The online racing simulator
I'm in!
Quote from tristancliffe :Live For Finite Element Analysis

love the idea
you buy the computer to run it on ill present the idea to scawen
Quote from JTbo :I hope that becoming uber slow is not affecting my membership

Huh ? define uber slow

a) Still getting used to the new wheel and loosing a few tenths here and there coz my feet don't know what the hell they're doing
b) Still getting used to the new wheel and loosing a few seconds here and there coz it feels like i'm using someone else's feet.
c) Still getting used to the new wheel, i'm slow, but at least i'm not as slow as someone who bought the game ten minutes ago
d) I just can't get used to this wheel, i'm so embarrassingly slow i think i'll quit LFS and go play Need For Speed instead.
e) About the same speed as Mazz, all hope has gone so i think i'll go and kill myself.

Quote from Mazz4200 :Huh ? define uber slow

a) Still getting used to the new wheel and loosing a few tenths here and there coz my feet don't know what the hell they're doing
b) Still getting used to the new wheel and loosing a few seconds here and there coz it feels like i'm using someone else's feet.
c) Still getting used to the new wheel, i'm slow, but at least i'm not as slow as someone who bought the game ten minutes ago
d) I just can't get used to this wheel, i'm so embarrassingly slow i think i'll quit LFS and go play Need For Speed instead.
e) About the same speed as Mazz, all hope has gone so i think i'll go and kill myself.

f) See Mazz to disappear Horizon after T1 and lapping you on lap 4, decide to give away your new wheel and go to behind sauna for ending this miserable life as all hope is gone

SO6R LX4, best so far high 1:17's, braking is really random, too much or too little brake, that pedal is just so soft, oh yes and still pedals try to outrun me and I need to move them back after few laps, even I don't use excessive force.

Took video too, but it seems here is too dark

Edit: Not much to see really, even I did increase brightness of clip too. Would need more light, but that makes easily image from wall to disappear, hmm hmm.
Quote from JTbo :f) See Mazz to disappear Horizon after T1 and lapping you on lap 4, decide to give away your new wheel and go to behind sauna for ending this miserable life as all hope is gone

SO6R LX4, best so far high 1:17's, braking is really random, too much or too little brake, that pedal is just so soft, oh yes and still pedals try to outrun me and I need to move them back after few laps, even I don't use excessive force.

Took video too, but it seems here is too dark

Edit: Not much to see really, even I did increase brightness of clip too. Would need more light, but that makes easily image from wall to disappear, hmm hmm.

ROFL, nah don't worry, it's a slow time, but with a bit of practise you'll get the hang of it.

Can't believe i've just spent two minutes of my life looking at your feet ! It's a bit odd and even a little spooky without some sort of reference point i.e an insert of the screen and maybe some sound (other than the whirring of the wheel) But on the plus side there are website's out there that'll pay good money for that vid
i'm in!
im in
No complaints, none, zero. Perfect upgrade A+
I'm in
I'm in too, how about a signature saying we are too?
I'm in too.
count me in!
The new patch is a ton better than the older one. It FEELS better and more realistic, not to mention the imersion! (spelling?)

i'm lovin' it!

(i posted "i'm in" here somewhere a few pages above)
I also want to be part of this Great idea
I'm in But still hate the rev limiter btw.... wish i could take it off somehow
I'm in

I'm loving the bumpiness of the FBM at SO Chicane
Quote from XCNuse :I'm in too, how about a signature saying we are too?

I'm in and +1 for the sig
Another member!!

I am glad about removed autocut/blip as a clutch user, but maybe it would make ALL the people happy if it was a server optional realism option?!
That's a funny thread. Ofcourse I love more realism. Reason why I play lfs and why I lost money on g25.

And nice thing also is, the side mirrors are actually usefull now with the 45 degree look :]
Patch Y is neat!! It feels like the cars have more grip than before!
#473 - Pig
+1 for sticky club.... (does that sound right?)
Quote from XCNuse :I'm in too, how about a signature saying we are too?

someone should make teh userbarz!!!11