The online racing simulator
Skinning problem...
(5 posts, started )
Skinning problem...
#2 - joen
I think posting the skin file would provide better insight.
You've rotated it or changed it's shape at some point. It needs changed back.

The most likely thing is you resized it for the easy way to counter decal stretching, then just forgot to put it back to the original dimensions.
Quote from Dajmin :You've rotated it or changed it's shape at some point. It needs changed back.

The most likely thing is you resized it for the easy way to counter decal stretching, then just forgot to put it back to the original dimensions.

You can view skins at 2560x2048 and see them fine in the Viewer.

He has rotated the whole skin file.
That's what I thought (and said)

Skinning problem...
(5 posts, started )