My wife got me some new shoes, a movie I bought her, a movie she knows I don't like, so she could watch it, a bunch of booze and bacon flavored toothpicks and mints, and some bacon bandages, and some other bacon related items.
I got her some photopaper and a photoprinter, a new mp3 player, a hello kitty alarm clock, a couple books, a pink pats jersey and a diamond necklace shaped like a star.
My mother in law got me a sweet new set of grill shit, some socks, some hot sauce, a new computer chair and a shirt from a pub in Ireland, that was like the one that I bought while I was there, which I managed to lose the last time I was in florida visiting her.
So its been pretty sweet so far.
In a few minutes its off to Moms to give my sister and her and my grandparents their presents, and to eat. Then to see my Dads side of the family and get drunk.
I dont really care if I get presents, but the one thing I wanted, I didnt get. Mostly because my wife knows that if I'm looking for a camera, she wont buy it unless I know exactly which one it is, otherwise the hassle of returns would ensue.