Hallo! Today found this link:
http://www.lfs.net/lfs_transla ... n_viewer.php?lang=Latvian ,checked out it and found some mistakes (most likely typos):
Under training lessions:
3g_exce_spd - You exceeded the pit lane speed limit / -Tu pārsn
eidzi ātruma ierobežojumu boksos (should be "pārsniedzi")
3g_stndrd_x For this lesson, your standard is : %s / Priekš p
rimās stundas, tavs standarts ir : %s (should be "pirmās")
Under Race setup screen:
3a_carnotfd Driver's car not found / Sp
elētaja auto nav atrasts (correct - "Spēlētāja")
3h_gridload Select start grid to load / Izvēlies starta pozīciju, kur
o ielādēt (correct - "kuru")
Under Garage / pits screen:
3a_namencol Enter name of new colours / Ievadi nosaukumu jaunajām krās
am (correct - "krāsām")
Under Autocross editor (SHIFT + U mode):
3h_ob_markr markers / shown as untranslated,translation: "atzīmes"
Under Start new host screen:
3a_onecarrq At least one car model must be allowed / Vi
zmaz vienam auto jābūt atļautam (correct word is "vismaz")
3h_fcockpit Force cockpit view : /
Dinamiskaš kabīnes skats : (don't know,what is that meant - word is wrong spelled,and meaning would be "dinamic". Correct translation should be "Piespiedu kabīnes skats" which would mean "forced cockpit view")
3a_uplavail Available upload %.1f KB/sec / Pieejamais
iploud %.1f KB/sec (well,I guess,it's visible where the mistake is,but uploud isn't really a latvian word,it's just latvian spelled "upload")
Under Unlocking screen:
3g_locktext Lock LFS (return to DEMO) / Slēgt
s LFS (atgriezties DEMO) (no need for that "s" letter there - Slēgts means locked,but slēgt - [to] lock)
Under Bans and ban editor:
3a_user_ban Enter user name to ban / Ievadi vārdu, kur
o banot (another typo,should be "kuru")
Under Car information and settings:
3h_setup_ch Setup changes requested / Piep
arsītas setupa izmaiņas (correct word "Pieprasītas")
Under Live settings:
3g_l_pr_psi PRESSURE %.1f psi [%+.1f psi] / SP
EIDIENS %.1f psi [%+.1f psi] (typo,correct - "SPIEDIENS")
Under Multiplayer system:
3a_w_rd_rly ^6Warning : Road tyres on rallycross track / ^6Uzmanību : as
valta riepas uz rallijkrosa trases
3a_w_rly_rd ^6Warning : Rallycross tyres on road track / ^6Uzmanību : rallijkrosa riepas uz as
valta (for both - wrong spelled word,correct - "asfalta")
3g_xwantuto %s^8 wants you to take over / %s^8 gri
p tevi pārņemt (this one I've noticed for a while,made some good loughs too,because the meaning is something almost like "flu takes over"

,correct - "grib")
Under General text:
3a_agre_lfs Agreement / Piekri
sšana (no need for the "s" letter there,correct - "Piekrišana")
Under Miscellaneous text:
3d_outnoply Output : Could not find car's driver / Output : Nevarauto vadītāju (missing word,correct - "Nevar atrast auto vadītāju")
Well,it's a little messy,but pointed out for some mistakes. Also some words aren't really correct latvian,just spelled in latvian from english,maybe should be translated,not sure it's necessary.