The online racing simulator
2008 BMW E92 M3 for rFactor released
(50 posts, started )
2008 BMW E92 M3 for rFactor [WIP]
Well i've tried it along with many other things in rfactor, but i just absolutely despize the game. Since when does a Porsche Carrera handle like the QE2!!!
#3 - ajp71
Quote from LFSn00b :hmm... I'm pretty sure this has been released already?

Yep, i've installed this few months ago

Learn to read and you'll see the changes.

@Jaws - with a properly built car and real feel you should be pleasantly suprised, I haven't written of rF totally but wouldn't touch the Carrera mod either
Wow... people releasing cars for rFactor on the LFS forum. What has the world come to?
Quote from LFSn00b :hmm... I'm pretty sure this has been released already?

Yep, i've installed this few months ago

lol niko...

anyways, now that see jtbo and was involved and kangaloosh was used, i think i'll try it out. i was gonna ignore it before.
This is an update of the previous version which I released a couple of months ago. The birth of my daughter in early October has kept me busy since then and I have only recently been able to find some time to continue working on the car.

This update includes reworked tyres, aero and adjustments to the steering weight and feel. I'm more satisfied with the handling and feel of this version than previous releases.

This is a project that I have been doing for myself but I'm having fun throwing the car around the track and thought others might enjoy doing the same. If you want to try it, great. If you don't, oh well, no loss.
i cant feel anything through the steering unless i hit a rumblestrip or go offroad. i am using a dfp and realfeel. i tried playing around with different realfeel settings... and still nothing. does the real car offer almost no steering feel as well? even when i have it set to heavy steering.
#8 - ajp71
Quote from Gabkicks :does the real car offer almost no steering feel as well? even when i have it set to heavy steering.

The real car has no steering feel, simply feedback. Like all mainstream cars for the last two decades it has power assisted steering so it's just like driving with a very good force feedback, the BMWs I've driven (both E36s) were very lightly assisted, which gave better feedback but still not the real feel older cars offered. Unless they've made a big change the steering should still be relatively heavy though. I'm going to go and get round to having a go in this, although to be honest I find the car a completely uninspiring concept
#9 - JTbo
My 1st thought, wtf, I have not... then I remembered that oh yes, I did post some quickly made damage for older release of this, my old brain is weak on memory

If damage has not been updated, it is rather quick that might do it's job somehow, but not best that engine is capable of, I would think it still is quite far ahead most mods in that aspect, but maybe it was bit improved for this version, might check it out when I get some free HDD space, so many LFS copies at the moment and only 300GB space
Has anybody tried the new drift mod yet? I'm downloading it just to try the new Eurospeedway track. The screens of the new UI are interesting, showing what can be done, although they look far sillier and only slightly more convenient than the standard ones it looks like a nice demonstration of what could be done by someone who didn't get distracted making stuff over complicated or look silly.
Well I tried the drift mod, certainly very easy to go and keep it sideways but the car just piles into understeer if you don't have the tail end sticking out. Yet to work out whether it's bending the rules of physics or not. It's the first ISI mod where there's any kind of damage, pleased to finally see that. As for the UI it's pants, but it shows what can be done, quite a bit has changed, they've somehow made a lot of the menus worse to use and the most retarded thing is they've removed the mod list so you have to scroll through them to get the mod you want, having to wait for rF to load each mod as it goes through, how special can you get :doh:

I'm pleased to see though that the UI has radically changed, it certainly gives hope for some better changes in the future.
What do you guys think of racer? I've decided to take a break from LFS for a while, and decided to look around for a decent-ish sim to play with. I remembered hearing about racer, so decided to download it. my first impressions were very poor. The " ini" file (which is basically the file how the physics is set up) on the car that came with racer (lamborghini murcialago (sp)) was very poor. After downloading a new car (Fiat Punto GT ) and a new track, i was very impressed. Now, its all i play

Great game, especially for freeware. The graphics are nice too :P
i think racer is rubbish tbh... i hve installed it countless times, and i think the longest it stayed on my pc was a few weeks and that was ages ago. i installed it a few days ago and quickly uninstalled. there are some nice cars and tracks... but overall it still feels very amateur.
#14 - JJ72
a problem here, real feel with my G25 give me absolutely no force while on tarmac (not even any centering force), the other setting works as it should although they are all rubbish.
JJ, a couple of things to try:

First, try reducing the RealFeel MaxForceAtSteeringRack setting for the car. This is done by editing the RealFeelPlugin.ini file in the main rFactor folder and finding the entry for the BMW_E92_M3_2008. The smaller the MaxForceAtSteeringRack setting, the stronger the force feedback will feel. Alternatively, you can use RealFeel's in-game HotKey controls to adjust the MaxForceAtSteeringRack value in real-time. While on the track, press Left Control+Numpad 7 to decrease the setting in 1000N increments, Left Control+Numpad 9 to increase in 1000N steps or Right Control+Numpad 7 to decrease/Right Control+Numpad 9 to increase in 100N steps.

Second, you can try adjusting the caster in the in-game garage. Increasing the caster will produce more self-aliging torque. The default caster I have used for the car is 7°8' which is accurate according to the official BMW specifications as shown in the following manual: ... Training--Information.pdf
Racer is aweful, if you want a second sim to play around in rF is a much better option.

Quote from JJ72 :a problem here, real feel with my G25 give me absolutely no force while on tarmac (not even any centering force), the other setting works as it should although they are all rubbish.

You've not turned FF off in the rF options page have you? It needs to be turned on in order for realfeel to work, it's best to set it on low in rF because that gives the least interference.
Quote from Gabkicks :i cant feel anything through the steering unless i hit a rumblestrip or go offroad. i am using a dfp and realfeel. i tried playing around with different realfeel settings... and still nothing. does the real car offer almost no steering feel as well? even when i have it set to heavy steering.

I haven't driven an E92 M3 but I have driven my brother-in-law's factory stock E46 M3 a handful of times and I have used that as a baseline for steering weight and feel.
#18 - JJ72
hm....not really impressed.

maybe it's setup related, but this cars seems to have huge body control issues, it's way too soft and wobbily, when I trial brake it will initially generate some oversteer but then the weight swings backwards like a cruiseship and turn into some hopeless understeer. The understeer reminds me of GTL - where the grip just disappeared once it started to skid, I know the original simbin game has too good to be true grip values but this seems a bit too bad, for a BMW sport saloon.

And my top speed on the back straight of nurburgring is a patheic 230kph. I don't know if the gear ratio are base on the real thing, but second gear is too low to be used smoothly on most tracks I tested.
Quote from JJ72 :hm....not really impressed.

maybe it's setup related, but this cars seems to have huge body control issues, it's way too soft and wobbily, when I trial brake it will initially generate some oversteer but then the weight swings backwards like a cruiseship and turn into some hopeless understeer. The understeer reminds me of GTL - where the grip just disappeared once it started to skid, I know the original simbin game has too good to be true grip values but this seems a bit too bad, for a BMW sport saloon.

And my top speed on the back straight of nurburgring is a patheic 230kph. I don't know if the gear ratio are base on the real thing, but second gear is too low to be used smoothly on most tracks I tested.

The real car is governor limited to a top speed of 155mph (250km/h). On a flat stretch of road, the mod will top out at around 250km/h as shown in the attached screenshot. The back straight at the Nordschleife rFactor track is a slightly uphill run which is why the mod is only able to achieve around 235km/h instead of its potential 250km/h max.

The gearing ratios used are accurate per the official BMW specifications. I compared the mod's acceleration profile on the skidpad to a test drive done by Car & Driver magazine and found the following:

Car & Driver E92 M3 Mod
------------ ----------

1/4 mile 12.9s, 111 mph 12.7s, 110.8 mph

0-60mph 4.4s 4.19s

70-0mph 163 ft 164 ft

Acceleration, time to mph:

mph C&D Mod Ratio
--- ---- ---- -----
30 1.70 1.69 0.99
40 2.50 2.56 1.02
50 3.30 3.29 1.00
60 4.40 4.19 0.95
70 5.60 5.45 0.97
80 7.10 6.82 0.96
90 8.60 8.27 0.96
100 10.40 10.26 0.99
110 12.70 12.50 0.98
120 15.10 14.98 0.99

As you can see, the profile is similar.

I have also compared on-board laps of the real car around Hockenheim to laps with the mod around the same track in rFactor. The lap times are similar, the amount of steering input and countersteering required in the corners is roughly comparable and the mod and the real car both wash out and produce tyre scrub and squeal in the same places.

Of course, handling and feel are subjective and I have tried to make the car feel solid with mass and inertia instead of simply feeling like it's floating above the road which is how most cars in rFactor feel to me. Clearly, that approach hasn't worked. Oh well. Thanks for your feedback.
Attached images
#20 - JJ72
Not your fault I guess, since you don't have the exact chassis setup value to start with. Anyone know a setup that is closest to the original car?

still a good job converting it.
whoops i made a mistake, ignore my posts in htis thread.
Quote from JJ72 :Not your fault I guess, since you don't have the exact chassis setup value to start with. Anyone know a setup that is closest to the original car?


There's not a lot of information available for the E92 M3 regarding suspension tuning yet. However, I suspect you'll find the attached files more to your liking. They're based on H&R kits for the E46 M3. Extract the HDV and TBC files from the attached ZIP and copy both files into the GameData\Vehicles\BMW_E92_M3_2008 folder overwriting the files that are already there.
Attached files - 9.4 KB - 465 views
Wallowy big understeery car that can easily be made to slide with the throttle. Just like the real thing ugly and not an M3 IMO. Apart from the crap choice of car it's been nicely modeled and is so much better than what SimBin came up with
I'm going to guess that the new more conventional setup wasn't any more to your liking than the original? What aspects of the feel/handling/modeling are you disappointed with?

Yeah, that's more or less what I was aiming for. It is a street car after all. It's not nimble but with judicious use of your right foot you can still have a lot of fun with it on some of the smaller club tracks.
#25 - JJ72
I've not tried it long enough to give it some decent feedback yet, I will get back to you when I do

2008 BMW E92 M3 for rFactor released
(50 posts, started )