The online racing simulator
New with a wheel, a few problems :|
well i got my dfp today and im slowly getting used to it after hours of constant spinning but i have a slite problem, whenever and i meen WHENEVER i put my foot down before or mid corner (espicialy second half of blackwood first chicane) i will allways spin out on the exit with or without ff etc the only way i can make it not is by underturning and hitting the tyres -.-. This is all in fbm fyi.

Before i started using my wheel i wasnt particulary fast i could pull 1.16 with keyboard as a PB, now im pulling 1.23+ If i manage to finish a lap, Yeah ive improved since this morning but im still failing, is this just a matter of trial and error of how far i can push myself before screwing up?

For the record im using the same set, but it even tends to happen with the defualt set and the downforce on that is a joke.

#2 - bbman
Have you set the wheel up properly (steering linearity, steering lock and so on)? Are you overdriving the car now? Can you upload a replay, that would help seeing what's the problem...
(Frankestein01nl) DELETED by Frankestein01nl : way off topic.. wrongly understood
Ill sort all this out tomorow, my wheels set up pritty fine (i tihnk) Ill post my setup my wheel settings and a lap on blackwood tomorow (One pushing it, one not)

Hmmm if its rear wheel drive, I suppose it's your driving

Do what I did -

Go round the track serveral times, Slowly then when you feel more 'confident' should I say, go a little faster and faster, This can improve your line's by far to!!! But Don't just front slow to fast being impacent because it will not work what soever. You have to take time and practise. I would'nt call myself the fastest driver out there because im not, but I am not slow at all. I went on demo for a laugh yesterday, with my best Combo, BL1 + XFG. I got atleast 2 seconds off the guy in second with a 27 second lead, WITH starting last. I did a 1.34.30, with the lap record around 1.33.7 im not to far off. This is because of lot's and lot's of practise put into this simulator. I have been with this game 1.5 years, and I have never had a single break from it. As they say, Practise make's perfect. (Even Sort of brung my karting improvment up aswell!)

Also, you need to find a setup which suit's U not the previous owner but U as the driver. That will knock alot of time off when your pushing for the last bit out of your car!
Ok heres a set of replays in the FBM on the "good" one my second lap is my best a 1.17 but what you need to bare in mind this in single player...with 20kg multiplayer handicap i used to run 1.16's

There "screw up" replay i screw up on my second lap, but the odd thing is if i do the EXACT same thing on a keyboard through the chikane i wouldnt screw up

Attached files
Firsyt few laps.spr - 170.7 KB - 213 views
Screw up.spr - 71.3 KB - 195 views
and here's my wheel config - I use a G25 and mainly drive SS

Might be of help.

Always try to unwind the lock as soon as possible at corner exit. As you apply throttle you need to be unwinding the lock.

Good luck.
If you mean by "putting your foot down" that you apply full throttle coming out of a corner it's normal you spin off, especially with a real wheel drive car. I suppose keyboard control gives you some sort of traction control to avoid this, but when using a wheel and pedal set your foot is your "traction control", never apply full throttle when exiting a corner but put your foot down a little at first and when you feel the traction you put your foot down (usually when you're car has straightened out and is no longer turning).

I was a keyboarder in the good old "Geoff Crammond's GP2" days in the early-mid 90's and when I bought my first steering wheel in '95 or '96 this was one of the most difficult things to master for me and I was a lot slower with wheel at first... but with some practise you'll start beating your laptimes eventually! I've never used a keyboard with LFS, but I can imagine that setups made with digital controls in mind don't work with analog controls, so try to forget your old setups.

Good luck!
#8 - bbman
Quote from jimaxx :Ok heres a set of replays in the FBM on the "good" one my second lap is my best a 1.17 but what you need to bare in mind this in single player...with 20kg multiplayer handicap i used to run 1.16's

There "screw up" replay i screw up on my second lap, but the odd thing is if i do the EXACT same thing on a keyboard through the chikane i wouldnt screw up


Do you drive with locked diff? If yes, get rid of it - fast... The car understeers like mad going into the corner, which makes you apply even more lock than you have already (which on it's own is too much), than you apply power, the front grips again and you do a u-turn...
I like my 720 degrees, as it fits the rotation on most of the lower end cars, and its a bit more gradual. Realistic on how fast you can turn the tires also. Ive played with a mouse to try and drift on my laptop, its funny seeing the tires jerk into max lock.
I found this, to. I used a gamepad befoe christmas, now i use DFP, yay! I atlast (can get slightly faster then before). My technique is to come into corner so it !!JUST!! grips, then blip the throttle up down up down, yes it hurst your foot but they will get used to it lol! It just keep the rear end in, then further through the corner you can ease the throttle on more until you are flat on the floor. BTW - i am not very fast on the track but oh well it works for cornering.
Quote from samforey12345 :I found this, to. I used a gamepad befoe christmas, now i use DFP, yay! I atlast (can get slightly faster then before). My technique is to come into corner so it !!JUST!! grips, then blip the throttle up down up down, yes it hurst your foot but they will get used to it lol! It just keep the rear end in, then further through the corner you can ease the throttle on more until you are flat on the floor. BTW - i am not very fast on the track but oh well it works for cornering.

Quote from Jackie Stewart :Never press the throttle until you know you don't have to take it off again! Many people stomp in the throttle, take their foot off, press it again, lift it off and finally get it on again... You don't want to do that...
Its easier to get the right speed taking it off on off on and it is a good way to create maximum grip
I don't think it's a good idea doing it like that, because it's increasing the risk of going beyond the tire's grip.
I mean, when you floor it, you are putting X HP in the drivetrain, in this case, the wheels, when you release it, you are putting Y HP again in the wheels, but in the oposite direction, so you'll have two opportunities to screw the turn.
Yes, I know, the diferential settings help to decrease this, but, anyway, you can go beyond twice.
Quote from samforey12345 :Its easier to get the right speed taking it off on off on and it is a good way to create maximum grip

No it's not... Weight shifting WILL throw the car off balance, generating LESS traction than if you did it smoothly... Just because it worked doesn't mean it's good... In fact, you will be slower with your technique than if you did it properly.
Speedster 3
Anyone know if this will work and what drivers i might need - it will save me waiting to buy the G25 (skint after xmas).
