The online racing simulator
Possible Hacker
(21 posts, started )
Possible Hacker
A player called Skewen or Scewen joined my server in PINK text, but he wasnt in server list, so i couldnt kick (he has speed hack) but when he left himself, someone named [LISA] in Pink left the server, (but his name went at same time) bit confusing.

Anyone watch out for Mr Pinks.
#2 - Gunn
Quote from [DaEmOn] :A player called Skewen or Scewen joined my server in PINK text, but he wasnt in server list, so i couldnt kick (he has speed hack) but when he left himself, someone named [LISA] in Pink left the server, (but his name went at same time) bit confusing.

Anyone watch out for Mr Pinks.

When you see suspicious behaviour please try to save a replay. Then send the replay to one of us moderators, don't post it publicly.
With replay evidence we can investigate properly and, if necessary, do something about it.
Quote from [DaEmOn] :A player called Skewen or Scewen joined my server in PINK text

Wouldn't be Scawen by any chance? lol
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Wouldn't be Scawen by any chance? lol

Saw him on RR4 the other day, and no he isn't the real scawen, just some guy that calls himself that lol
Maybe it's another Scawen! It's a common name right?
lol he's probably trying to do that password scam thingy
Quote from [DaEmOn] :A player called Skewen or Scewen joined my server in PINK text, but he wasnt in server list, so i couldnt kick (he has speed hack) but when he left himself, someone named [LISA] in Pink left the server, (but his name went at same time) bit confusing.

Anyone watch out for Mr Pinks.

I just see this post, I had the same problem.
Impossible to kick or ban and doesn't appear on my stats !!! - ALL players are recorded but this player no ! Strange
[LISA] has been spotted on FM oval starters and putt 3 ai on track and max geust cars is set to 1
ok got username [L]police and replay hacker.mpr 3 ai and only 1 can be allowed
Attached files
hacker.mpr - 318.7 KB - 261 views
ohh no she didnt? shes hott
Quote from mutt107 :[LISA] has been spotted on FM oval starters and putt 3 ai on track and max geust cars is set to 1

This is like a hunt for a dangerous criminal.
Ive had the Same but i was good enought to research
Right it was a Normal Day On [GWR]Racing!

Race had 3 people in it and a New guest was connecting i was watching It Then LFS User Account [Lisa] connected ([L]Police) Connected!

And Then 2 Scrawen's Left the Pits! (IN PINK CARS AND PINK SCRAWEN NAME'S!)

The Text.log Say's

[Lisa] connected ([L]Police)
Scawen left the pits (BF1) <-----AI
Scawen left the pits (BF1) <-----AI
[<•>]ALEX left the pits (BF1)
[<•>]ALEX made a pit stop
[Lisa] voted to END RACE
[Lisa] disconnected

But the Max Guest Car=1

Yes I have the MPR Also if you wish to see it

Contact me

Good Luck,

Remember this happened On The 01/01/08
Quote from mutt107 :ok got username [L]police and replay hacker.mpr 3 ai and only 1 can be allowed

Umm, those AI aren't Lisa's. They're from one of the FM admins...
Well, Im Sure devs will Fix this, Infact What's the point in putting AI in a Online Race anyway?

I Click Multiplayer For a Reason Not for AI To Race With me, And Im Sure this is the reason why other LFS Racer's Click the Multiplater TAB too.

And Im Sure Server Admins on LFS, Will Dislike your Activity On Track Putting your AI all over the track

And Using This Error in LFS without reporting it, Is stupid And why name your AI Scrawen?

I Bought LFS For Racing only....Not For

Speed hack's
AI Online Error's

Good luck sorting out this problem

Cya, From Springer
Quote from Gunn :When you see suspicious behaviour please try to save a replay. Then send the replay to one of us moderators, don't post it publicly.
With replay evidence we can investigate properly and, if necessary, do something about it.

Please delete/moddify your posts 17,18 and 22. No need to tell people how to do it.

In fact the replay og this thread shows the FM guy having 3 AI´s running. I wonder if these botts gives somebody LFSstats milage and mayby podium finishes as well...
I've reported this bug to the devs via email in November 2007 because we noticed there were three AI's on track from the same player (replays were attached to the emails).

On the 15th of November we had these conversations:

Quote from LFStech :Hello,

It is possible for someone to add an ai to a race. Even if you set it to only allow one car per person, that can be an ai. So it seems most likely that this is what has happened here.

Quote from Lotesdelere :Hm Ok I see.
Then there should be an option to disallow the ability of adding AI's.

And this does make more sense because we are going to start the new version of our league soon and we surely don't want to have to deal with that kind of things as we obviously can't admin the servers 24/7.

No explanation was given about the ability to put three AI's on track instead of only one though.

I've also posted a request to add a server option to disallow the use of AI's here:

Unfortunately this wasn't taken into account for patch Y
Quote from R.Kolz :I wonder if these botts gives somebody LFSstats milage and mayby podium finishes as well...

No they don't.
Commands spamming

They are in the same way as does the "XXX dont have a car" several times, as has occurred on a City Cruise server.

But instead of making spam with the shift+esc+j+enter, they use the /ai NAMEOFAI and spam it.

Sorry for my sad english.
somthink like taht happend to me some 1 came into mys erver said some stuff that was wired like a second later he sighned in again and it keeped doing it so i had to close server
(shaun463) DELETED by Bob Smith : schpam
([L]Police) DELETED by Bob Smith : schpam

Possible Hacker
(21 posts, started )