So, finally I made the Lithuanian Language Pack 
Pack includes:
- main language file
- help file
- lessons
- keys_lithuanian.pdf
- autocross_lithuanian (found in docs)
Everything is translated, except "Scrub" from Live Suspension view, because I couldn't find short Lithuanian word for it, so if anybody has any ideas, feel free to inform me
Currently I'm trying to catch bugs of this translation, so it's version is 0.99 beta. Soon I will release final version. Just want to check everything - error messages, some terms etc.
Egidijus "Mejlus"

Pack includes:
- main language file
- help file
- lessons
- keys_lithuanian.pdf
- autocross_lithuanian (found in docs)
Everything is translated, except "Scrub" from Live Suspension view, because I couldn't find short Lithuanian word for it, so if anybody has any ideas, feel free to inform me

Currently I'm trying to catch bugs of this translation, so it's version is 0.99 beta. Soon I will release final version. Just want to check everything - error messages, some terms etc.
Egidijus "Mejlus"