The online racing simulator
Drifting Challenge
(38 posts, started )
Drifting Challenge
Here is the challenge for all drifters. You have to drift all the time without stopping. See how many laps can you make. Here is the replay and the layout (in the replay I stopped drifting few times because I suck!!!)
Dont forget to say what you think about this.
Attached images
Attached files
Drifting.spr - 55.1 KB - 1301 views
AU1_Drifting.lyt - 1.6 KB - 3571 views
Ill do it now, doesnt look to hard

*edit* ok, my first time i did 2 and like 3/4 laps, not the best i can do, but i dont feel like doing it a second time. *edit*
Attached files
3 laps ^cD.spr - 91.2 KB - 638 views
nice track, i could do 3 laps then tyres are gone, just dont like low revdrifitng unless u use first gear or a high ratio 2nd but still great work
Quote from lrdbsi :nice track, i could do 3 laps then tyres are gone, just dont like low revdrifitng unless u use first gear or a high ratio 2nd but still great work

Thanks, so far my pb is 4 laps and like 1/4 of it
As well for drifting, I'd say these tracks would be good Kart tracks for the MRT.

Nice work
my go only can manage one lap before tyres are dead but nvm is a good lap, learnt the layout lap one thats my second lap, not bad i feel
Attached files
[NONE] GREBOTH_AU1_XRT_2.spr - 35 KB - 557 views
OOOO!! challenge!! lemme see! me like challenge!
#8 - Fitta
#9 - Fitta
Should we give you a visit from the local anti-piracy agents too, Mr. Fitta "Caught" Demoracer?
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Should we give you a visit from the local anti-piracy agents too, Mr. Fitta "Caught" Demoracer?

Sorry Im not giving my setups to crackers. And you have to be reallyillepall to ask for setups on a official forum when youre using cracked version of LFS
Oh well that was just a brilliant post!
#15 - Jakg
Quote from Vendetta :Oh well that was just a brilliant post!

look at his previous post, a classic example of hitting your head against the keyboard!
He wants to beat Tristian LOL
Lol, no, it's because he probably said something about the track being good, and then he realized that he "is" a demo user.
Oh yeah I didnt realize that he changed his posts, LOL. First he said that my track is good and then asked me for setup.
Hey liked the track used the XRT and was ok since tried the FZ50 in a hald drfit set up (not full on becsue got enough power) and perfect car for that track, kills ur tyres in one pay true but can just power round those tight turns.
Quote from Greboth :Hey liked the track used the XRT and was ok since tried the FZ50 in a hald drfit set up (not full on becsue got enough power) and perfect car for that track, kills ur tyres in one pay true but can just power round those tight turns.

Never tried to drive FZ50 on this track but I will try later
i made it almost 3 laps with XRT on normal tires, only 2 laps with FZ50 but almost 4 laps with rb4. All you have to do is keep enough throttle in it to keep it sideways. No sense in making a big smoke show if you're going for laps

I was also able to drift ALOT better (like 100x as good) when my force feedback stopped acting up It had been messed up for a while but i couldnt figure out what was wrong but then last night it came back and i could feel everything the car was doing again and it made me happy. too bad i'll be at the lady's house tonight so no LFS Might be worth it tho
See i could probably get more than one lap on that track but im still using a mouse (DFP finally arrives monday ) so i can only use full powe but will give it a go when i can use half throttle lol
Kajojek(PL), to get back to ur layout, it's a nice set but say you need to set up that fat RB4 to go around ur corners *thumbs up*
Im surprised Fitta isnt banned yet
Heheheh yeah me too.

Drifting Challenge
(38 posts, started )