Some of you may remember (or not!) that I said in a couple of threads (whilst I was a wee demoer - those were the days....) that I might consider setting up an LFS Beginner's Cup when I got S2 - and a few people were intersted even at the mention of it. Well, now I have S2 (thanks Mum!
) here I am telling you about my plans:
All of the suggestions below are just suggestions, I would appreciate advice and hints about it, if you have any, but, most of all, if you have an interest in entering, then please say so in this thread. It certainly won't be starting (if at all :tilt
before February at the earliest, as I have mocks all through January
First, I need to clarify 'a beginner'. I, obviously am a beginner coz I got S2 yesterday! However, I think that having S2 for less than about 4 months would be a good starting point. Also, I think I might need a mileage restriction. I've no idea what restriction I'll need to put on this; so some advice would be welcome.
Secondly; the actual series. The way I was going to run it was just to have 6-8 combos that are quite popular online, and run those for the series. However, as I want this series to be an introduction to League Racing, I thought that it would be nice if we nicked ideas from other Leagues into each round of the series. For Example, R1 could be (with Dru's permission!) a Baby-UFR round, with a combo and the rules from that series. R2 could be a RSWC (with Danowat's permission!) round, again with a combo and rules from that series. That way, participants would get a flavour of what sort of Leagues are out there. I'm pretty sure the heads of most Leagues don't care how fast entrants are; just that they're clean and have fun doing it - and might learn a few things from the seasoned pros.
Lastly, I'll need a server (obviously) and I might also request a little help from some people who already run leagues for advice on general running of the League, and what to do on the actual Race Day.
Thanks for reading; Please feel free to post you opinions/advice/interest below.
EDIT: Dekojester has kindly offered to do either a broadcast of the series (maybe not so likely) or like a summary of each round as a video (if he gets S2!). I was then hoping to send these to the SRT team and get them broadcast on 'This week in Sim Racing'

All of the suggestions below are just suggestions, I would appreciate advice and hints about it, if you have any, but, most of all, if you have an interest in entering, then please say so in this thread. It certainly won't be starting (if at all :tilt

First, I need to clarify 'a beginner'. I, obviously am a beginner coz I got S2 yesterday! However, I think that having S2 for less than about 4 months would be a good starting point. Also, I think I might need a mileage restriction. I've no idea what restriction I'll need to put on this; so some advice would be welcome.
Secondly; the actual series. The way I was going to run it was just to have 6-8 combos that are quite popular online, and run those for the series. However, as I want this series to be an introduction to League Racing, I thought that it would be nice if we nicked ideas from other Leagues into each round of the series. For Example, R1 could be (with Dru's permission!) a Baby-UFR round, with a combo and the rules from that series. R2 could be a RSWC (with Danowat's permission!) round, again with a combo and rules from that series. That way, participants would get a flavour of what sort of Leagues are out there. I'm pretty sure the heads of most Leagues don't care how fast entrants are; just that they're clean and have fun doing it - and might learn a few things from the seasoned pros.
Lastly, I'll need a server (obviously) and I might also request a little help from some people who already run leagues for advice on general running of the League, and what to do on the actual Race Day.
Thanks for reading; Please feel free to post you opinions/advice/interest below.
EDIT: Dekojester has kindly offered to do either a broadcast of the series (maybe not so likely) or like a summary of each round as a video (if he gets S2!). I was then hoping to send these to the SRT team and get them broadcast on 'This week in Sim Racing'