all right ill tell you of one of my past lifes:
i belonged to a super advanced raced or reptilian origin beatifully human just with green skin and blue hair
we had the task of beatifulling the infinite timelines, one of the tasks was caughting losts, assasines rapers torturers and getting rid of them, easy you just had to trough them at scape velocity to the universe central balck hole
but this was not beatifull doing something bad to the bad doers i thougth so through genetic engineering i modified the adn of a race in order to potentiate free will or umpredictability at its most accelerating transformation of bad people into good people at amazing speeds
i was sent a really bad girl to test the new hardware and it turned out amazingly well
i announced it and then it started the nightmare, i was told a i had made a fraud that souls had to be exterminated and the race never to be ensouled again
i realized why right the way i made something that could break the jerarchy of the universe, peasants could become divine on a few thousands years ensouled in those hardware
the empire soon started seizing the planets where that hardware existed
the battle was terribly violent most from the empire ended at scape velocity in central hole dying
but i had an ace on my sleeve i didnt only beat the empire armour but i reached central black hole at never before seen speed reaching farthest from cnter than anybody before
but i knew something when someone is exterminated is actually not he just wait for next eon
the thing is the last of an eon, me, is the 1st on next
so now im the master of destiny but i am asleep and the empire enlightened everybody but me keeping me blind of my power to forge destiny and sending everybody in order to corrup me, though people who see me on 1st hand turn their back on the empire and turn to hte rebel side
well for the next chapter you might have to buy the book