Don't get dSLR, you probably don't really want one to be completely honest, dSLRs are meant for photography hobyists.
Here, read this:
I've seen thousands of pictures from some point and shoots, that one would never have thought they were from point and shoots.
Plus, there are point and shoots with 23x zoom out there, oh, by the way, "x" zoom in dSLRs don't exist, it's measured in millimeters.
If you want a good point and shoot, check out Canon's IS powershots like here: ... M0Q4/ref=pd_sbs_ce_img_12 , some even look similar to their SLRs.
As TiJay pointed out, I've seen those Fuji Finepixs' too, and they work fantastic
Trust me, you really don't want to have to deal with a dSLR yet, there's plenty of upkeep, and by no means is it cheap.
When I bought my Nikon D40 last August, it cost $480, and that wasn't even new, it was a show camera, thus saving me about $60.
It comes with an 18-55mm 3.5 -5.6 AF-S (which for those of you Nikon Fans, this wonderful and cheap lens now comes in a VR model which is around $200.. cheap!)
I bought a 55-200mm 4-5.6 AF-S VR, for $250 (which I'm mad it's $200 now)
A 50mm Manual 1.8 (cheap and excellent, got it for $30 at adorama)
and a 135mm Manual (shoulda gotten the 100) 2.8, ($130), which is a hog with the amount of glass in it.
And those last lenses don't even focus by camera, I have to focus them, so quick shots me not, and the reason I bought those lenses is because they're insanely fast, and they're actually really good lenses to, very little flaring and ghosts etc.
Sensor cleaing I don't even want to talk about it, I screwed up somewhere and I finally had to do it and it sucks and totally turned me off of dSLRs (well.. until I buy the D300, which is exactly what I want, it's set up perfectly right where I want everything), but of course keep my D40 for a backup.
Harjun at your age, no offense but I wouldn't trust giving you a several hundred dollar camera with a several hundred dollar lens attached, once scratch on the lens and it is rendered useless, one fall from the hands the entire camera is most likely destroyed.
Check out the amazon link I posted, I think that Canon IS Powershot is what you're looking for. It's got all the features of an SLR as far as it can go without being one, plus with point and shoots you can take videos.. can't do that with an SLR, so it has its advantages. Plus keep in mind it's an IS (VR equivalent of nikon), meaning it has full time image stabalization.
edit- holy sh*t this is long lol I didn't even notice me rambling off, anyways.. enjoy reading