United States of America Sign Up
This is where all American's can sign up to be apart of the United States of America world series team.

Sign Up Form

LFSWorld Username:
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: yes/no
Skills: driver, nation's manager, skinner, supporter, other
may pick more than 1
Quote from Arrow. :Australian United States of America world series team.

Sweet, an Aussie-Yankee Alliance team!!!

LFSWorld Username: Tweaker
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: YES
Skills: driver (probably not, because of disconnect issue), nation's manager, skinner, supporter, & world domination
If you can race you should think about it tweaker, we need speed!

LFSWorld Username:
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: No (might consider if needed)
Skills: driver, supporter, media/video
Quote from Arrow. :Sign Up Form

LFSWorld Username: DeadWolfBones
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: no
Skills: driver

Sign Up Form

LFSWorld Username: srdsprinter
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: no
Skills: driver, nation's manager assistant, supporter, race strategist, other

LFSWorld Username: Dygear
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: No (Yes If Needed).
Skills: Driver, supporter, programmer, and designer.
Sign Up Form

LFSWorld Username: rcpilot
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: no
Skills: driver, skinner (kinda), supporter?, setups
Sign Up Form

LFSWorld Username: Transam2k4
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: no
Skills: driver, supporter ?!?
Sign Up Form

LFSWorld Username: Jinxboy
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: Sure
Skills: G25driver, designer, supporter, and some setups
(MijnWraak) DELETED by MijnWraak
To everyone that has signed up so far, please read Post #3 here: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=709415#post709415 and follow the instructions to sign-up on the new forum.

I'll happily be the team manager and skinner, so please repost your driver signups in that required thread on the new forum. Thanks!
Is it too late to jump in the series?

If not:

LFSWorld Username: Falcon140
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: No
Skills: Driver, Skinner.