The online racing simulator
Club LX West and the Spec LX Series
Club LX West and the Spec LX Series

I use to dislike the LX4 & LX6 in S1, they were difficult to drive and hard to master, at least for me. Since S2 has been released I have come to enjoy these two cars very much. They are still a little temperamental and at times prone to bite back, but they can be tamed enough to make them rather fun and rewarding to drive. They are a true sports car in the classic description, Light, Quick & Responsive. I am now considering putting together a racing club and if there is enough interest a race series dedicated to these two cars. As I am located in the US and there are few dedicated clubs and series based in N/A this project will be initially geared towards player in this region of the world.

Club LX West:

This club will be a loose and flex able group of people, there will be few guidelines and rules. It will be a place for people with a love for the LX to gather, race and have fun, nothing more, nothing less. My goal is to provide this club with a forum website and a server or two. With that I will leave the club in the hands of its members to organize their own fun races and events as they choose.

Spec LX Series:

This race series will be developed if there is enough interest in Club LX and in an organized racing series. If it proves to be a desired event I will build a race series around the LX6 (using slicks if possible) and with a similar feel to real club racing series like the SCCA’s Spec Miata class.

The Current State:

At this point all this is just a goal. I will be honest and say I can not do this alone. I lack the skill, resources and time to make this happen on my own. To get things started I need a few people that can help me put this together and provide resources. I am trying to do this as a zero budget project. If there is anyone who is interested in helping and has skills, resources or time they can offer please drop me a PM and we shall see of we can make this happen. To get things rolling a Website and Race Server are the first priority.

Thank you all to those that are interested and I hope to get things up and running soon.


Ok the server is up on a temporty host thanks to my team.

Club LX West
#2 - Renku
If there will be a dedicated LX-server open for public that runs non sprint races - I see myself racing there quite often.

If Spec LX Series would be open also for non Club LX West members and the series would be built around LX4 (no slicks) - I think I'd like to participate in it.
Well the race series is the final step. Getting the club up is the first, it will be an open public structure. Just a place for people to meet, race and have fun.
Some decent road car action is seriously lacking atm (although I don't often get to drive during the week anymore, I doubt much has suddenly changed from the past 6 months of server popularity). Making the server isn't an issue, it's just getting people to join and then stick at it that proves most difficult.

I think something like this could help get people back into it. I'll keep a look out for the servers.
Joshdifabio had an LX League back in S1, and I loved it. But since the 'slick' cars came into play (MRT), it ruined it and shut down. Like Bob said, there is really not enough road car action, and it would be really nice to have road tires. I haven't tried the LX cars with the slickmod yet, I don't want to, because I feel they are just fine on normal road compound. However, if you want, you should have different divisions maybe... like LX4 with road tires, and LX6 with slicks, I dunno

However you do it, I might join. The LX has started to get some attention, and is an interesting car.... and fun to setup for different tracks .

Too many GTR leagues and Open Wheeler Leagues, I'd much rather see the classical stuff brought back into big races. (I mean, you see the ESL LX6 race a while back? That was awesome looking).

But please, take your time in thinking about how it will all run. And get the rules solid and refined. Last few leagues I've been in were not prepared or lacking upkeep, so I left those
Thanks for the encouragement.
Great idea. LX4/6 is one of the most underused cars whick sucks.
I would be interested in participating. Sound like fun. I like both the LX cars quite a bit.
For the league, if enough interest were generated, you could even have a dual class race structure. Both the LX6 and LX4 racing at the same time with an overall winner and class winners. It would also make the racing more interesting because everybody has to deal with passing/getting passed just like in ALMS. Could you imagine 10 LX6's and 10 LX4's racing on AS Club at the same time
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
A LX-League is a great idea.
I definetly would like to take part in something like that, if the racetimes are ok to me.
When Josh's S1 league was taking place I hadn't discovered LFS yet and in S2 I only had a few good LX-Races.

Some servers allowed LX4 in the TBO-class. Great fun to race together with those heavy FXOs. And if the race wasn't sucessfull, at least the start was.

Servers can't be the problem, I think we can provide a few servers for each event.

Hope to see a LX-league in the future, or at least some events from time to time.
Ok the race server is up. The name is in the first post.

Club LX West
Quote from Gimpster :Ok the racer server is up. The name is in the first post.

Club LX West


Thank U!