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Temperature Monitors
(23 posts, started )
Temperature Monitors
Can anybody recommend a GOOD temperature monitor for an Asus P5N32-E mobo with a Core2Quad processor stuck on it?

I tried SpeedFan, but it said that one of my temps was 101 deg CELCIUS!!!!

After a VERY quick panic check of the major components (By touch/hand near/etc) I can ascertain that NOTHING is running that hot, Only thing I didn't touch was the CPU itself...but the heatsink/fan block isnt that warm

Because of this obvious fault in the app, I cant trust ANY of the readings...
Any suggestions for an ACCURATE (ish) application?
Have a look for "Asusprob" which should be on the motherboards CD.
Doesn't Asus boards come anymore with an app called Asus PC Probe? It showed temps, fan revs, voltages.

EDIT: Beaten by few mins
Quote from R.Kolz :Have a look for "Assprob" which should be on the motherboards CD.

Which is another reason not to sit on it.

Sorry for the edit, R.Kolz - your legal department can get in contact with mine to settle the copyright issues.
zOMG!!! Is there a CD wiv teh Mobo?? I forgots..its so long since I had ANYTHING that came with a disk, I forgot all about it!

Good job it isn't a Pirated mobo what I d/l'd from LameWyre!!

Thanks guys, never thought about that!
Speedfan is a great program, ONCE it's been configured properly. Coretemp is another good one if your just worried about CPU tempuratures. I do believe that the Asus program that came with your motherboard would be the best bet though.
#7 - Bean0
Core Temp works great.
Attached files
Core Temp.rar - 72.7 KB - 143 views
Quote from Stang70Fastback :Core Temp works great.

Now I'm baffled! According to Core Temp each one of my cores is running at 64 - 66 deg C, yet the Asus Probe monitor says 43!!!

All I want is a RELIABLE app to let me know if I need a better CPU fan!
#10 - Mc21
I suppose Asus is the more reliable.. Since they made the motherboard
Use Intel's Thermal Analysis Tool. That will give you acurate readings.
Quote from pb32000 :Use Intel's Thermal Analysis Tool. That will give you acurate readings.

Quote from T A T Readme :
The Intel Thermal Analysis Tool supports only Intel chipsets.

I have an nVidia 6xx SLI chipset
Thanks anyway
Coretemp will be the most accurate, gets a temperature from the internal temperature diode thingy on the cpu
I agree with Beano, Everest is a cracking little app, but i don't think the free version is available anymore ? I now use SiS-Sandra which seems to give an accurate reading, plus all the extra stuff comes in pretty handy, but it's not as good as Everest.

There's another free bundle i was using a while back which was excellent, but i can't for the life of me remember its name, if the name comes to me i'll post a link.
#15 - Jakg
SpeedFan will report "odd" readings from sensors, however the latest beta rocks for me. I've compared Beta 36 to TAT and it was the same readings, you just need to ignore the odd 127 degree ones...

Everest works but is FAR to clunky. CoreTemp doesn't work under x64 and i've never liked it, as SpeedFan also does Core and CPU temps readings. Intel TAT is the best, but without it your screwed.
Quote from Bladerunner :Now I'm baffled! According to Core Temp each one of my cores is running at 64 - 66 deg C, yet the Asus Probe monitor says 43!!!

All I want is a RELIABLE app to let me know if I need a better CPU fan!

Core Temp would be giving the correct readings since it takes it's information from the on-die temp sensor that the manufacturer builds into the CPU. Asus Probe gets the reading from the mobo sensor, which is typically not as accurate. My Asus Probe was giving readings that were 10 degrees warmer than my actual CPU according to Core Temp. It doesn't do much, but it's small and simple and does what it does well.
Oh BUMS!!! If Core Temp is the most accurate and reliable then I am in DEEP Doodoo!
Like I said, CoreTemp is reporting 60+ deg C at IDLE!!!!
/Me starts looking at better cooling solutions!

While we are at it, can anybody explain (in easy to understand plain English, if possible ) what TJunction and Delta to Tjunction means?
#18 - J.B.
In short:

Tcase is the temp that your BIOS and most other software tells you. The maximum for this is what the CPU manufacturers tell you. Usually 70ish.

Tjunction is the same as core temperature and is obviously hotter than than Tcase. The max temp for this is what CoreTemp calls Tjunction and is either 85 or 100 for Intel and unknown for AMD.

Keep Tcase under Tcase max and Tjunction under Tjunction max and you're fine. Many people insist that computer parts should be run at way lower temperatures than the manufacturer specs but there really is no reason to do so if you're not overclocking.
Quote from Bladerunner :I have an nVidia 6xx SLI chipset
Thanks anyway

Ahhh I didn't know that, you learn something new every day
#20 - Jakg
Quote from Stang70Fastback :Core Temp would be giving the correct readings since it takes it's information from the on-die temp sensor that the manufacturer builds into the CPU. Asus Probe gets the reading from the mobo sensor, which is typically not as accurate. My Asus Probe was giving readings that were 10 degrees warmer than my actual CPU according to Core Temp. It doesn't do much, but it's small and simple and does what it does well.


ASUS PC Probe is always rubbish for me.

THE most accurate thing is Intel TAT, and while CoreTemp is accurate, SpeedFan Beta 36 can read the core temps as well...
Quote from Bladerunner :Oh BUMS!!! If Core Temp is the most accurate and reliable then I am in DEEP Doodoo!
Like I said, CoreTemp is reporting 60+ deg C at IDLE!!!!
/Me starts looking at better cooling solutions!

While we are at it, can anybody explain (in easy to understand plain English, if possible ) what TJunction and Delta to Tjunction means?

Just to quote myself
Just installed a bigger, more powerful CPU cooler, and temps have dropped to 32 deg C (Asus Probe) or 49 deg C (CoreTemp)..that seems a bit healthier now; with any luck the CPU should last long enough until I can afford another £160 or so to replace it!
(Sarge9191) DELETED by Sarge9191
Everest FTW!!

Temperature Monitors
(23 posts, started )