The online racing simulator
(33 posts, started )
I was in a server every one was driving xfg's, so I used my reversing setup in a xrgt turbo (it can go 190km/h and take corners 10km slower than xfg) any way i was down the straight and overtook three people going backwards. Instead of getting the normal "lmfao" I get from people I get accused of being a cheater. One person called me a "haxzor" <--- too much counter strike for him.

Anyway people were claiming it was absolutly impossible to drive in reverse at 190km without cheats and I got banned for it and said they would report me. I was laughing but I got pissed off when I got banned for it.
Its not exactly MSA standard driving is it mate
(TaiFong) DELETED by TaiFong
Yeah, some people arent smart enough to change final gear ratios. Funny stuff though
Try the set if you want it feels good to beat some one driving in reverse.
Attached files
XR GT TURBO_reverse.set - 132 B - 316 views
Driving in reverse, huh? Yeah, you're right. It sounds like there was at least ONE idiot on that server.
Yeh thats pretty unlucky when you get dooses doing things like banning you for the wrong reasons. Oh well you got 24hours before you can go back and do it again

Cool il give ure set a bash when im home later
Quote from Cue-Ball :Driving in reverse, huh? Yeah, you're right. It sounds like there was at least ONE idiot on that server.

You were the one that said I was cheating?
Quote from FPVaaron :You were the one that said I was cheating?

Nope. But if you had pulled that crap on my server I'd have kicked you too.
#9 - FRED
Quote from Cue-Ball :Driving in reverse, huh? Yeah, you're right. It sounds like there was at least ONE idiot on that server.

thats exactly what i was thinking
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from FPVaaron :I was in a server every one was driving xfg's

I wouldnt really call this racing...but thats me im not a drifter. Maybe the correct thing to of done was to of said "hey guys....look at me..." then do it.

But thats my 2 cents
Yeah but the thing is I wasn't causing any accidents, I was giving people room to pass on the corners, a xrgt turbo going backwards is basicly equal to a xf gti. the only difference is that my car is facing the other way.
#12 - Jakg
Quote from FRED :thats exactly what i was thinking

i thought he was talking about a stunt server, if he did that while i was seriously racing i would certainly kick him, although i may have to try that set on a demo server, but only after ive asked their permition! btw, is that reverse set just a modified gear ratio? because if so, i could just drive around using the WR set up, then at the end i spin it around!
It doesn't matter if you're causing accidents or not. It's plain to see that you weren't serious about racing. If you want to do stuff like that on your own server, or on a banger server, go right ahead. But to do something like that on a server where people are trying to race is not cool. I honestly have no idea why you would think something like this is appropriate.
(FPVaaron) DELETED by FPVaaron
Most people see the humour in it and have a good laugh wanting to try the setup. I made the thread on the fact they said it was cheating to do this when it's simply adjusting the gears.
#15 - Vain
How dare you do something funny! LFS is not about having fun, it's about racing!!

Eh, nevermind...

If you did that on a server where I race I'd also tell you to stop fooling around. On stuntservers this is okay, of course, but I'm never on stuntservers

@FPVaaron: I saw you driving reverse on FM Oval on New Years Day. Most of use used Ventrilo and we laugh a lot about that cool guy, who drives the Oval reverse even fasten as some n00bs the "correct" way.

You gave us a nice inspiration for some fun events. I´ll notice you when it´s happen!

@Fred: I bet you´ll kick bumpdraftes, too.
Quote from Cue-Ball :It doesn't matter if you're causing accidents or not. It's plain to see that you weren't serious about racing. If you want to do stuff like that on your own server, or on a banger server, go right ahead. But to do something like that on a server where people are trying to race is not cool. I honestly have no idea why you would think something like this is appropriate.

MY GOD! HOW DARE I DO ANYTHING ABSOLUTLY NOT 100% SERIOUS ON A COMPUTER GAME, I think I should be locked up and put in jail.
#1 rule in online racing. If you join a server, majority rules. If there is a race going on, you have no business joining in and "messing around" on the track. If it is a server full of people just messing around, then join in and mess around yourself. If you join a drifting server, then don't get on and hotlap/race. Don't join a racing server and drift. Don't join the track and play around doing donuts. Don't drive around in reverse. Don't drive the track in the reverse configuration if it the server is not set that way and vice versa. Don't join a Banger Racing server and race "no contact." If you feel you must mess around, then join an empty server or mess around offline. Offline you are sure to not get in anybody's way or mess up anyone's race. Same goes for car selection. Don't join a server with 9 people racing the FOX and pick the F08. Don't join in a XFR/UFR race with the big GTR cars. Although, I must say, it is fun to join in demo when a bunch of new guys are trying to race the XR Turbo and smoke them all in the GTi.
Quote from mrodgers :#1 rule in online racing. If you join a server, majority rules. If there is a race going on, you have no business joining in and "messing around" on the track. If it is a server full of people just messing around, then join in and mess around yourself. If you join a drifting server, then don't get on and hotlap/race. Don't join a racing server and drift. Don't join the track and play around doing donuts. Don't drive around in reverse. Don't drive the track in the reverse configuration if it the server is not set that way and vice versa. Don't join a Banger Racing server and race "no contact." If you feel you must mess around, then join an empty server or mess around offline. Offline you are sure to not get in anybody's way or mess up anyone's race. Same goes for car selection. Don't join a server with 9 people racing the FOX and pick the F08. Don't join in a XFR/UFR race with the big GTR cars. Although, I must say, it is fun to join in demo when a bunch of new guys are trying to race the XR Turbo and smoke them all in the GTi.

I don't see what the problem is in doing this if you're giving them a copmetition, Yes it was fun to do it so shoot me isn't that was you're supose to do on LFS? Have fun?
In the LX6, with some little changing in gear ratios, brakes and suspension its easy to drift in reverse. Ill upload a replay later.
Sweet i'll have to try that when it isn't 5:57am
As long as it does not disturb the race "flow" or prevent anybody from driving a new WR - who cares? Imho it's even damn funny
Quote from sTyleFree :As long as it does not disturb the race "flow" or prevent anybody from driving a new WR - who cares? Imho it's even damn funny

LOL, reminds me of S1 times, when the MRT5 was the fastest car everywhere, execept for blackwood, where a skilled driver could win with the LX6, I still have a set that has the ratios so, that you can race normally, but it has a long reverse gear and the lx6 goes 180km/h backwards... i usually drove the back straight after the start backwards, losing time doing a 180° but then overtaking the MRT5s afterwards
Yeah back in S1 I could get the Xr gt turbo upto 230km+ in reverse but it's alot slower in reverse in s2.

(33 posts, started )