The online racing simulator
Quote from The Mole ::laola:


I'm the Mole, often frequenting the Seloc Lotus forum if that means anything to anyone...?!

Just had my first hour or so online having downloaded the game tonight.

Great stuff! Look forward to racing a few of you soon!!

Hehe small world! My dad has a white exige s1 S/C Honda and ex-gavan kershaw ms elise chequred also goes on there alot, so do i occasionally, he also races on LOT, nice to meet you, found out about this in seloc also.
Hi name is Marlbro and I'm an addict...
Hold on, wrong group...or is it?

Only a demo racer at the mo', I ain't got any pennies for a licence yet, lets hope Santa comes up with the beans.

Anyhoo just got my skinning underway ready for the big day, so you might see some around.
hi my name is banger,im 43 yrs old.

i just rejoined. so im not new to lfs,but im not very good with the cars yet,has i don't really drive a car,(yes yes... im hereing the newbie online/ new wrecker jokes already).but i do try my best to avoid crashes.but to say i will not be online yet.i think i need to practice.and i read the I'M BEEN BANNED post.

computer: athalon x64 dualcore
os: xp
controller: g25
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Hehe small world! My dad has a white exige s1 S/C Honda... ...nice to meet you, found out about this in seloc also.

Yay - another Selocer!

Here is probably the only place I'd be able to keep up with a Honda'd exige!!!

Are you on the CTRA servers? I've got a license for their servers, but everytime I try to start racing I get a "no passengers allowed on this server" message.

Don't know how to sort this?! Am I being stupid? I don't have passeners in the car, what's it refering to I wonder
Hello! I've been playing LFS about three months now, with a racing wheel. But my lap times are still too bad.
Great to see all of these new members!!! Have funn, and remember do not crash like noobs HEHE thank you, And while your at it Learn your stuff about cars!!!
Quote from The Mole :Yay - another Selocer!

Here is probably the only place I'd be able to keep up with a Honda'd exige!!!

Are you on the CTRA servers? I've got a license for their servers, but everytime I try to start racing I get a "no passengers allowed on this server" message.

Don't know how to sort this?! Am I being stupid? I don't have passeners in the car, what's it refering to I wonder

In the road cars you can put passengers in the car the weigh it down, so basically it means your trying to use a setup which has passengers in the car, which is not allowed on the CTRA servers.

I hadn't noticed this thread.

Hello, my name is Aero. Well, not really- my name is Andrew but Aero will do fine.

Depening on how you look at it, I've been sim-racing for a long time (since ICR) but not really- it was just one of many games I played. I bought my first wheel in 2000, but I didn't actually seriously get into sim-racing until 2005 (posting on message-boards, racing online, pretty much forsaking all other computer-games, never unclamping my wheel and that sort of thing). So, overall I'm relatively new. I don't recall exactly when I bought my S2 license, I think it was last summer and I first played the demo a year or two before that, but I hardly played LFS at all until about two or three weeks ago (patch Y rekindled my interest).

I still haven't gone online because I'm still pretty slow (can barely squeeze out a mid-high 1:16 at Blackwood in the FBMW), and I don't know all the tracks yet (I'm working on them one at a time) so it'll probably be a few weeks yet. Still, having a lot of fun learning- that has always been my favorite part.

I like the direction LFS is taking and I'll be around for sure.

Nice to meet you guys.


My name is Adrijan and I am playing demo for some time. Now I have decide to buy s2.


I have this problem. I can't log-in in demo mode. What if I can't log in eaven if I buy s2. I unblock lfs port, how maniy potr's do u have to unblock? I have no idea what to do.

(sorry for spam)


My name is Tim, I'm 23 years old and live in Brisbane, Australia.

I've been demo-ing for about a fortnight or so and have just become S2 licensed as of Saturday (yesterday) morning. My mate introduced me to the game, and has also S2'd up around the same time.

If anyone can provide some hints on where I can find some good car setups please PM me, as I'm currently on the lookout for some custom setups.

Cheers guys, drive on.

HI, i am not new but just posting for the sake of it.
Hello everyone
I have had LFS for 4 years but have done very little with it. I decided yesterday to start getting involved. Can't get my wheel to be recognized in control panel, but that I will figure out soon and will look forward to seeing you all in a race.

If anyone can provide some hints on where I can find some good car setups please PM me, as I'm currently on the lookout for some custom setups.


I second that!! PM please if anyone has any...
Hi, im a noob from the uk, been playing the demo for a while now but just built myself a pc that can give me a decent frame rate so i bought myself a licence for crimbo and im ready to go. Any recommendations on wheels as im currently using a ps2 gamepad which isnt ideal. thanks
[quote=The Mole;646704][quote=TeeJay07;644613]G'day!

If anyone can provide some hints on where I can find some good car setups please PM me, as I'm currently on the lookout for some custom setups.


I second that!! PM please if anyone has any... [/quote]

eeeee these selocers are like baby's

People won't PM you setups, you receive them in game.
Ask one of the fast racers (nicely) if you can have their setup, if they send it next to their name will be a glowing S, click it save it (best to put who sent it and what track its for) then pit, in the top right hand corner will be a list of setups click the one you want leave the pits and jobs a good'un
Thanks for the tip pearcy_2k7
Just Saying hi!
Hello all,

Frank here and i just bought the S2 licence after horsing around with the demo, i love it to bits and what you see IS what you get, great product.
Ill be trying to get to know all the tracks and variations before i plummeth myself online, or.. nah.. it's too much fun racing around.. i'm not the fastest, nor have i any intent of getting to be, The game just feels right in all the right places so i can hardly blame it for the mistakes i will make like any other person ( but i will try and keep it to a minimum)
Congrats to the developers, thank you for your hard work!


oh yah.. one more question.. how do i turn off the indicatorlights? Funny how numpad 7 turns on left.. numpad 8 turns on right.. numpad 9 turns both sides on... yet they never go off?! any tips? (yes.. dont hit 7 8 or 9... hehe)
Quote from Frankestein01nl :oh yah.. one more question.. how do i turn off the indicatorlights? Funny how numpad 7 turns on left.. numpad 8 turns on right.. numpad 9 turns both sides on... yet they never go off?! any tips? (yes.. dont hit 7 8 or 9... hehe)

0 (zero) turns them off...
New guy ere
Thank you for the info kind sir.
That helped.. you have no idea how anoyed others were all through the night with my blinkers
I still love the option of blinkers though..especially for a beginner in this game, just a shame i'd have to use a profiler to get it to my controller. (i never had to use it before.. hehe) Or.. i'd have to make a mount for the keyboard on the racingconstruction i built. grinn.. Loving this sim more and more!

Another newbie says hi
Hi! I'm a noob who mostly autocrosses/ karts getting some practice in the off season

I installed LFS at work during lunch and now my whole office races at lunchtime!
Another noob says HI

I'm a demo racer for a loooong time. But probably i'll buy S2 This week
Just unlocked S2 last night, and love the autocrossing. I plan to compete in real autocross events this whole summer. I did a couple last year, but it was at the end of the year so I didn't get much for experience.

My name is 123abc online too.
Hello everyone!
Yo! Im a fresh faced noob in LFS. Already unlocked S2 and just watching some races is a delight in itself. Can't wait to get skinning! Racing with the mouse, can't afford to get a wheel yet. I look forward to seeing you all out there and racing along side you :jester:

Nice to see you already got s2 hope to see you grow in skill!!!

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )