The online racing simulator
S2 Wreckers
(31 posts, closed, started )
S2 Wreckers
Just a minute ago I was racing at CCUK Public Server. And there were two wreckers.. on purpose. They didn't screw 1 race.. no lot more. They just blocked the road (see attachment). There licensenames are *removed*. And I am reporting it here, because I'm hoping there will be more done, to prevent those people doing this.

Can't there licenses be destroyed? There accounts deleted? Is there something to do about this?
Attached images
I sympathise with you, I've seen a couple of deliberate wreckers in S2 too - different guys to the ones you've got here - but I think forum policy is not to name them, on the basis that they're probably doing it for the attention.

Replay would be nice. Screen shot looks like a normal crash.
nah there was 2 maby 3 people in that server wrecking and every time u got to one vote from ban they left and rejoined.

i decided to leave as they also sat on the chicane on soclassic and it was pathetic was in for 40 mins and got one race finnished WITH them still trying to block road TOSSERS
Best way to bore them is get everyone to spectate

Quote from Billeh :they also sat on the chicane on soclassic and it was pathetic was in for 40 mins and got one race finnished

C'mon, we're not that bad Wink
Quote from Billeh :nah there was 2 maby 3 people in that server wrecking and every time u got to one vote from ban they left and rejoined.

i decided to leave as they also sat on the chicane on soclassic and it was pathetic was in for 40 mins and got one race finnished WITH them still trying to block road TOSSERS

Some times I look for servers with wreckers in it so I can enjoy the challange of avoiding them and then accusing them of not being able to wreck or race to get them angry.
a mpr (Multi Player Replay) is a key here.. a mpr can also (in S1/S2 servers) be used for banning people Wink
Oh, I didn't save a mpr. But I will next time when something like this happends. Smile
I was just racing on " FOX" server and they were there too. Started a voteban on csimpok, me, and some other racers too I think.

They even tried to encourage people to vote further by showing the a message where the victim was just one vote away from ban. Then when we voted to ban those lousy bastards, shortly before the ban succeeded he left and the other one quickly started another voteban, so that the slow voters started voting for the new victim, too.

Here's the mpr of this ^ incident, unfortunately you can't see votebans on an mpr. Whatever, they started votebanning shortly before I uttered "wtf", somewhere in lap 2 around T1 (of my position).
Attached files
voteban.mpr - 1.5 MB - 276 views
Usually you'd see me opposing naming and shaming, or publicising wreckings at all, this time I've had enough of these two. The replay shows better what they was up to, on the CCUK server.
Yep, that shows them in their full glory. :thumbsdow
Yep it's quite strange "people" pay for S2 in order to ruin other's races. There is no better entertainment for them on a Wednesday evening. :pillepall
Maybe a system of removing these peoples liscenses for a time period would be the best solution. In cases like this remove there liscenes for a couple of weeks and if they do it again, remove it for ever. I know other games use a similar method.

Quote from sidi :Hopefully the dev's will look at the mpr and remove there licence's,there's no place for ppl like them in lfs.

Hmm. Only problem is if they set a precedent for taking action against wreckers, then everybody's going to start sending them replays and "demanding" action, and there just aren't enough devs to be a full time games developer and a full time dispute arbitrator.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Hmm. Only problem is if they set a precedent for taking action against wreckers, then everybody's going to start sending them replays and "demanding" action, and there just aren't enough devs to be a full time games developer and a full time dispute arbitrator.

We could always just give Victor a third arm (hand included) Big grin
I don't know all the legal issues surrounding something like this. The users paid for the license to play the game, aren't they allowed to play it however they want?(unfortunately that means some wanting to be wreckers). Taking away their priviledge to play after they have paid doesn't seem legal but again thats just a guess. Maybe since this is a privately developed game the devs can do to the users as they wish. Personally I wouldnt mind seeing licenses revoked for these wreckers, was just curious about these issues.
Quote from NetDemon01 :I don't know all the legal issues surrounding something like this. The users paid for the license to play the game, aren't they allowed to play it however they want?(unfortunately that means some wanting to be wreckers). Taking away their priviledge to play after they have paid doesn't seem legal but again thats just a guess. Maybe since this is a privately developed game the devs can do to the users as they wish. Personally I wouldnt mind seeing licenses revoked for these wreckers, was just curious about these issues.

The following (in the licence agreement they agreed to when they purchased S2) may be a way to ban those wreckers regarded as 'disruptive':

"1.5 Extreme disruptive or offensive behaviour by a user, towards the developers or members of the community, may result in temporary or permanent suspension of the user's Live for Speed license."

Maybe an intial warning email would be in order after the first report of wrecking (with replay evidence), before bans are issued. The main problem as stated previously is the time and effort required to police it.
#19 - SamH
Quote from Darkone55 :Just a minute ago I was racing at CCUK Public Server. And there were two wreckers.. on purpose. They didn't screw 1 race.. no lot more. They just blocked the road (see attachment). There licensenames are *removed*. And I am reporting it here, because I'm hoping there will be more done, to prevent those people doing this.

Can't there licenses be destroyed? There accounts deleted? Is there something to do about this?

Hey Darkone55..
Sorry you experienced this on our server Frown We have 4 admins who, if they witness wreckers like this, will ban them for a MINIMUM one month on the spot.

I spend a lot of my time admining our Demo server, cleaning up and banning wreckers there. I will give more time to keeping an eye on our S2 servers too. It's an alien concept that someone would pay £24 to wreck other peoples' races and yet, against all expectation, that's what's happening.

Later today, I will be introducing a form to our site, where you will be able to request an admin immediately if you experience a wrecker on our server. Our admins will all receive alerts by email and SMS, and any that are available will join the server immediately to resolve the problem.

Can I ban people retrospectively? If someone could let me know, I'd be grateful. If it IS possible, then I'll be banning the wreckers for 6 months each as soon as I've watched the MPR and found who they are. They're NOT coming back on OUR servers!

When the form goes live I will add details to the InSim welcome message so that racers will know what can be done if wreckers join the server. Wreckers are my pet hate, and by hook or by crook our TeamCCUK servers will be free of them.

Once again, sorry for the poor experience on our server. I promise, the baddies are toast!
When running the MPR you can ban players as usual by pressing "the ban button" (with a question about how long).
This will add a ban record to your local bans.ban file. By copying the servers file to your local machine, run the mpr&ban the player and then copy it back again you can also easy ban players with "special chars"..
You can also ban the players registered name by using /ban <username> <duration> on the server console /logged inn with admin PW (iirc)
#21 - SamH
Thanks! Job's done. I watched the MPR and have taken action based on that. Two S2 licences have been banned from the CCUK Public and Beginners servers for 365 days each. Thumbs up
Interesting outcome.
The wreckers must surely realise next time they try and access the CCUK server why they are banned. Does it state during connecting that they are banned, or is just 'not connnected'?

They probably thought they had got away with it because they evaded banning at the time, muhahahahahahaha!
Quote from NetDemon01 :I don't know all the legal issues surrounding something like this. The users paid for the license to play the game, aren't they allowed to play it however they want?(unfortunately that means some wanting to be wreckers). Taking away their priviledge to play after they have paid doesn't seem legal but again thats just a guess. Maybe since this is a privately developed game the devs can do to the users as they wish. Personally I wouldnt mind seeing licenses revoked for these wreckers, was just curious about these issues.

Here in RL you can buy a car and you pay for a license to drive on the road Shrug but you can loose both. New anti hoon laws here now , even if you spin your tyres taking off from the lights you can get your car confiscated for a period of time, so if you don't obey the law Shy

In the LFS terms and conditions they state that disruptive behaviour can result in a temporary or permanent ban (clause 1.5) so they don't have a leg to stand on Cool

Anyway even if a ban by the developers isn't implemented it's only a matter of time before individuals like this will be out in the cold, as our reputations often preceded us wether they are good or bad Tilt
Well, those wreckers habe been banned from our servers also. no need to get in touch with "racers" like them
Nice. Retrospective banning. I like that. In fact, that in itself is a innovation. More games should be able to do that. Obviously with the replay facility it makes it easier in LFS.

So we can report some antisocial behaviour and enclose a replay and get the numpty boy banned . . . I like that an awful lot . . .

Another good reason to stick with LFS . .
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S2 Wreckers
(31 posts, closed, started )