The online racing simulator
lfs reboots PC
(12 posts, started )
lfs reboots PC
Hi all!

i have following problem:
since i have installed the patch, my pc reboots after the screen freezes and the sound stops. The strange thing is, that this only happens with the FWDs on Aston Club in online mode after 4-8 laps. At single-player i can run 26 laps with AI without any problems and on other vehicle-track combinations it runs online perfect.

My system is specified in the modified dxdiag.txt

Hope you can help me.

regards germanpio
Attached files
DxDiag.txt - 740 B - 298 views
strange, problem is solved somehow...

it worked fine this day illepall
LFS is very sensitive to overclocking.

If it is, you may wish to declock it whilst you play LFS.
I didn't overclock it.

It also worked fine since July without any problems
Medions aren't exactly known for their reliability and cooling capabilities. They're cheap for the speed, but you have to pay a price for it's cheapness.
So i have to buy a new cooler to enjoy LfS for longer than 1 hour?

my other games, which need much higher specs, run fine for a long time, so maybe its a other problem?
i have a medion too but i have no problems
(germanpio) DELETED by germanpio
now i wrote down the important things of the message:

>Fatal System Error: x00000044 (0xfd62aae8, 0x00000d62, 0x00000000, >0x00000000)

During running LfS the only things which are running are Norton AV 2005 and my internet connection

any idea?
After having had the same problem (but with every other game too) I decided to solve my heat problem (speedfan showed 80°C when windows was booted)
But, as I am really cheap, I did not want to by any new fans, so I opened the case and used the vacuum cleaner to cleanse the fans (three years of use without maintenance collects a lot of dust...) and now, even underb full stress, it never ever exceeds the 65°C. Never underestimate the cosy warming ability of dust
very strange...

my cpu was something around 62°C when rebooting (in full screen mode).

This time i was using the window mode and it worked WITHOUT any problems.
funny: speedfan showed this time exactly 62°C.

Ah. You're getting a Stop error. I hadnt realised that when I first posted. Almost all problems with Stop errors are either connected with bad RAM, or a bad device driver. You may wish to incrementally update each device's drivers, until it starts working properly.

This particular error can also happen with a version of the Novell Netware client installed, apparently.

lfs reboots PC
(12 posts, started )