#302 - wak
OOS error
Did anyone get an oos error during a replay with tuned cars? Not sure how to replicate it, because sometimes it happens and sometimes not when I try to replay a race with me and a few AI´s on any track. But everytime it happens 3rd second of the replay..
Not a big problem, but sometimes just when I want to watch some funny situation it doesn´t work.

btw, big thanx for the TUNEr ciph, looking forward to the updated version you teaser
Propably everyone
#304 - wak
oops, then why just sometimes..?
i believe it gets out of sync as soon as you change the car settings with the tweaker (or restart lfs)
I can`t almost stand the the waiting... I tried memory editing myself, but without luck. Editing random numbers is the wrong way I think xD
Quote from Breizh :Those are the figures straight from the horse's mouth..

Well then. Seems nice.
im not too great with program editing, memory editing isnt my cup of tea, im patiently waiting for the next release, but these teaser photo's are killin me

the monster truck looks fun lol
bf1 replays will work but rest wont for me. ive watched lots of my bf1 replays with no problems but others dont work.
Ha Ha fun times...
From pictures, it seems that the program is quite ready...
Great program ciph. I also agree with others ,the waiting is killing me.

I have a suggestion/question. Is it possible to have a horsepower/torque calculator right on the program before applying the tweaks?
#313 - wak
OOS error
I researched a bit a and the error occurs only when
FXO is changed to AWD
RB4 to FWD ro RWD
FZ50 to AWD
and only when you move with car, if others (AIs) start and I wait, the replay is playin, only the first move forward or backward cause the error. It might be some problem with drive train limitation
Oh look, a Skyline
Attached images
Skyline R34 GTR.jpg
Ciph you should include the W engines up to Veyron size ooh the dreams of a 252mph hyper xrt in 4wd lol. BTW my pc is fked lol new mother board buggered the bios lol so i'm on my 1 of my dads pc's his xp 1 lol need to convinse him to let me instal lfs on here can't use my g25 though dam cause it's a £10.99 metal desk from argos lol g25 would shread it. So i'm out of action for a while.
I cannot get this to work, all I get is "invalid command line" message when I try to open it. Can someone help me please?
How can you change the engine size?
really need tire size and type editing
just did a movie on it, stock tires + a lot of hp = bad car
Ciph, you're probably the most popular person in this subforum now! Keep up the good work!
Quote from Barroso :For Patch 0 error make sure you copy settings.ini to the same folder as the executable...

Having the problem but donmt know what
you mean
Sry for the slow update but real life keeps me straight busy. Im working alot on my job so i cant rly sit here and do only Tweak updates. I will say Saturday is release day for the little update i did now.

Hope that helps atleast a bit
Good news! Thank you Ciph!
Quote from ciph :Sry for the slow update but real life keeps me straight busy. Im working alot on my job so i cant rly sit here and do only Tweak updates. I will say Saturday is release day for the little update i did now.

Hope that helps atleast a bit

hell ya man keep up the good work im lookin forward to it.

when it is gonna be possible to put knobbly/offroad tyres on the FXO GTR / FZR car ?

This thread is closed

LFS-Tune v2 Beta (Patch Y) - CANCELLED
(820 posts, closed, started )