The online racing simulator
Drag Strip For Demo????
(39 posts, closed, started )
i think this thread deserves new title: The stupidest thread/conversation ever.
Quote from LFSn00b :PS: Sorry all for talking finnish :P

You could always give us a quick to english translation its only a couple of lines, please?

Quote from Niku :CAN SOME ONE MAKE XFG rear seats place speakers and yellow interior??? (and change stereos??)

Im not sure but I think you het 6 disc multi change stereo in S2

#29 - Niku
Can Some One Make???
Hey lazy bitches(demoers) stop asking for stupidity and buy the muthafu*kin game if yall want a dragstrip!
Quote from LFSn00b :S2 ei maksa kun 36€, ja S1 on puolet siitä, S1:sesä kyllä on tuo XRT ja kiihdytys suora

Where have you been, there is no XRT in the demo anymore.


S2 maksaa tämänhetkisellä punnan kurssilla 33,20 euroa. Erittäin edullinen, lähes ilmainen, pelin pitkäikäisyyteen verrattuna.
(= S2 costs 33,20€ with the current exchange rate. It's very cheap, almost free, compared to the life of the game)
Alright here's Niko's post spelled by me, hope it helps (i broke my tongue for it), if not then just have lol's
Attached files
niki talks finnish.rar - 1.7 MB - 161 views
Quote from Rish :No... by painting the car you make it heavier!

Yeah, too bad demo cars has stickers and not painted ads. You know, F1 teams avoid stickers and instead paints the cars to maximize air flow.
no he is a demoer and he has the money but he dosent want to buy a licence he just wants to use everthing on lfs for free!!!
Quote from N I K I :Alright here's Niko's post spelled by me, hope it helps (i broke my tongue for it), if not then just have lol's

Sounds like Chinese
Quote from viper-2007 :no he is a demoer and he has the money but he dosent want to buy a licence he just wants to use everthing on lfs for free!!!

Thats why i use the expression [Lazy Bitches] cuz these noobs think that this DEMOnstration is the full game! BTW fu*ck Demoers im comin really bored of'em
But don't all you demo players .. use the BL Straight as a dragstrip ?
Quote from LFSn00b :Ye, my XRT has 111111111bhp when it has my Calsonic skin on(made by Beefyman) and it goes like a ricer with fartcans!!1

Wow, you will rule THE DEMO COMES DRAG STRIP with that XRT.
This thread is closed

Drag Strip For Demo????
(39 posts, closed, started )