The default setup seems to use too much camber and too high pressures, so the inside edges get red while the outside edges are still cool. Grip is very low in these circumstances. Adjust your setups to load the tires more evenly. You'll have more overall grip and R1s will last longer. On short races such as those on CTRA, R1s should always be able to last the distance.
If you find that your fronts are still wearing too quickly, adjust your driving style. Use a gentler, earlier turn-in in order to maximize the moment of best rotation. Try to use as little lock as possible. Your outside tires should be right on the edge of the track at the moment of turn-in. If they aren't, you're using less of the track than is available to you. Good drivers will punish you for that.
If your rears are wearing too quickly, adjust your diff to help you on corner exit and try to be as smooth as possible when putting the power down. You should not have to countersteer to keep from spinning on the exits of slow corners.