Warning! Keep Steam far, far away from LFS!
I deleted my Steam folder today (on the first of every year I remove seldom used programs) it decided to take LFS with it. And it wasn't in the same literal folder, both were a subfolder from a main folder on my one drive.

Strangely, I started playing this game exactly two years ago. Time to start over. Thankfully I DID save my settings folder with the change to patch Y.

Yeah, I know. You do not have tell me what I probably already told myself.
Okay, thanks.

I don't use steam anyway, so I'm safe
I don't know why your blaming Steam. I've done it and nothing has happened to mine.
#4 - Nobo
May be a stupid question but what is this "steam"? Do i need it to play lfs? Well will see what wikipedia tells me...
Steam is a stupid and slow way of distributing and playing online games.

Hopefully LFS will never have anything to do with it.
I had a bad experience with steam as well, coming from a game developers perspective however steam is supposed to be literally uncrackable; so none of the games that use steam can be pirated... I do not know if this is true or not but my experience of steam was TERRIBLE and if I am the one to make the decision (which I won't be)... I don't know how it would take LFS with it unless you accidentally deleted the LFS folder, or had both selected. I do remember trying to remove steam off my computer and it taking a long long time, leaving me very unhappy. Oh well that was some time ago now and I won't be getting a game with steam again - if I can help it.
I've personally had no trouble with Steam (except once, when it failed midway through a self-update).

I can't really understand what Steam did to your LFS install, Jay, but it sounds more like user error than a problem with Steam itself.
Its quite odd how steam deleted LFS with it. Maybe it has an envy of LFS and was sent out to assasinate it...

I myself have never had problems with it, but i have heard it can be a pain in the doodah sometimes.
System Restore FTW?
Steam isnt a bad system at all, when you consider the player base for CS alone would drop most systems to there knee's.

The infrastructure to cater for that amount of players is pretty full on.
I also dont see how deleting steam would cause this, also I dont understand people slagging steam off. If microsoft got their filthy hands on it they would charge a fee like x-box live for pc games. Infact I read somewhere they were going to make a service like x-box live for the pc but the main reason was its largest competitor steam was FREE! Just remember that ITS FREE unlike x-box live.
Using "free" as an argument for "good", isn't exactly a brilliant idea. It's a bit like saying that gonorrhea is good, because it's free from an infected person.
The only thing i can imagine that happenend is steam asking :
"some files in the folder werent deleted, would u want to delete the folder anyway?" (or similar)

on which u clicked yes... with the now known consequences

Dont get annoyed with me..it's just the only possibility i can see (but i've been wrong before)
It's your fault, not valve's!
Quote from wheel4hummer :It's your fault, not valve's!

It could be, but I am very careful and deliberate when removing programs.

3 hours of tinkering and I am 90% back to normal. What really sucks is the skins I made for myself, each took a few hours to make. Guess time to make another design other than a gradient white to dark blue.
"Deleted Steam folder"? You mean shift+DEL and not the uninstaller? If yes then it can't be anything else than user error.

And everyone learns to make backups the hard way...
Quote from March Hare :Steam is a stupid and slow way of distributing and playing online games.

No and no. Steam is a great system and I've been using it since the beginning and have never had any problems with it.
Quote from deggis :"Deleted Steam folder"? You mean shift+DEL

Nope! For every program I download, I copy the uninstaller .exe and hide it in a folder for the express purpose of security, so no matter what, I can eliminate the program if need be. If for some reason there is not an uninstaller .exe, I make a notepad file in the program folder reminding me that I have to use the Windows version of "add or remove programs".

This is why I spend a full day, once a year, slowly and deliberately and with great care, eliminating unused programs. Same reason why every Sunday I do a weekly virus scan using, in order, AVG, Spybot, Ad-Aware and Hijack This. And yes, I go through EVERY F***ING LINE on the Hijack This report.

Also the same reason that if for some reason I have to end a process, I first search using the name of the process, find it's source, and then determine if I should end the process. I am so anal about my operating system, take a look at how I clock my processor:

After all times I have safely and effectively removed programs for the past X amount of years, why is it that I remove ONE program and it takes out another? I did not have a Steam client on my computer until June of 2007.

So, what can I do? Contact Steam? Well, they will probably say the same thing as other have here, "it was user error...you f***ed up". Cry about it? Well, no. It was just a game, files can be replaced. Instead, I made this thread so hopefully, it will never happen to you. And I hope it never does, that was two years of accumulated LFS-ness down the toilet.
There is no way that LFS got deleted when you removed steam. Did you uninstall it or just go deleting folders? I've seen some weird things where you have too many setup.exe
s in your temp folder that your unzip or unrar program uses and sometimes the wrong setup or uninstall.exe can launch.
Quote from the_angry_angel :Using "free" as an argument for "good", isn't exactly a brilliant idea. It's a bit like saying that gonorrhea is good, because it's free from an infected person.

But surley (stop calling me shirley) that "free" is used in a different context. Steam (you could argue) is actually something useful unlike your suggestion of gonorrhea. well maybe I should put it in your perspective? If you had to chose would you rather have "gonorrhea" for free or would you rather have gonorrhea-live gold membership for £50 which basically does the same. I know which I would want if I had to choose!
#21 - JTbo
Test Drive Unlimited removes files from root of your C: drive when uninstalling and if some other conditions where true, so I don't see impossible that steam uninstaller removes folder where it was installed into, of course it should not do it, but as it is again one of those coded while running piece of junks, almost anything is possible.

LFS is nice as only thing you need to do when installing it, is to extract to some folder, I miss .zip version though was nicer than this .exe
Alright, after starting to doubt myself, I went back and retraced what I did this morning.

It was not Steam. In other words, I was wrong. I did not manually delete the LFS folder persay, but I DID delete something that wiped out the entire folder.

So moral of the story: Do not uninstall programs when you had very few hours of sleep. Sorry for the bother. You're right, I'm wrong.

Oh, and American, if that makes some of you feel better.
#23 - JTbo
Quote from jayhawk :Alright, after starting to doubt myself, I went back and retraced what I did this morning.

It was not Steam. In other words, I was wrong. I did not manually delete the LFS folder persay, but I DID delete something that wiped out the entire folder.

So moral of the story: Do not uninstall programs when you had very few hours of sleep. Sorry for the bother. You're right, I'm wrong.

Oh, and American, if that makes some of you feel better.

But it could have been steam perfectly well
Actually just remembered something on topic and noticed. IF some files have similar or same names for example maybe ending in ".dem" my computer detects them as half-life 2 demo's (even when there not)? Maybe there was some confusion with the unistall program of steam . But then again it should only delete Files i ncertain folders
I seems really strange that steam would delete LFS with it....especially since LFS doesn't really seem to register itself on your system at all (I.E. no references to it outside the LFS folder)

outside of this one strange event I LOVE steam. No need to worry about game disks or registration codes. Even if my hard drive crashes I can just d/l steam, type in my password and download my games...no losing or scratching anything and I get really good transfer speeds. I also install my games on as many computers as I want and don't need any disks in my computer to play.