question using LFSLib.Net
(5 posts, started )
question using LFSLib.Net

i'm using the LFSLib.Net but i'm also a beginner with it. i have some questions:
1. i'm not able to use a real debug version. i use the code of the lib as project in my visual studio, so it translates and includes the debug/release version in my app. is there anything i can do, if i got insim-closes, so that i can get more infos from the lfslib what's the problem? (i saw, that lfslib writes into a log, but i don't know where to find that)
2. are all parts of the lfslib which causes errors made with throwing exceptions ? in my example i got insim-closes when i use the SendMessage()-function of the insim-handler or by reveiving insimhandler-events. dont know what i am doing wrong

i use one insimhandler for all infos i receive from lfs and the same to send all my messages to lfs. is it the right approach or is it better to use different InsimHandler-instances ? atm i do my own debug outputs by sending "/msg"-messages with the "SendMessage()"-function, but i'm sure there is another way to use more debug infos from lfslib. perhaps anybody can help and tell how you do the debugging part.

thx a lot
Instead of using assemblies, include the source project in your solution. uses the Apache project's log4net. You'll need to set up log4net within your solution in order to produce output for LFSLib.

Not entirely, no in regards to exceptions.

What version of LFS are you using? It may be there are some slight changes to the InSim format in Y that cause issues with LFSLib which was updated for X. Haven't had the chance to look into it.

Quote from haelje :hi;

i'm using the LFSLib.Net but i'm also a beginner with it. i have some questions:
1. i'm not able to use a real debug version. i use the code of the lib as project in my visual studio, so it translates and includes the debug/release version in my app. is there anything i can do, if i got insim-closes, so that i can get more infos from the lfslib what's the problem? (i saw, that lfslib writes into a log, but i don't know where to find that)
2. are all parts of the lfslib which causes errors made with throwing exceptions ? in my example i got insim-closes when i use the SendMessage()-function of the insim-handler or by reveiving insimhandler-events. dont know what i am doing wrong

i use one insimhandler for all infos i receive from lfs and the same to send all my messages to lfs. is it the right approach or is it better to use different InsimHandler-instances ? atm i do my own debug outputs by sending "/msg"-messages with the "SendMessage()"-function, but i'm sure there is another way to use more debug infos from lfslib. perhaps anybody can help and tell how you do the debugging part.

thx a lot

i have to say big soorryyy. i found the main bug and it was in my app so i think there was no problem with the lfslib. i use the approach to have all the sources in a separate project and use the output of this to be included in my project as reference. so if i use a debug version to run, this will be linked against a debug-version of the lfslib

thanks for log4net hint, now i know how to get the outputs

i was testing all time last week with the testpatches and then with patch Y, because of the improved AI and i used AI races for tests a lot so if i found any probs with that after switching on the log-outputs, i definitly will post it

thanks for help
i did some research, but i was not understanding the kind of configuration of log4net, especially how to redirect the output to a TextBox if somebody can give me a hint, the project i'm writting now is available through public svn :
the sources of lfslib are included and i use the project output. any help is very welcome
You could potentially explore the possibility of writing a log4net appender. Not sure how well it'd work because the appender wouldn't know which textbox, etc. I have an appender for MessageBox.

Probably the best way would be something akin to what LFSLib's author post ... net-scrollingtextbox.html

Or potentially this ...

Quote from haelje :i did some research, but i was not understanding the kind of configuration of log4net, especially how to redirect the output to a TextBox if somebody can give me a hint, the project i'm writting now is available through public svn :
the sources of lfslib are included and i use the project output. any help is very welcome

question using LFSLib.Net
(5 posts, started )