The online racing simulator
This patch is bad
(249 posts, started )
I really dont get why everyone is mad about the new patch...
I'm a drifter and I race. When you drift, you dont HAVE to clutch kick EVERY corner... All I do is shift the weight of the car really quickly and it gets its sliding properly and every once in a while maybe give it a little clutch kick but not ALL the time... Just clutch kick a bit and make sure your clutch doesnt heat too much and if it does well stop clutch kicking and drift other ways. Its not the ONLY way of drifting.

This patch is way more for racing. I like everything in the new patch exept one thing and that is the tires. If I attack a corner a bit too hard they grill too fast. I tried racing 10 laps in X38 or 39 with the RB4 in SO6 and my front-left tire was all red after about 5 laps. I tried lowering the camber and putting a bit more tire pressure but I guess that didnt do it. Tires heating up so fast is the only thing that bothers me but even that you can get use to. Just change your driving.

As for the clutch it doesnt burn for me unless im standing still in 5th gear and try to move... in a race just learn to lift the throttle at the right time for it not to burn. Took me a bit of practice in the FZR but in the other cars it was no problem. It was hard in the X30-35 (or something like that) not to burn your clutch. That was bad because if you didnt lift the clutch in time maybe twice it would start to slip.

I love the new patch and theres no reason to whine about the added realism. I don't drive so I can't tell you if it feels more real sideways or even racing but theres no reason at all to whine about the new transmission (clutch heating) and lifting the throttle when shifting.
Clutch sucks bad as i said in other thread, you down shift only alittle bit and bang the car is dead how is that realistic?
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Clutch sucks bad as i said in other thread, you down shift only alittle bit and bang the car is dead how is that realistic?

Post replay or I won't believe you
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Clutch sucks bad as i said in other thread, you down shift only alittle bit and bang the car is dead how is that realistic?

You, sir, must be a driving god.
its funny how XCNurse had to change just about all of the posts made by te "nay" sayers to the patch.
Quote from schatten789 :Its about what the people that buy the product like and the designers have to make the game how they want it or they will start to loose money and players.

Excactly. Thats why they change the game like this.
If the devs wanted to make money they would make a NFS lookalike with guns attached to the cars, THAT would draw the masses. This is a game for the small masses who want some kind of "extreme" realism.
#232 - Woz
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Clutch sucks bad as i said in other thread, you down shift only alittle bit and bang the car is dead how is that realistic?

As others haave requested and I have in the other threads on the same subject...

Please post a replay. We can then tell you if there is a clutch problem or if the problem is you.

As most think the clutch is right I have a good hunch but will wait for the replay.
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Clutch sucks bad as i said in other thread, you down shift only alittle bit and bang the car is dead how is that realistic?

I managed to clutch kick, shift lock, and pretty much shift with no clutch applied for 10 laps of drifting....then the tires went bang...

I really DO believe that the game is starting to lose people who can't drive...
Quote from squidhead :I managed to clutch kick, shift lock, and pretty much shift with no clutch applied for 10 laps of drifting....then the tires went bang...

I really DO believe that the game is starting to lose people who can't drive...

I must say, personally i was worried at first.. but after spending couple days simply practicing heal and toe and manual cluthing.. im loving it..
Im much slower now, but speed will come in time. So little patience.. and try to adjust to the changes.. and you might get a reward actually enjoying the game on a new level.
Okie how about this. You start your car on 5th gear or even 4th which you can do in real life, the turbo cars in the game are the worst for this (clutch error) You star driving from 5th gear then bang the clutch goes.. how is that real?
I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell these people are doing wrong. I drive the same as I always have (I've been using a button clutch for a long time) and have burned the clutch just once - when I was TRYING TO.

Throttle off.
Engage clutch.
Release clutch.
Throttle on.

Or with auto-clutch:
Throttle off.
Throttle on.

Where's the problem? I really want to see these replays.

I think the odds are you've all been driving in an unrealistic way, which would have been burning the clutch all along if the feature had been included. Now that it is, please try to learn how to drive.
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Okie how about this. You start your car on 5th gear or even 4th which you can do in real life, the turbo cars in the game are the worst for this (clutch error) You star driving from 5th gear then bang the clutch goes.. how is that real?

I've not tried this in LFS yet (why would one), but I'd imagine as long as the revs are kept low as you would in reality, and you are progressive with the clutch as you would in reality, then LFS will manage it without too much heat.

Maybe someone needs to try it (and post the replay, because that IS important).
People still fail to realise that auto-clutch in LFS keeps the clutch in way longer than it needs to be kept really. This makes the clutch slip and causes it to heat up.

If you are going to post making referrence to how the clutch heats up on starts, unless you are using a manual clutch, shut up.
Quote from Darkone55 :Easy.

Check this, starting at 1 min:

and then the attachment.

Nice and yes you can do it in real life. I just went on Blackwood track and tried XF GTR , started in 6th gear, went off and within 10seconds clutch went lol so..? so really i doubt i go back to lfs now, been playing it for years and no i don't want to change to wheel. I like using keyboard for changing gears and mouse to steer/accelerate/brake. Unless i got settings wrong but doubt i have.
I'm sure the XFR can do 6th gear starts just fine, especially with sensible gearing.

But why would you EVER want to do that, and so how is that a reason to leave LFS?

Can you post a replay of your XFR start please?
Here's a SPR of me doing an entire lap of Blackwood in 6th gear, with autoclutch, and the clutch was barely warm afterwards. If I had a clutch pedal I'm certain I could have done a lot better. I don't know what you're doing mate, but it's all you, whatever it is.
Attached files
6th gear lap XFR.spr - 47.6 KB - 196 views
Quote from daanroof :I personally think that the engine is too weak, not many cars that drifts has a 140bhp engine..

a very popular drifting car is the AE86 (Toyota Sprinter Trueno), aka, hachi-roku (八六). this because doubly true after initial-d became popular.

the AE86 only had 130 hp (97 kW) and 103 ft·lb (140 nm). pretty close to the XFG

and if you can't figure it out, try watching the Drift Bible. There is a part in that video, where Tsuchiya-san shows you how to drift with a low power car (35 minute mark). The car he uses, FYI, is the the AE86.
Quote from glyphon :
the AE86 only had 130 hp (97 kW) and 103 ft·lb (140 nm). pretty close to the XFG

XFG is front wheel drive shopping cart, I believe you did meant XRG which is at least 200kg heavier than AE86 and 100kg heavier than one of my IRL cars that has around same amount of power but same weight distribution as XRG.
Quote from JTbo :XFG is front wheel drive shopping cart, I believe you did meant XRG which is at least 200kg heavier than AE86 and 100kg heavier than one of my IRL cars that has around same amount of power but same weight distribution as XRG.

oop. i did mean the XRG

AE86 weight: 1089 kg (2400 lb) :: 53%F:47%R (89.07 W/kg)
XRG weight: 1167 kg (2572 lb) :: 54%F 46%R (89.11 W/kg)

going off of of those stats, the two cars seem to be very similar.
Quote from glyphon :oop. i did mean the XRG

AE86 weight: 1089 kg (2400 lb) :: 53%F:47%R (89.07 W/kg)
XRG weight: 1167 kg (2572 lb) :: 54%F 46%R (89.11 W/kg)

going off of of those stats, the two cars seem to be very similar.

They are, in my memory there was XRT weight instead of XRG

My car is 1075kg 52%F: 48%R and 140hp.
#249 - Woz
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Okie how about this. You start your car on 5th gear or even 4th which you can do in real life, the turbo cars in the game are the worst for this (clutch error) You star driving from 5th gear then bang the clutch goes.. how is that real?

Quote from orange_boy_uk really i doubt i go back to lfs now, been playing it for years and no i don't want to change to wheel. I like using keyboard for changing gears and mouse to steer/accelerate/brake. Unless i got settings wrong but doubt i have.

LOL so funny. You are NOT using controls that will allow you the subtle control required to do what you say. People have since posted SPR files showing YOU can do this in LFS.

Its not the fault of LFS that you choose to use a digital control and then try to do an EXTREME start, in respect of the clutch, and then say its not realistic.

Try it again and then WATCH a replay. WATCH the clutch pedal bar and see what it does. I will be its the AUTO clutch doing the damage because you DO NOT have enough control over the gas and clutch.

NOW try the same sort of control inputs IRL Smile

So to recap... Real controls in = realistic clutch heat up. Unrealistic inputs = dead clutch.


This patch is bad
(249 posts, started )