The online racing simulator
1024 or 2048 for skin files?
(46 posts, started )

Poll : Which resolution would you like skins for cars uploaded?

Sock 'em to me at a mammoth 2048.
whisk 'em in at sleek 1024.
I don't give a monkeys...just give 'em to me baby.
512, but I (almost) always use 2048 for skins I download from here or if I use my own skin.
Quote from XCNuse :227 inches (18.9 feet)
~578 cm (obviously, 5.78 meters)

lol.. that's HUGE!

erm, i think there's another value to take credit of:


well i know windows only uses 96dpi on standard monitors and i don't want to start a discussion about who's monitor accounts for the highest dpi, but, the higher the dpi on your vision-device the larger the textures could get without beeing bigger than a 5.78m car

I did 16384*16384 as a test. I just slapped on heaps of huge images.

First, i started to resize the prokit, photoshop crashed. So i got rid of all the layers cept for the black mask, and resized it. It didn't crash

I then imported some 7MB images to photoshop. It then crashed.

Last time, i did the same thing and it didn't crash. i then saved it at maximum quality, which ended up crashing photoshop.

Last time i saved it again, saved it at medium quality. IT SAVED!

i then went to my folder i saved it in to see the damage. It ended up being 300MB.

Quite big ey?

So i thought i'm at this stage, i may aswell try lfs.

Went into lfs, and it said error, too much graphics or something.

And that's my story of the 16384*16384 image.

Never again. EVER
my maximum texture size is 4096*4096 pixels.
Anyone able to load greater sizes?
#30 - JJ72
It depends if the quality and design of the skin is worth 2048...
#31 - Gunn
Quote from micha1980de :erm, i think there's another value to take credit of:


well i know windows only uses 96dpi on standard monitors and i don't want to start a discussion about who's monitor accounts for the highest dpi, but, the higher the dpi on your vision-device the larger the textures could get without beeing bigger than a 5.78m car


The "dpi" setting is for printing. You won't see any noticeable difference on screen between 96, 300, 600 etc.
not on screen right, because the screen has a fixed dpi, try to get a close look at standard apple monitors, they use a 110dpi setting.
And on hi-res monitors you're forced to use a higher dpi setting for displaying icons and fonts because they get really small.
so you have to agree that if our displaying devices happen to use higher dpi values, the bigger the textures can get...
anyone gonna post that 16384x16384?
#34 - Rish
I've just finished a 4096 x 4096 skin and there is no chance this thing will do any bigger (not with my patients anyway).
/me wants 32768 * 32768

Where do you get really high res skin templates that are 2084 or 4096( not in photoshop file format)
/me now makes skins at 4096*4096 and 1000 pixels per inch
Quote from JO53PHS :/me now makes skins at 4096*4096 and 1000 pixels per inch

Pointless...all you are doing by having 1000ppi is telling your computer the skins you make are just over 4 inches square... It really makes no difference to skinning the cars.
dpi, ppc etc. only make a difference when you output them to a printer.
Quote from Marlbro :Pointless...all you are doing by having 1000ppi is telling your computer the skins you make are just over 4 inches square... It really makes no difference to skinning the cars.
dpi, ppc etc. only make a difference when you output them to a printer.

/me didn't know
/me now makes skins at 2084*2084 because he wants a half decent frame rate

/me says sorry for starting everything with /me
ive made skins at 1024 and 2048.
for most dumb skins tho, 1024 is plenty
if it has lots of detail then 2048 is better.
but for just online racing, i stick with 512.
i value FPS much more than being able to see a pixel on my car
Can we double 2048 again or is that not possible?

Quote from dmwright :Can we double 2048 again or is that not possible?


If your system can take it you can have 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 and so on
Quote from JO53PHS :If your system can take it you can have 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 and so on

/me goes to computer shop and gets top the range system ever in pc history. hmmm how about 30gb ram
#43 - Rish
Quote from dmwright :/me goes to computer shop and gets top the range system ever in pc history. hmmm how about 30gb ram

Quote from Zachary Zoomy :I recall Scawen saying that you won't see any notable difference in skins bigger that 4096 x 4096.

Quote from Zachary Zoomy :I recall Scawen saying that you won't see any notable difference in skins bigger that 4096 x 4096.

And people say there's hardly any audible difference between lossless compression and non-lossless compression.
I disagree, and to prove my statement, the hubble telescope used a far more greater resolution than any comsumer/semi pro/pro cam uses these days...
In short, resolution matters.
The more, the better.

Quote from JO53PHS :/me didn't know
/me now makes skins at 2084*2084 because he wants a half decent frame rate

/me says sorry for starting everything with /me

/me smacks joseph in the head for doing /me so much.
#46 - Rish
Quote from HellBoy99 :/me smacks joseph in the head for doing /me so much.

I'm soooo tempted to add that to my sig . Read that out loud to yourself! PMSL

1024 or 2048 for skin files?
(46 posts, started )