The online racing simulator
Quote from ajp71 :The shipping for the Act Labs and SST for the UK and Finland is $40 and no tax, not bad really given the weak dollar. The SST for £110 delivered seems tempting but first I'd need to get a good pair of pedals and I'm not sure whether to go down the build or buy route, I've given up on purchasing TCannon's guide because he appears to be dead and I'm not going to buy it if I can't get the parts for sensible money in the UK (and need to know what they are first).

The ECCI pedals are simply too expensive and so are the Act Labs and Finnmotion pedals really (£175 + shipping). I'm not sure if anybody makes pedals worth knowing about for less than that? What I'd really like is proper pedal placement, adjustability so they can be properly raised to an appropriate height whilst floor mounted and most of all, quality. I don't really need a pressure sensitive brake pedal if that's out of my budget.

The finnish customs add 22% of the value of the product.. its thanks to lovely finnish tax system... can you believe its actually called "value extension tax"... bunch of bollox, allthough we do have a free healthcarea and.. and... cheap almost taxless booze?
Quote from JJ72 :I fail to see why LFS is "too difficult"

Post this in a thread where the OP its about LFS being difficult then, it has nothing to do with the thread.
Quote from joen :Hate to break it to you but it seems LFS is just not the game for you. You already struggle with setups and clutch handling. These are integral parts of racing. It will only get worse for you because more changes are bound to come to LFS in the future that will only make it harder on you.

So, where are my mechanics and engineers to deal with a proper setup, taking care of things like acceleration, temperature, angles and such in the game? it is a simulation right, why can't I have a simulated engineer?

I like to drive, and I hire someone else to fix my car when something is wrong, the same happens in the track, if a team wants you to drive, they want you TO DRIVE. Sure, it helps a pilot to know about some variables, but mechanics and engineers DEAL WITH THEM, so, why dont you argue with the designers about including such realism?

And about the "harder for me", look, I can deal with difficult stuff, the same as you and others in the forum. That doesn't mean I SHOULD LIKE IT.

As I have expressed, the "realism" is relative and I NEVER buy opinions based on bias (like fanboys use to). PLEASE NOTE that Im not saying you are a fanboy, you are being honest and not really offensive, but I express it here for others to read.
#79 - JTbo
Quote from Drunken Predator :The finnish customs add 22% of the value of the product.. its thanks to lovely finnish tax system... can you believe its actually called "value extension tax"... bunch of bollox, allthough we do have a free healthcarea and.. and... cheap almost taxless booze?

That 22% is added to delivery costs too
Quote from Damo74 :Ummmm, all you arcade wannabe's, heads up,

LOL what about you! playing computer games! Besides, READ AGAIN, understand my arguments before making any comment. Thanks.
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :I understand, the goal is REALISM.

Yet, the new patch should include two modes:

1) Simulation

2) Arcade

For hardcore fans, I guess, mode 1 its ok, they want to believe they are driving "the real thing".

Still, I play (PLAY) LFS because I like to drive and because I like to play. I have never liked that we have to struggle with setups, on top of that now tyres are useless and we have a clutch that forces us to be "gentle". the ARCADE mode would be as real as the SIM one, but it would not allow for setups, tyres and clutch would last forever and so we would only test our skills TO DRIVE, not to be a mechanic or to believe we are having more "realism".

Again, I like to test myself DRIVING, I like to compete with others to try my skills against theirs. THATS IT, if I want to race a car I would buy a gokart or maybe inscribe myself in a real league.

Sorry for the developers, and Im sure some of you readers will hate me and even (maybe) insult me. But anyway, Im just exposing MY opinion.

Sounds like a Need for Speed ProStreet player. -_-

Are you serious? Did you miss the word "SIMULATION" that described the entire game? Would you ask GTR2, ToCA 3, NR2003, or rFactor to include an arcade version of the game?

If patch Y is weeding out the retards then it's probably the best thing that can happen in LFS.
Quote from The Very End :True
People need to adapt, thats just the way it is.

I disagree. People needs to PARTICIPATE. People need to change things, ask for improvements, demand and shout. Other wise they are not people, but puppets. Nothing personal.
Quote from JTbo :That 22% is added to delivery costs too

Wow, didnt even know that! So.. we pay even 22% for the eh.. extended value of good delivery eh...
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :I disagree. People needs to PARTICIPATE. People need to change things, ask for improvements, demand and shout. Other wise they are not people, but puppets. Nothing personal.

Do you go from CounterStrike to Halo and asking the Halo devs to make their game like CounterStrike?

I dont know...logic dictates that if you cannot handle the realism of any good racing simulation, then you should stick to crappy street racing games like NFS. This game was labeled as a simulation and will be developed as such. End of story
#85 - JTbo
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :So, where are my mechanics and engineers to deal with a proper setup, taking care of things like acceleration, temperature, angles and such in the game? it is a simulation right, why can't I have a simulated engineer?

I like to drive, and I hire someone else to fix my car when something is wrong, the same happens in the track, if a team wants you to drive, they want you TO DRIVE. Sure, it helps a pilot to know about some variables, but mechanics and engineers DEAL WITH THEM, so, why dont you argue with the designers about including such realism?

And about the "harder for me", look, I can deal with difficult stuff, the same as you and others in the forum. That doesn't mean I SHOULD LIKE IT.

As I have expressed, the "realism" is relative and I NEVER buy opinions based on bias (like fanboys use to). PLEASE NOTE that Im not saying you are a fanboy, you are being honest and not really offensive, but I express it here for others to read.

There are lot of people online racing, some do share their setups, some do share their knowledge of how to improve set to suit your driving, some even can help you drive faster so there you have your team.
You can also gather few mechanic friends and do some session where you tell them what you like to adjust and they can do it for you, so actually it is not missing, it is just how creative you like to be?

Still it is in Alpha stage, not all parts of sim are developing same speed, now we had few thing improved towards more realism, later some other parts, eventually it will have all realistic things. This is where many seem to fail their conclusions as they treat LFS as finished product, it is not.
exactly the auto clutch on FOX and FBM is nice and how it should be, on the BF1 it horrible, i can't get a feel for it like i used to.
Do I change gear right... I assume I do since I never burn the clutch out.

Release throttle > Press Clutch > Shiftup > Release clutch > Back on throttle
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :So, where are my mechanics and engineers to deal with a proper setup, taking care of things like acceleration, temperature, angles and such in the game? it is a simulation right, why can't I have a simulated engineer?

Yes because an engineer stops a real racing driver from burning the clutch out and overheating his tires?
Im on keyboard i have not burnt a clutch yet, mostly because with auto clutch its virtually impossible thats NOT the point im making.
Quote from ajp71 :Hmm the last time I checked thermodynamics were considered part of physics. If you just chop and change the laws of physics how on earth do you expect to end up with a realistic driving experience?

Than you for bringing arguments to the table. That said, do you honestly believe that LFS is a fair simulation? Do you know the number of variables that are completely out of the modeling? Will you admit that there are more variables left out that the ones that are included?

Even the ones that are working, in some cases doing the best job on the planet.. do you believe they are as good as to make you believe you are racing a real car?

LFS its A GAME, it isolates a handfull of variables and try to depict a "accurate model" of reality. Why would you, and others, stand for the "realism" of a game that allows you to have custom views? (for instance).

I have a Logitech Momo. I do not plan to buy another wheel for having a clutch. That means I should not play LFS because my controller wouldnt be useful in a real car.

That means ALL AND EVERYONE OF YOU who drive with mouse, or keyboard, should simply not play the game, as thos controllers are not realist.

And the list could go on and on.

So, in the end, it is matter of dealing with a game with some variables fairly good modeled and the people who will actually play it (and more importantly, PAY FOR IT).

A game with options for hard core gamers, with proper setups (wheel with clutch at a minimum) and another, with the same basic rules behind it but that would allow us to simply drive, without being worried about things like clutches (because we don't have enough interest to buy the appropriate gear).

Thats not a lot to ask for.
Quote from phoretwenny :I'm only disappointed in one thing really (more confused about it actually), that is, when your engine is buggered, do you have to press SHIFT + P? Is that your only option? When you pit, it only refuels and evens out the body, but I try to continue racing and the revs are real high straight away and changing gear makes no difference. Is there a button I push or something? It would really suck if SHIFT + P is your only option, but I'd adjust.

Ok, you bring a thing to the table that I was planning to use later all those "REALISM" whiners, its funny to see you all cry about "itss awll about reaaliismmm dduuudeeee" when you have options like shift+p!!! for crying out loud! Remove that option! in REAL CARS there is not such a thing as a car dissapearing magically from the track!

Want more? how about this, if your car gets wrecked, you should walk to the pits in order to get out of the game.. how about that!
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :What the hell is wrong with people?
That's not the first bashing thread in this forum and I just cannot think why people don't like it at all. It's fine, patch is good, racing still exists....

Opinions against opinions. What is wrong is that you believe your opinion ITS MORE IMPORTANT than others. Its like assuming that your opinion is THE UNIVERSAL TRUTH, while others opinions are.. well.. opinions!
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :Than you for bringing arguments to the table. That said, do you honestly believe that LFS is a fair simulation? Do you know the number of variables that are completely out of the modeling? Will you admit that there are more variables left out that the ones that are included?

Even the ones that are working, in some cases doing the best job on the planet.. do you believe they are as good as to make you believe you are racing a real car?

LFS its A GAME, it isolates a handfull of variables and try to depict a "accurate model" of reality. Why would you, and others, stand for the "realism" of a game that allows you to have custom views? (for instance).

I have a Logitech Momo. I do not plan to buy another wheel for having a clutch. That means I should not play LFS because my controller wouldnt be useful in a real car.

That means ALL AND EVERYONE OF YOU who drive with mouse, or keyboard, should simply not play the game, as thos controllers are not realist.

And the list could go on and on.

So, in the end, it is matter of dealing with a game with some variables fairly good modeled and the people who will actually play it (and more importantly, PAY FOR IT).

A game with options for hard core gamers, with proper setups (wheel with clutch at a minimum) and another, with the same basic rules behind it but that would allow us to simply drive, without being worried about things like clutches (because we don't have enough interest to buy the appropriate gear).

Thats not a lot to ask for.

Based on you opinion we should ban all simulations including rFactor, Microsoft's Flight Simulators and the simulators used by professional race car drivers and pilots.

Just because a game's "realism" model is not complete or "missing variable" doesn't mean we have to remove everything that would be considered realistic and resort to an arcade game.

As a racing enthusiast (and probably only racing enthusiasts should be playing this game) I know that no game can be experienced the same way as real life. However, I opt for as much realism as a game can handle to get the feel of racecraft. This is no place for "casual" racers (as most drifter apparently are). If you want to play a racing game without caring about the physics, handling or realism of a car. Then go play another game. (NFS)

Quote from Bodhidharmazen :A game with options for hard core gamers, with proper setups (wheel with clutch at a minimum) and another, with the same basic rules behind it but that would allow us to simply drive, without being worried about things like clutches (because we don't have enough interest to buy the appropriate gear).

Thats not a lot to ask for.

That's absurd to ask for in a racing simulation. Again, do you go from CounterStrike to Halo and ask the Halo devs to change their game to play like CounterStrike? Logic people logic
Regarding my previous post, I don't want the beginner mode to be compatible with the full simulation mode so there wouldn't be any advantage. Additionally, you could take the GPL route and add artificial disadvantages to the driving aids amounting to several seconds per lap per aid on servers that allow both modes. That way the noobs could still be in control of their cars and not wreck anybody else(well, unintentionally anyways), but they wouldn't win anything either. That might actually improve the overall quality of racing. Once people using the beginner mode maxed out the potential of the hobbled cars their only option would be to start losing aids if they wanted to improve any further.

Have you ever tried to get a friend of yours visiting your house into sim-racing? They spin off at the first turn, look at you like you're crazy, and leave making some excuse about forgeting to turn their oven off or something. Only once, since I started doing this, did I have a friend who spun off at the first corner and grinned a big manic grin like I did at first because it meant I was in for a real challenge.

Sim-racing isn't really that hard, it just takes some practice. The sim-racing community overall isn't very big, but there are a lot of racing fans out there who may well love it. They just need to be eased into it. If there is one thing we can't get enough of is real, serious race fans who are intersted in real, serious (virtual) racing. Even if they know perfectly well how to drive a real race-car, it takes a good bit of adjusting to drive in a simulator- again, anything to make the process quicker and easier is a Good Thing.


ed: Oh, since we've gone that way. I hear the Frex shifter is pretty good, and Thomas has one too. A little expensive, of course, but supposedly quality. I can't even afford a G25 right now though, so I wouldn't know from first-hand experience.
Quote from lizardfolk :If patch Y is weeding out the retards then it's probably the best thing that can happen in LFS.

LOL, pretty emotional response.. now, where are your arguments? did you read mine?
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :LOL, pretty emotional response.. now, where are your arguments? did you read mine?

Lets see, did you bother to read my 3 posts?
Quote from lizardfolk :I dont know...logic dictates that if you cannot handle the realism of any good racing simulation, then you should stick to crappy street racing games like NFS. This game was labeled as a simulation and will be developed as such. End of story

Well. I refuse to. Please read a bit other posts in which I argue about the realism, its implications and the denial in which some fanboys live.


Custom views???

Realist, sure.
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :
LFS its A GAME, it isolates a handfull of variables and try to depict a "accurate model" of reality. Why would you, and others, stand for the "realism" of a game that allows you to have custom views? (for instance).

LFS is a SIMULATOR not a GAME... There are tons of arguments about this.

Quote from Bodhidharmazen :
Than you for bringing arguments to the table. That said, do you honestly believe that LFS is a fair simulation? Do you know the number of variables that are completely out of the modeling? Will you admit that there are more variables left out that the ones that are included?

It is also a work in progress that is doing a great job. And yes I can believe I am in a real car when using LFS as a simulator. To do this you need to rid yourself of ALL distractions; TV, phone, pets, IM's anything that can break your focus. It feels very real, although there are somethings that still need work and there will be things that you can't get without being in a full motion simulator apparatus like the SMX things, this is due to feeling movement. All else said LFS is the closest thing, and it includes fast and slow cars alike which makes it great fun for those who want to know what their car "might" feel like at the limits.

I use the term "might" because their car may way more/less, balance may be different, power, tires, etc the list goes on...
Quote from JTbo :There are lot of people online racing, some do share their setups, some do share their knowledge of how to improve set to suit your driving, some even can help you drive faster so there you have your team.
You can also gather few mechanic friends and do some session where you tell them what you like to adjust and they can do it for you, so actually it is not missing, it is just how creative you like to be?

Still it is in Alpha stage, not all parts of sim are developing same speed, now we had few thing improved towards more realism, later some other parts, eventually it will have all realistic things. This is where many seem to fail their conclusions as they treat LFS as finished product, it is not.

Thanks for your answer. Clean, direct, with no negative emotions involved. I do belong to a community in here, and I have learned a lot in the six months I have with my S2.
(kompa) DELETED by kompa
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :Well. I refuse to. Please read a bit other posts in which I argue about the realism, its implications and the denial in which some fanboys live.


Custom views???

Realist, sure.

Quote from LizardFolk :
Just because a game's "realism" model is not complete or "missing variable" doesn't mean we have to remove everything that would be considered realistic and resort to an arcade game.

Ya u sure read my post -_-

MAJOR disappointment.
(343 posts, started )