I know that. Those in the wiki repeat the descriptions from the official site. But I want a different thing. Look into InSim.txt for the example. That file effectively is a C header file, you can include it into code and have all the structures defined. You don't have to rewrite them in your code as I'm doing right now with CMX files.
See the difference.
CMX specification. Just a text.
16 char 0 lightscheme name : name
16 char 16 sky texture name : texture
16 char 32 environment texture : texture
1 col 48 sky colour : rgb0 - average sky colour
1 col 52 sun colour : rgb0 - artist defined
1 float 56 sun intensity : sun colour multiplier
1 float 60 sky boost : sky colour multiplier
1 float 64 sun heading : radians, CCW from forward(Y)
1 float 68 sun pitch : radians, up from ground
InSim: an includable header.
struct IS_ISI // InSim Init - packet to initialise the InSim system
byte Size; // 44
byte Type; // ISP_ISI
byte ReqI; // If non-zero LFS will send an IS_VER packet
byte Zero; // 0
word UDPPort; // Port for UDP replies from LFS (0 to 65535)
word Flags; // Bit flags for options (see below)
byte Sp0; // 0
byte Prefix; // Special host message prefix character
word Interval; // Time in ms between NLP or MCI (0 = none)
char Admin[16]; // Admin password (if set in LFS)
char IName[16]; // A short name for your program
I'd like, for example, the CMX specs to be presented like the latter. (Actually, I already don't need that since I've made the parser I needed).
If somebody has made those structures for other projects, please, share them.