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Misshift with ignition cut?
(13 posts, started )
Misshift with ignition cut?
Sorry, didn't quite know where to put this one. I have some misshifts when changing up through the gears with the FOX. What is this related to? Am I using the wrong gearing, they are too far apart and they cannot click in, or what's the issue?

I have attached a short replay, bl1 hotlapping. Going up the hill to the start finish straight look for the revs when I'm in 4th about to change to 5th. Throttle at 100%, but revs still drop for a (milli)second. It is driving me crazy. It cannot be my controller, as clearly LFS gets the input of the gear change (otherwise the revs wouldn't drop), did anyone experience similar stuff in cars with ignition cut type gearboxes?

Thanks for any replies, and feel free to move this thread to the appropriate location if you find one.
Attached files
csurdongulos_BL1_FOX.spr - 13.1 KB - 278 views
What I put it down to is the gear will not allow you to shift if your full throttle.

What happens in RL is that in a transmission the gears create a "wear" that "locks" the gears onto each other with a load. This is not created from design but happens because of wear. If anyone has drove a Semi or Lorry you really notice this because there are no Syncro's to help with meshing coupled with strait cut gears.

Because you were tring to flat shift the gears should not separate from each other because the load prevented them from sliding apart. You have to let off (IE reduce the load) to get the gears to unmesh.

In a normal road car this is less of an issue because the syncro's allow for some slippage. Another bit that helps is that IIRC road transmissions use beveled gears which by release easier and are easier to drive with less slapping or play.
In the FO8, which most all of the time I can shift without lifting, every once in a while it still doesn't work. It also happens on hills and such, I imagine that this means that if the transmission is dealing with a whole lot of torque it can't shift. If you're on a hill, you probably just have to lift a bit or dab the clutch to unload it.

I would be interested to know if this is the case though. Actually I've always been lifting in the FOX because I thought that was necessary. I didn't know it had a cut feature.


ed: Try shifting while pulling from low revs in a highish gear with the throttle fully open and see if it happens then too. I can't try it myself at the moment, but will have a go later.

I'm guessing that maybe the cut lasts for some predefined time and in certain situations this isn't quite long enough. I'm assuming it isn't, but does anyone know if that is how a throttle cut works in real life?
Chris, come on, I wrote specifically that I am referring to ignition cut gearboxes, which have the unique feature that you can stay on full throttle while shifting.

yes, I noticed as well that it happens mainly on uphill sections, but then again, I had it on flat road as well.

If I short-shift on an uphill bit, it accepts the gears every time without problems. So the only possible thing I see is the torque stuff you mentioned, but more feedback on this would be welcome.
#5 - ajp71
Assuming that LFS models the load on the gearboxes reasonably accurately and the ignition cut is a preset time system like you'd find IRL there may be situations where it doesn't reduce the load enough to allow the gears to separate, which appears to be the case here.
I've noticed that too.
I have no idea what causes it but you can go around it by just holding the shift button pressed untill the gear changes.
The Motec sytems I've worked on not only cut the ignition, but also the fuel injection. The can even cut nitrous oxide injection and control the turbo waste gates. They also adjust the mixture on the fly etc. Basically, it's not just ignition cut on gear changes they do, it is a complete engine management system. They'll even do a 'throttle blip' to avoid compression lockups of the rear wheels during downshifts. Though, calling it a 'throttle blip' is a bit of an over simplification. It's actually part of the traction control system. It also is designed to reduce wheel spin under power.

They have a multitude of adjustments you can make to them and setting them up can be a real pain. They also require a lot of engine sensors to work correctly.

They also log all their data while the engine is running so you can download it one a PC for further examination.

So, in real life, I'd say plug in the lap top and have a look at what's wrong with your engine management system to see why the load isn't being removed from the gear box on the upshift. In this game, all you can really do is ask the developers.
#8 - ajp71
@RatzMilk - that's not the system we've got in the LFS cars though, they've got a much more basic ignition cut system that does exactly what it says on the tin.
Quote from Jonesy_ :...but you can go around it by just holding the shift button pressed untill the gear changes.

yes, that workaround does it, but then again comes the question, what difference does it make how long you hold the shift button? At these misshifts the revs are already cut, holding the shift button for longer, won't cut it anymore I guess.

thanks for the other comments as well, guys, ajp's comment is completely reasonable, and that is what I was thinking too. But I feel that there is some inconsistency on how this is modelled because the "holding the shift button" trick is working.

Or are there such quick things at work, which cannot be noticed by us?
One thing I have noticed is that on server CTRA Single Seater 2, where the Fo8 requires 20% intake restriction and 70kg balast, you cannot flatshift 5th to 6th. However, go on another server with no restrictions and you can flatshift OK. The reduced power affects the ability to shift.

I also have issues from time to time with an unrestricted FoX as described by others above.
Quote from Viper93 : Another bit that helps is that IIRC road transmissions use beveled gears which by release easier and are easier to drive with less slapping or play.

To digress just a sec...

The beveled gears are for noise reduction; race gearboxes uses straight cut gears which tend to slap against each other full on whereas the beveled gears sorta slide into place when they engage. It's also good to note that the gears themselves don't engage one another when you shift; they're actually always engaged. What happens is that one of the gears spins freely on the main shaft of the gearbox and a splined collar with side-mounted dogs engage the gear when pushed by the selector fork. The collar is where the synchros are mounted and it's job is really just to spin up the collar to match the gear's RPM when engaging.

Here's a good article on it with cool diagrams:
#12 - SamH
Quote from SabersKunk :One thing I have noticed is that on server CTRA Single Seater 2, where the Fo8 requires 20% intake restriction and 70kg balast, you cannot flatshift 5th to 6th. However, go on another server with no restrictions and you can flatshift OK. The reduced power affects the ability to shift.

I also have issues from time to time with an unrestricted FoX as described by others above.

I've done some testing this evening. Even AIs cant get it right in the FO8, as soon as you put some intake restrictions on. It seems to be a problem that's specific to the ignition cut gearchange system, cos the UF-BR is fine.

Got nearly the same problems.

I made a Fo8-Setup for SoLong which works nearly perfect for me. Last week i joined the CTRA-SingleSeater2 Server with the AS-Club track. I took my SoLong set, put 20% AirRestictor and 70kg extra weight on the Fo8 changed the final from 3.800 to 4.200.

Then in the race, I had big gear-switch problems with my fo8.

For Examle:
To switch from the 3rd to the 4th, I have to rev up my engine near the rev limiter to get the gear in.
From 5th to 6th gear, it´s nearly impossible to switch without lift and clutch.

I tinkerd a little bit with the gear-ratio and things seems to be better with a final of 3000, but the problems are not really eleminated.
Attached files
Schaltproblem_AS2_FO8.spr - 57.5 KB - 227 views

Misshift with ignition cut?
(13 posts, started )