I have a Sapphire 9600xt and don't care about driver updates. The best driver for this card speedwise is the 3.7 IMHO. It has the least CPU hit in LFS and NR2003.
I only updated to Omega 4.12 because Battlefield 2 didn't launch on 3.7. It gives me about 1 fps less in LFS and NR2003 and about the same in rFactor or Richard Burns Rally which are harder on the GFX card. Since then I uninstalled Battlefield so I could go back to 3.7, but I don't do it because I don't want to upgrade to 4.12 again................
So if you don't own one of the newest card and don't play the newest games it's a bit useless (pure time wasting to be honest) to upgrade drivers unless you have serious problems with some games or your system is screwed up completely.
The funniest thing is when the gfx card manufacturers say in the release notes of the newest drivers that they managed to increase the performance by 10 percent. Well that's true, however they forget to mention that in the previous 12 months they lost 11 percent:
