I have just discovered the cause of all the recient racing headaches, unless I'm behind and people already know/think this, then please let me have my moment.
Now with the new patch and all there is this new filter that is at the bottom of the connections screen called "cruise". Of course it filters out all the cruise servers, but the thing is, it is automaticly on when the version is updated from patch "X" (pun intended
) to Y. So, now that the cruise servers are automaticly filtered out, even if they are wanted to be shown, most of the people that used to hangout there are now populating the reace servers. The race servers are, and have been, more populated since patch Y (just an observation no acutal data to be shown).
After noticing that, I had curiously repopulated my connections list with the "cruise" filter off and noticed that most had a population of about 8 - 10 users, wich is a major difference compared to a usuall population, before patch Y, of about 20+ users.
So If I am behind in thinking this then o well :doh:, but if not then whats your oppinion? And do you have another conclusion?
Now with the new patch and all there is this new filter that is at the bottom of the connections screen called "cruise". Of course it filters out all the cruise servers, but the thing is, it is automaticly on when the version is updated from patch "X" (pun intended

After noticing that, I had curiously repopulated my connections list with the "cruise" filter off and noticed that most had a population of about 8 - 10 users, wich is a major difference compared to a usuall population, before patch Y, of about 20+ users.
So If I am behind in thinking this then o well :doh:, but if not then whats your oppinion? And do you have another conclusion?