Quote from MAD3.0LT :oh my god ur all crying like girls over a skin issue its not like u spent a year or 2 creating it or all of ur money or something of value went into creating it,u guys need to relax and look at the dev's they dont whine and complain when u do something with or to their game?.

1. You can't judge the amount of work others' did in order to perfect their skin. For some, it is hard work to open paint and draw 4 lines, for others it is hard to work with layers and wait days/weeks to have the imagination/skills/time to continue working on the skin. Remember that.
2. We paid for LFS S2 to use it. Did you pay to use those skins? Well then...
Skins are fun, making skins is even more fun. Great relax for me, no deadlines, almost anything even partially allright is more than great for people, etc.
If making the skin means the hard work for you, you should try something else.
me an a few of my members took almost 2 months to perfect the yashio team skin now its up im thinking about keeping it off lfs world i want people to see it but with some many people about thinking its ok to wear team skins it totally ruins the idea of having a team skin.. *skin now removed from lfs world...

also very nice layout but next time dont use team skins -.-
can someone repost this as an attachment to the forum? the yousendit file has expired ><
#30 - DeMS
Quote from Apoc112 :can someone repost this as an attachment to the forum? the yousendit file has expired ><

Check post #20 :]
#32 - 5haz
Im really enjoying this layout thankyou very much

Wow some people are incredibly ungrateful arent they!

You spend some of your time producing everyone a decent drift layout, and then people go and critiscize you for something completely different that doesnt matter.

I really do think having private skins is a rather pathetic idea, I think individuality should be encouraged, maybe apart from one or two team logos, all this showing off your team skin encourages snobbery, as seen in this thread. Maybe if private skins were not made, then they couldnt fall into the hands of other people, then is this problem would not exist!

Youb dont really need a skin to look good/stand out, just look at my cars colours

Quote from Jakg :no, its not your right to use it at all, people are annoyed because its thier hard work being stolen by you, and also because if you use a team skin, people assums you are part of the team, and if you are a a-hole, then people assume the team is, THATS why, and let me repeat this. You have NO right to use others skins!

so even if the skins has "PRIVATE - For xxx team members ONLY", you would still use and consider yourself in the right? and think of it this way, if you made a picture, video, book etc, and someone took it and copied it and then used it, without saying who made it, would you be annoyed? thought so, cause thats the exact same thing your doing

well i guess nobody ever told you that if you dont want the whole world to know/be able to see something, dont put it online.

i understand your argument, but it is stupid by the very fact that a) its a freakin SKIN... not a big govt secret or anything and b) it was put into his skin folder because someone who had the skin used it on a PUBLIC HOST most likely. if your skins are really that precious to you, dont use them on a host that just anyone can log onto.

i have made a few good skins and have seen someone using one of them... i was annoyed at first, but realized that it was actually a compliment to the fact that i made a damn good skin.

get a life.

as for the layout, its pretty good, and i enjoyed using it.

sorry you got into all this.
#34 - Jakg
I dont see how hard it is to understand that you didn't make the skin, the skin has "Private Skin" and "For Jakg ONLY!" written on it, that you have to manually move stuff around to actually get the skin in game (ie Skins_X/Y to Skins) without realising they shouldn't.

I've had cars behind me using my skin, which is a little odd as mine have "Jakg ONLY!" written on the JPG and my name scrawled all over the car!

What i'm most worried about is someone taking "my" skin and mis-representing me or my team, both with actions and with driving. Sure, they might not put UKCT in their names, but what if that driver never uses names above cars? All they will see is that some twat in a UKCT car did something stupid and took them out, and that the whole team is probably full of n00bs.
im am wholy with jack on this, using in single player is no problem but in multi or when taking screenies etc it is not ok, ad the problem of mis identification is really a worry tbh
#36 - 5haz
Quote from james12s :im am wholy with jack on this, using in single player is no problem but in multi or when taking screenies etc it is not ok, ad the problem of mis identification is really a worry tbh

Erm, why in screenshots? what is a static image of a car driving on a track with someone elses skin going to really show up a top secret league badly??

Yes I can understand using it online being unfair, but ofline and in screenshots it really does no harm.

Let me say again that it has probrably taken this person as long to create this track as it would do to produce a wonderful top secret skin, and when they release it, they get attacked, imagine how annoying that must be, maybe we should think about other people as well as ourselves sometimes

Plus I think this person does not speak English too well, so they may accidentally not have been able to see that this publicly released yet top secret wonder skin was top secret stuff, this person only wants to show you a bloody track that he has taken time creating for US! its not like hes shot somebody! plus it might have been an accident!

Ridiculous, I think certain people just want a scapegote to rant at :rolleyes:

Quote from Jakg :no, its not your right to use it at all, people are annoyed because its thier hard work being stolen by you, and also because if you use a team skin, people assums you are part of the team, and if you are a a-hole, then people assume the team is, THATS why, and let me repeat this. You have NO right to use others skins!

It is your right if they put it up for download and say, "HEY EVERYBODY, USE THIS SKIN!"
6 year bymp holy sh*t