we have let one of them into HR...

*the truth is out there*
#16 - SamH
I've placed a temporary safeguard in the works. If lap records look wrong in the Teams section, visit the Lap Records page. Doing so will invoke a record count refresh if one hasn't been performed within the last 30 mins. It's only a temporary fix, for a problem I haven't properly pegged yet.. but I will
Quote from -NightFly- :It must be aliens...ohnoe...I 'm afraid we have let one of them into HR...

*the truth is out there*

Moehahahahaha :ices_rofl .