Ok so some very valid arguments against 
But a small number of excellent mods developed by well expeirienced developers would solve this.
Good quality so nothing to worry about.
Few mods so no trouble constantly having to keep up.
I can quite happily wait till after S3, however i will be very dissapointed if modding is never introduced at all
Maybe not mods then, but semi-official addons tracks and cars.
I bet there are plenty more track owners and cars manufacturers ou there that would love to have their tracks in such an excellent sim
I really would love to drive some real tracks in LFS, fictional ones are all very nice, but I think real tracks will massivley increase the attraction of LFS, and i dont mean more silly people, I mean people who are seirious, excellent physics AND real life circuits and cars would elevate LFS from already being ONE of the best, to being probrably THE best.
It would be sad if modding is not intrioduced after S3, it would be like strangling the game engine, restricting it, and soon enough people will get bored of the cars and tracks and LFS will become forgotten.

But a small number of excellent mods developed by well expeirienced developers would solve this.
Good quality so nothing to worry about.
Few mods so no trouble constantly having to keep up.
I can quite happily wait till after S3, however i will be very dissapointed if modding is never introduced at all

Maybe not mods then, but semi-official addons tracks and cars.
I bet there are plenty more track owners and cars manufacturers ou there that would love to have their tracks in such an excellent sim

I really would love to drive some real tracks in LFS, fictional ones are all very nice, but I think real tracks will massivley increase the attraction of LFS, and i dont mean more silly people, I mean people who are seirious, excellent physics AND real life circuits and cars would elevate LFS from already being ONE of the best, to being probrably THE best.
It would be sad if modding is not intrioduced after S3, it would be like strangling the game engine, restricting it, and soon enough people will get bored of the cars and tracks and LFS will become forgotten.