The online racing simulator
What gifts did you get this year?
(149 posts, started )
Quote from dawesdust_12 :XC, I'd hope that HD would be upto 480mb/s, seeing that's the USB 2.0 standard, too bad it's a burst rate unlike FireWire, so you'll very rarely (if ever) achieve that speed consistently.

Best you're likely to get through USB2.0 is probably about 25-30MB/sec average. Even through Firewire you're not looking at that much better. Here are a quick couple of benches using HDTach (showing read speed only).



Back on topic...I didn't ask for anything for Christmas so I just got a few bits and pieces. I've spent a bit on myself and others though, now that I have the luxury of a job I can afford to splash out a bit.

edit: If you're looking for a really quick external drive you could go for something eSATA. It uses a different connector than SATA but allows you to get basically the same speed as internal SATA.

eSATA (RAID0 with 2 750GB WD7500AAK, connected via PCI using RocketRaid 1742 card)
Quote from sam93 :Is the phone one of those O2 have on their network, I know a few others have them but I have one off of O2 what is the mini s, had it for about 6 months now and they're really good phones.

Correct! The phone i got my dad is a 02 XDA Trion. Its like the 02 XDA Mini S which i have atm. Looks quite similiar but the trion has updated windows mobile, faster processor and 3G video calling. Im soon going to be upgrading mine, as its showing a little wear and tear nowadays. Im thinking of upgrading to a Trion like my dad, or going for a 02 orbit. They look very nice.

Ah dont worry, natalie has'nt called the dog tyson. We both dont like that name tbh, and it does'nt suite the dog. Were still undecided on what to call him, but were wondering on either bruno or Domino.

p.s i will get some pics of him when he has settled in abit. So maybe after the new year or something.

I got:

Peugeot speedfight 2
motorbike jacket
insurance £350 Schwitz
Samsung G600 (half paid by me)
£150 (from family, half is going to G600)
Bits and Bats

Just trying to enjoy my last christmas as a kid really as next year ill have a job after i leave school Frown then ill have to actually buy presents for all the family.
Once we'd got everybody here (my mum, sister, her little boy, and my girlfriend's dad) I felt really guilty when I saw how big the pile of presents was under the tree - I'm going to ask for gift-aid presents in future. It's not like I ever get anything I really need.

My favourite gifts this year were... "reference"-type books, from a couple of my closest friends. I don't really want to go into what they were because I'm shy Shy but they were very thoughtful gifts and I intend to put them to good use in the new year.

I also got a lovely photo of my nephew from my sister that made me cry a little bit. Smile
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Correct! The phone i got my dad is a 02 XDA Trion. Its like the 02 XDA Mini S which i have atm. Looks quite similiar but the trion has updated windows mobile, faster processor and 3G video calling. Im soon going to be upgrading mine, as its showing a little wear and tear nowadays. Im thinking of upgrading to a Trion like my dad, or going for a 02 orbit. They look very nice.

Ah dont worry, natalie has'nt called the dog tyson. We both dont like that name tbh, and it does'nt suite the dog. Were still undecided on what to call him, but were wondering on either bruno or Domino.

p.s i will get some pics of him when he has settled in abit. So maybe after the new year or something.

Thank god, a lot of people in plymouth have started to call their staffs Tyson, Tyson was a boxer not a staff lol, some people give staffs a bad name, some people give pits bad names, but if you bring them up right they are fine, only get aggressive when being protective like any dog, you can get a lab to be evil.
Can't wait to see the pics, just don't let it do what they want, else they will take the piss out of you, has happened to a few of my mates who have let their staffs do what they want, and now they joy and do what they want, they can't stop them
I got

*Ipod nano 8gb
*Car drawing/design book
*R/C hellicopter
*R/C airplane

how do i add movies to my ipod nano?
what movie files?
I tried to take a movie from a dvd, but the file didnt work on the ipod.
I got a tin of "Organic Scottish all butter shortbread biscuits" Frown

Seriously, thats it, thats all i got Frown not even a sock or underpant in sight Frown

I hate christmas :grumpy:
Quote from Mazz4200 :I got a tin of "Organic Scottish all butter shortbread biscuits" Frown

Seriously, thats it, thats all i got Frown not even a sock or underpant in sight Frown

I hate christmas :grumpy:

What the hell?I bet that wasn't ALL you got after you ate them.Big grin
Quote from Mazz4200 :I got a tin of "Organic Scottish all butter shortbread biscuits" Frown

Seriously, thats it, thats all i got Frown not even a sock or underpant in sight Frown

I hate christmas :grumpy:

You have to look at it from a different point of view.

On the plus side you got some biscuits AND a free tin to do whatever you want with.
Quote from JO53PHS :You have to look at it from a different point of view.

On the plus side you got some biscuits AND a free tin to do whatever you want with.

Like throw it at him ^^ Big grin
Quote from Mazz4200 :I got a tin of "Organic Scottish all butter shortbread biscuits" Frown

Whats wrong with "Organic Scottish all butter shortbread biscuits"?

Actually... I see what you mean...
I got...

Assasing Creed
Both for PS3

Some nice Sidi MTB shoes
Lampre MTb top

F1 review Dvd
and £150!
I love shortbread biscuits Shy
Quote from Ian.H :Penis enlargement pills, so I can swing away with the rest of you here Wink



They're not all that great. I respond to emails constantly and get sent them all the time. You can't wear pants any more and it's difficult to walk. I've responded so many times to my emails that I can no longer just toss it over my shoulder. I have to drag it along behind me and when walking through the mall or shop, old ladys keep tripping over it.

Sucks when you round a bend in the supermarket and it gets hooked on the bottom of the corner shelf too. I usually get some of the prettier cashiers to give it a tug to get it loose.

I get a lump of coal every single year. 7 years running and the kids still think it's hilarious.....

Quote from thisnameistaken : I don't really want to go into what they were because I'm shy Shy

If you're shy, then I'm an alien driver...
Quote from Mazz4200 :I got a tin of "Organic Scottish all butter shortbread biscuits" Frown

Seriously, thats it, thats all i got Frown not even a sock or underpant in sight Frown

I hate christmas :grumpy:

I didn't get anything at all, mate. Cheer up Thumbs up
Little late but meh...

I've got a nice meal and... that's it.
It was a very nice meal tho Smile
Quote from mrodgers :They're not all that great. I respond to emails constantly and get sent them all the time. You can't wear pants any more and it's difficult to walk. I've responded so many times to my emails that I can no longer just toss it over my shoulder. I have to drag it along behind me and when walking through the mall or shop, old ladys keep tripping over it.

Sucks when you round a bend in the supermarket and it gets hooked on the bottom of the corner shelf too. I usually get some of the prettier cashiers to give it a tug to get it loose.

I get a lump of coal every single year. 7 years running and the kids still think it's hilarious.....

Thumbs up Nice reply Big grin

Xmas is all about the kids IMO. Although I got various cool things, the best present was watching my littlen open his presents Smile


i got.... some less important things (notebook, kitchen-equipment and some silly things)
i got a S2-licence!!!!

just waiting for the voucher code^^
Quote from dawesdust_12 :If you're shy, then I'm an alien driver...

Perhaps shy was the wrong word...

Grrr. I actually don't know what a more appropriate word would be for the behaviour I want to describe, and it's irritating me immensely. I'm tempted to go dig out a thesaurus - I seriously won't be able to sleep tonight now. Frown
A new pc
The Orange Box
Zune 4gb
I just had my gifts: the ones I already knew: CD box of Geert Hoste, Ratatouille movie.
Surprise: CD box of Geert Hoste (older years), an oven glove with the ratatouille movie, e pink piggy bank (adorable!), a coupon to go XL gaming at the movies (playstation 3 in the theatre!!) And that's about it I think

What gifts did you get this year?
(149 posts, started )