Holy smokes, DWB tells me to calm down the hysteria, yet it seems to be infectious! Get it all of your chest if you must Appie
By 'not the first time you've made an unnecessary fuss' asside from being entirely innacurate in this instance, you forget the times ive made a fuss because of the number of times things have been done wrong
but whatever, continue with your hypacriticly punishable rantings, surely that post is worthy of one of those? and thus starts the debate on whats punishable and what isnt.
I'll say it again...
Their comments implied they were taking part by saying their team wanted to know what was going on with the FXR balancing, it never occured to me that their team wasnt an MoE team while posting in an MoE thread, afterall why would anyone make out they needed this information for their team, when it had absolutely nothing to do with them. A few weeks ago it was made very clear that multiple teams would be joining before the 24hr race, and that list contains only one name, which really means very little round here, so for a THIRD time, excuse me for taking their suggestive comments and the lack of information given for coming to that conclusion. Theres a reason my first assumption is that someones made a mistake when it comes to MoE, and thankfully DWB's post corrected my instintive thoughts.
If tweak was on MSN at the time, i'd have double checked with him, he wasnt and as everything seemed to suggest they'd be accepted, i went straight in to make sure they werent allowed in based on the incidents which happened the last time they were somehow accepted into this series, clearly the checks done werent good enough to stop them, and if a team that bad can slip through once, then sadly it doesnt suprise me if they'd be accepted simply under the disguise of another name.
IN THE INTEREST OF GIVING 'motivated feedback to improve MoE':
I had already looked at that thread, i saw 1 new team but was pretty sure i'd seen mention of 2 (SC +1) and 1 place left, but the biggest problem with MoE is that its terribly disorganised.
Seriously, half the stuff on here cant be taken at face value, things that apparently are being done dont get done, a 6 month old website, its the MoE way that everything is a little bit half-arsed, last minute and generally done with little or no organising. I find it unfair that im being criticised not because I didnt check it, but geniunely because i didnt trust it as im sure i'd read of a either 2 new teams or the 2nd being added shortly.
As i've said, theres a reason i automatically assume the worse case scenario in MoE, and that is down to history & dis-organisation. Hopefully with time spent improving this then i'll learn not to doubt the information out there, but with nearly everything there always seems to be something wrong, a simple test session announced 2 weeks in advance, and only 3hrs beforehand does anyone confirm its still on and what time, Round 2's results being given about a week after round 3 has taken place... its always one thing after another, and im pretty sure any other series starting up with this sort of organisation wouldnt stand a chance of getting established, let along getting the credability and acknowledgement MoE has.
Im not the only one to blame for not trusting anything in here as being accurate, its always one silly thing after another, and im not the one responsible for the organisation, so perhaps rather than needlessly criticise someone for acknowledging they got it wrong it could be spent making this series better, more reliable and more organised
I'm going to ignore the personal comments in there, if your genuinely trying to provoke a reaction which is what it looks like, then you'll have to get it over PM (
link), especially if your going to start handing out penalties willy-nilly to anyone that has a differing opinion to yours.
I'd seen 2 of their 3 drivers before, and knew what they were like before they took part in MoE, and i didnt for one second see anything suggesting they were suitable, and considering it was driving the same car & class, that isnt really a good sign. I've also since seen them take out one of our cars, and numerous others on seperate incidents, and my post was made in the best intentions of the series and the people within it, but because i mis-understood the situation and had nobody available to confirm/deny my suspicions its basically considered a punishable offense in future.
Im sorry but if everything in MoE was run perfectly, the i could agree that casting doubt on something when there has never been reason to do so before would be one thing, but its kinda like the pot calling the kettle isnt it? A disorganised & frequently inaccurate series demanding everyone else be accurate and not put a foot wrong
You may not like it, but you cant deny the majority of that rant holds true though, considering the rules used to insist the team had LFS GT experience, now its apparent that the bar is so low that a team of DITTO's level can be approved into a series such as MoE, 1 guy was increadably slow and fortunately (imo) disco'd 2-3 times in the opening 5min, the 2nd guy broke a rule inside 10-15sec of joining, ran into a car, and took 2 out in seperate incidents, the 3rd guy rolled, took someone out, and was driving using a keyboard. I just cant understand how they were approved, 6 months ago you pretty much had to beg to get a look in, now its almost as if its all about the numbers. Its great we can have 32 people in there, but i still maintain the comment that there needs to be a far stricter assessment on a teams suitability to compete, i just assumed this was yet another case in example for it.
As for me not knowing how this series is run, well your right, i think we'd all like to know, but i suspect we wont find out till about 10min before we absolutely need to know