May be its dicussed already, but still I think damage should be greater. The thing is, that especialy in Fearn Bay there ar a lot of turns, which you can cut by going even on a gras and jumping a bit. So while racing, and making such small but hard jumps for smth like 12 or 15 times suspension should get a bit of damage, or atleast if you bump hard the tyre should blow. its stil a rubber so if you land on one or two wheels on a hard surface and the tyre pressure is not big enouth the tyre deformates and can easyly be cuted in by a metal rim.
May be its dicussed already, but still I think damage should be greater. The thing is, that especialy in Fearn Bay there ar a lot of turns, which you can cut by going even on a gras and jumping a bit. So while racing, and making such small but hard jumps for smth like 12 or 15 times suspension should get a bit of damage, or atleast if you bump hard the tyre should blow. its stil a rubber so if you land on one or two wheels on a hard surface and the tyre pressure is not big enouth the tyre deformates and can easyly be cuted in by a metal rim.