I've been a couple of times on some team's public server where a South City config had been modified by the addition of tire walls and other similar elements (for example they added a wall along the pit exit line to prevent people from cutting it, etc).
When I tried using Shift+U in existing tracks, I could select elements (like cones, lines, etc), but I couldn't add them to the track. I've searched the forum and the wiki for how to do it, but I didn't find anything (I guess I didn't search for the correct terms). Any pointer to some info about this would be greatly appreciated.
When I tried using Shift+U in existing tracks, I could select elements (like cones, lines, etc), but I couldn't add them to the track. I've searched the forum and the wiki for how to do it, but I didn't find anything (I guess I didn't search for the correct terms). Any pointer to some info about this would be greatly appreciated.