The online racing simulator
SO Chicane Critique
(7 posts, started )
SO Chicane Critique
Hello again, it's me Lizardfolk back after a small break from LFS playing some NASCAR 2003. Now, before the ovals start to screw with my head I decided to try and drive the new SO Chicane. I didn't do so well and I cant get below 1.00.03.

As you can see from my replay I'm all over the track trying to find a good line. Can someone please help me? Some comment and critique would be very appreciated.
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LizardFolk_SO6_FO8_10003.spr - 333.6 KB - 238 views
Well the car seems more than a handfull so i would work on the setup, it will also help in weeding out the plenty mistakes which always take lot of time. Sometimes you brake early but still enter the apex too fast, causing a bad exit.. so really think about corner exits.

Ive done a 58,5 and ive only driven 3 laps with FO8. I reckon i used a default setup.

Practice practice practice, removing mistakes will take more time off for sure.
Press number "4" on your keyboard, it will show you the ideal line according to LFS. It's a nice start to get used to any track and work from there in setting up your car.
Quote from stry90dis :Press number "4" on your keyboard, it will show you the ideal line according to LFS. It's a nice start to get used to any track and work from there in setting up your car.

Think he already knows that...
Quote from Dalek0220 :Think he already knows that...

And he might not know it. He's only trying to help, give the bloke a chance.
I do know it...but thxs

Although, I need a bit more specific. Do i loose the most time in T1 and the last turn? I think that's where I'm the slowest.

Also, is the FO8 easier to drive with the new patch?
all you need is to get smoother which can can accomplish if you practice, practice and practice some more. When you got your race line (resulting out of your driving style and your setup) inside your bones, its just a matter of time and you will be quicker. At this point you should start working on your setup, focus on the suspension (not too stiff, not too soft) and camber/ tire preasure and maybe even reduce the downforce (try to keep under-/ oversteer at a minimum). But remember, only one change at a time, so you can feel the difference and can compensate

I dont think the FO8 is easier to drive but its certainly much more fun then before.

Oh and most importantly, have fun!!!

SO Chicane Critique
(7 posts, started )