Hey guys,
Just wondering if someone could do me an Aussie themed helmet. Feel free to do what you like with it but I'd like it to be green gold and white, and to have the 'boxing kangaroo' logo on the back (http://www.sodens.com.au/images/boxing_kangaroo.gif) and maybe the 'southern cross' (http://www.sthcross-c.schools. ... es/SouthernCrossStars.gif) somewhere on the helmet.

Just wondering if someone could do me an Aussie themed helmet. Feel free to do what you like with it but I'd like it to be green gold and white, and to have the 'boxing kangaroo' logo on the back (http://www.sodens.com.au/images/boxing_kangaroo.gif) and maybe the 'southern cross' (http://www.sthcross-c.schools. ... es/SouthernCrossStars.gif) somewhere on the helmet.