The online racing simulator
An idea for those offline players
Hi!, I've read that the AI in LFS get quicker if you let them race around a track for ages. I was thinking, in the data\drv folder are the AI files, so I was thinking if any of you have let that thing with the AI happen and now they are really quick, why not post an attachment of the AI files here so that offline players can be happy . Personally, I mostly play online, but if you fellas would be kind enough, to send the files to [email protected] Thanks! .
actually, it's the knw folder ...
I thought about putting together a repository of AI driver .knw files a while back but it seemed like a huge task because of the number of files.

There's one file for each combination of driver, track, car, and level of expertise. That's a LOT of different combos. And you would have to make sure that any knw file that you download matched the name of your AI driver or else it wouldn't work anyway.
I just leave the AI to race around the track well I'm at uni, though most times when I come back they are all out of fuel (they need to know how to refuel), but then I set them going again get some food and they are pretty well track trained.
Well, I suppose it would be a bit difficult. I was wondering, if you were to leave them, for lets say, 3 hours, at a track like AS Nat GTR cars, how close would they be to the WR?, also, I wanted to ask, if u leave them for a long time, will they know how to race better or they'll still take their line whenever and don't care about if you're there or not. I was really angry with how the AI was in S1, but I had a few quick gos in S2, but they were like 10 seconds slower and that was on PRO.
then compare the skill on bl with a xrt for example.
i guess there hand-optimized.

cause on the 05p version there always hitting some tyres near the track, in 05.q they don't anymore...
#7 - Vain
1. The AI is bad with high-power vehicles. It will always try to see wether it can take a corner a bit faster than before, will fail, and spin away (if the car has too many hp).
2. The AI can learn how to overtake and how to evade other cars. But that needs practice. I trained my AIs by setting up a field of 10 AIs and adding an 11th AI with a really slow setup (restrict the highest gear is a good idea here). Then I make the field of AIs drive on a small track, AS Cadet for example. In the race the faster AIs have to learn how to avoid a collision with the slow AI. It will take them ages, but they'll learn it. During that procedure you can polish your own skills with the car/track-combo.
3. The AI doesn't know the effects of drafting on grip of downforce-cars. So the experience is really limited here.
4. And a small note: Even if the AI doesn't evade you, take it as a challange. Try to take over the AIs without a touch even when the AI doesn't recognize you. When you can do that you can truely race properly.

ok for the personal training, but imo the ai-ignorance can be dealt with, cause they usually drive the same lines (with minor changes) and use the same breakpoints.
But you can't predict a humans driving-style if you see these people the first time...
So how long could the AI training take? (answer from dev would be appreciated)
Here are some .knw files for the popular as3/gtr combination for 11 or 12 ai's with fzr. The ai's drive 1:45-1:48 which is quite challenging if you start from last place. Try it and you'll see what I mean. I have also included my as3 setup, which the ai's used.

The downside is, as vain said, that the ai's try to go faster each lap and won't understand, when the limit is reached. Additionally they ruin their tyres very quickly so it works only for short races (10 laps should go).
Attached files
knw.rar - 141.6 KB - 170 views
FZ50 GTR_as3race.set - 132 B - 1100 views
#10 - Jakg
if ny one can get the AI on pro get under 40 secs at the oval using the WR setup, , i salute you! all they ever do is spin!
The AI have reached there maximum after about 60 laps of practise... thats from S1 and it hasn't changed significantly in S2 until the do an overhaul on the AI

I don't think you will ever see the AI be as fast as the WR holders on a track/car combo that would be one amazing feat of artificial intellegence programing if they took no shortcuts (i.e. gave the AI better grip and such) even better than the code for the game imo

The AI are really only there to train newcomers to LFS and it does a reasonable job of that, as in if you can race consistently with the AI you'll be able to get around the track reasonably cleanly online, although not all that competitively
#12 - Jakg
Quote from B2B@300 :The AI have reached there maximum after about 60 laps of practise... thats from S1 and it hasn't changed significantly in S2 until the do an overhaul on the AI

I don't think you will ever see the AI be as fast as the WR holders on a track/car combo that would be one amazing feat of artificial intellegence programing if they took no shortcuts (i.e. gave the AI better grip and such) even better than the code for the game imo

The AI are really only there to train newcomers to LFS and it does a reasonable job of that, as in if you can race consistently with the AI you'll be able to get around the track reasonably cleanly online, although not all that competitively

no, i find the WR setup very easy to drive, but the more they train in the oval on it, the faster they get, then they start going lock-to-lock around the oval and spin, andf although it looks very cool when using Kegety's smoke textures, it isnt that useful!
Quote from Jakg :no, i find the WR setup very easy to drive, but the more they train in the oval on it, the faster they get, then they start going lock-to-lock around the oval and spin, andf although it looks very cool when using Kegety's smoke textures, it isnt that useful!

Sry should have clearified what I meant a little better, I'm refering more about S1 cars and tracks as I don't believe the AI have been updated sufficiently for S2 cars tracks and on the oval well thats where there the most likely to get the best results as it is more about race craft and less about race techniques (i.e. line, trail braking, etc.)
Quote from Jakg :if ny one can get the AI on pro get under 40 secs at the oval using the WR setup, , i salute you! all they ever do is spin!

I tried now for 15 minutes and got my AI to 37,12 on the oval (see attached replay). Of course you have to tweak the setup for his epileptic driving style.

If you put a little more afford in it as I did I'm sure you will get the AI to 36,xx so you can properly train with it.

Oh, you needn't salute me
Attached files
KY1_7.spr - 156.4 KB - 285 views
in case anybody wants to do further oval research I will post my stuff, where I stopped, as this is what the thread is intended for.

I have attached the .knw, the setup I gave him and the setup I started with.

If anyone is wondering why I rar'ed the file, it's because .knw files cannot be uploaded.
Attached files
FORMULA V8_aioval.set - 132 B - 184 views
FORMULA V8_fm-v08oval.set - 132 B - 245 views
KY1_AI3_FORMULAV8_PRO.rar - 4.5 KB - 168 views
#16 - Jakg
Quote from Ardent :in case anybody wants to do further oval research I will post my stuff, where I stopped, as this is what the thread is intended for.

I have attached the .knw, the setup I gave him and the setup I started with.

If anyone is wondering why I rar'ed the file, it's because .knw files cannot be uploaded.

i used the same starting set up, but to no avail, you succeded though!
there you go, 36,72

for me, this is already hard stuff. I am slightly faster, but the ai starts very fast and is not easy to overtake.
However, I drove my first laps ever on the oval, so nevermind.

Attached is the replay of the fastest lap and the setup. This should be very close to the limit the ai can do on the oval.
Attached files
KY1_8.spr - 157.2 KB - 256 views
FORMULA V8_aioval.set - 132 B - 260 views
t + "/w wr"...

as joined racer, and shortly you'll know if your ai's close to the limit...
Quote from micha1980de :t + "/w wr"...

as joined racer, and shortly you'll know if your ai's close to the limit...

what does the wr have to do with the ai's limit
The ai will certainly not beat the wr flailing the steering wheel around like that, but 36,72 is only half a second away (maybe it can even go a little faster). Now add the good start, the perfect consistency and the constant blocking of the race line. That should be enough to give most oval drivers a good challenge.
well if you know the WR than you can say if your trainee is horrible, had a bad day, not bad, usable, good, excellent...
it was meant to provide short handed info... while on track u know?
#21 - Jakg
Quote from Ardent :there you go, 36,72

for me, this is already hard stuff. I am slightly faster, but the ai starts very fast and is not easy to overtake.
However, I drove my first laps ever on the oval, so nevermind.

Attached is the replay of the fastest lap and the setup. This should be very close to the limit the ai can do on the oval.

hehe, exactly the maximum i got, although the AI3 is starting to over take the other cars! the only problem is drafting, but a sub 37 consistent pace, even when overtaking, is certainly nothing to be trifled with!