Demo Players
(26 posts, started )
Demo Players
Can I say how Ignorant and rude Demo players are? I know there ain't really anything you can do because they dont need to keep their respect up but cmon.. I was racing in a formula one on the Blackwood GP track or w/e you call it and suddenly a guy called Colider -.- or something came up tried to overtake me, Failed miserably, and sent me off track, wrecked my car, he wrecked his aswell.. then called me a stupid f*** for making him crash? I was going on a straight line and suddenly he comes up and starts trying to overtake me, crashing into me etc...

I dont think theres anything you can do about it, but I just wanna ask, Is there a demo server where people arent like this?

(Hoping to get S2 Licence soon, Fredthebest.)
#2 - J@tko
If you go on a decent server w/vote enabled (fusion Racing springs to mind) then the racing should be fine. We have (almost) no issues on S2.
Yeah I know that S2 has no issues with stuff like that because players need to keep up their reputation, but sadly my dad says he doesnt trust it and he wont allow me to pay for it via his credit card, therefore Im stuck on demo with the crashers who ruin the game.
Maybe paypal would be an option
Quote from GloryJ :Maybe paypal would be an option

He or me doesn't have paypal.. and he still wouldn't trust it.. /sigh .. and he says the game looks "Crap".. I told him I like playing it though... still he wont let me pay for it
#6 - joen
Quote from Fredthebest :Yeah I know that S2 has no issues with stuff like that because players need to keep up their reputation, but sadly my dad says he doesnt trust it and he wont allow me to pay for it via his credit card, therefore Im stuck on demo with the crashers who ruin the game.

Do you have your own regular bank account? Then you can always pay yourself through paypal or moneybookers. Or a money order (just ask at your bank).

But yeah some people are in LFS for the wrong reasons or have no clue whatsoever how to race. It's too bad but definitely much better in S2.
Quote from joen :Do you have your own regular bank account? Then you can always pay yourself through paypal or moneybookers. Or a money order (just ask at your bank).

But yeah some people are in LFS for the wrong reasons or have no clue whatsoever how to race. It's too bad but definitely much better in S2.

Sadly, my dad wont let me pay for it in anyway cause he thinks its crap.. Oh well.. time to get 20/20 on DK's quiz
That sucks. I know that people are afraid of the unknown (in this case the Internet). But if your dad would look up the facts it should be easy to conclude that purchasing LFS is safe.
The facts:
This game has been sold on the Internet for 5 years.
This game has a public forum where anyone can register and it's part of the offical site of this game. Yet there are no threads about people being scammed.
Purchasing over the Internet is atleast as safe as purchasing with a credit card in person, if not even safer.

Also LFS may not have the best graphics in the world, but it does have great physics. Maybe you should give your dad a try, he might see it then.
Oi! M8. If you have a problem with your dad, give me a shout, and i din't mean shooting hes knees or anything :P if you are from Ulster, there is a good chance that you live close to me (somwhere around belfast, newtownards or comber) we can meet somewhere, i can pay for the LFS via cellphone or something on the spot, you give me cash an that's it m8 i would be happy to get another clean racer to S2
AAARGH! We need more of the OP in S2.
Quote from milewski.lukasz :Oi! M8. If you have a problem with your dad, give me a shout, and i din't mean shooting hes knees or anything :P if you are from Ulster, there is a good chance that you live close to me (somwhere around belfast, newtownards or comber) we can meet somewhere, i can pay for the LFS via cellphone or something on the spot, you give me cash an that's it m8 i would be happy to get another clean racer to S2

Sadly I live an hour from Belfast, and tbh I never really get credit on my phone because really.. Im ALWAYS on the computer, Oh well, I'll just stay with Demo mate, but thanks for your answer anyway, But I'll stay with Demo
m just like u my dad wont pay for s2 he says games are crap and i told him time after time that its a simulator but he just wants me to focus on HW. im trying to get s2 but cant. i wish i could tro. im stuck in demo 4 now. hey couldnt we get a ctra server in the demo for the fbm? that would be awesome!
Quote from rainspecialist :hey couldnt we get a ctra server in the demo for the fbm? that would be awesome!

It wouldn't really work, because the CTRA system is so focused on the usernames.
Remember, every licensed player was once demo player.
Okay, simply put: Minority of those arcade-kids wants to pay real money so they can terrorize in licensed servers. But not all of us (Yes, I am still a demo user. Tried to pay today, but for some reason failed...) are imbesils... Maybe we are too poor to buy a license. Or maybe we are not that much interested of computer gaming, even if we are interested of motor sports.

But, don't forget to vote if someone tries to terrorize you or fellow players. *hug*
awkward buying lfs...
Ah yes, yes....glad to see that other ppl r in the same shit like me...I have enough cash to buy licence, but no way putting my credit card on the internet (i know it sound silly, but i can sleep peacefully...) so I opened a new one just for internet buying.
And then happily filling out buying forms until stupid message arrived that my card isn't ...bla bla bla....good. Why? how??? So i tried pay pal...well, they didnt reach this far in the world, hahaha....
So what then? Money order....well yes.
Likely, thats only option for a lot of people....but be advised-i paid one third of a game price to bank just to do transaction....
I did it yesterday, and cant wait.....only my order travels prehistoric ways to UK....yes I will have to wait some more....

And for bad attitude demo drivers....well there would't be smart withot dumb, fair without uunfair, and us who try to have some close racing without those who spill out their frustration on racetrack just because they get beaten in school every day.
And yes, better let them to do that than they wander around streets and strangle and torture cats.......

Today i play for 1st time with FBM on Demo server becouse on S1 aren't many servers but i think that FBM is really cool car : i make on Blackwood 0-100km/h -3,7s and my fastest lap was 1:17:42
But the demo players make too good times
Thats why you have to talk in bank when you get something
I got s2 meeting up with one dude from lfs community, gave him the money and he payed through his card to get me a licence But some months later I went to a bank, and made an account + asked for a card that does all I could easily buy s2 with that card no sweat what so ever :P
Quote from rainspecialist :m just like u my dad wont pay for s2 he says games are crap and i told him time after time that its a simulator but he just wants me to focus on HW. im trying to get s2 but cant. i wish i could tro. im stuck in demo 4 now. hey couldnt we get a ctra server in the demo for the fbm? that would be awesome!

Look around the internet. LFS has received many awards as the best multiplayer sim, the best sim, etc... in places like Blackholemotorsport and others. Furthermore, tell him it's a simulator not a PS3 game. The emphasis is not on looking pretty but on simulation. I think a grown man could respect that. Third, LFS has 30000 or so purchases and no issues with credit card details theft or anything similar. It's time to stand up and face the 21st century - people make purchases online and it's here to stay.

Show him this page:
and tell him you have done research and it's good. He has done nothing and says it's no good.
Quote from evilgenius :Thats why you have to talk in bank when you get something

Heh, I mentioned for what I will use it....
Well, yeah, that's the way the demo is.. Kick/Ban enabling actually doesn't save the day, because it's abused alot, since when someone puts a vote, demo guys generally doesn't care, what's the case, the voter spams "PRESS 1 CRASHER" with his rainbow-like text. The only thing saves, is the thing, that spots wrecked and spectates/kicks the wrecker..

I also have wanted S2 for years already, but I just have no money on internet.. Gotta keep playing Poker freerolls to get some.. Another point is, that lately I've started to move towards school, started to enjoy life and less video gaming.. I'd rather buy something useful, than Stage 2, which is a little bit more than twice cheaper than shoes, bicycle's rear brakes or whatever else.
Quote from DrDrug :I also have wanted S2 for years already, but I just have no money on internet..

Bank account + paypal=S2 here's your solution! thats what i've made and now i got S2 and i'm proud of it!
Quote from Cash_FLow :Bank account + paypal=S2 here's your solution! thats what i've made and now i got S2 and i'm proud of it!

Well, PayPal doesn't support bank transfers here in Europe. Atleast in Finland credit card is the only way to transfer money to PayPal.
Quote from geeman1 :Well, PayPal doesn't support bank transfers here in Europe. Atleast in Finland credit card is the only way to transfer money to PayPal.

And I had problems when I tried to use my Visa Electron. I should convince my girlfriend to buy me an extra x-mas present using her "real" visa card.
#24 - dave
Quote from dave : is a very good alternative to paypal, I've used it a few times and there just as good/safe.

I have moneybookers, address verified also.. Gonna try to get a deal with mom in next (this) week. We'll see.

Demo Players
(26 posts, started )