Ok well ive had a project quiet for a bit but im gona let it out so that i can also get some advice and some help
what i would like is a pc that will be the best for a few years, that will prob only need GFX cards updates and mabey some ram updates.
but when i say the best the best that i can get a hold of as some stuff i cant being in china. time isnt an issue and money shouldnt be in the road i can spend a quarter of my pay so in rmb about 8 to 10 k a month.
(im trying to save as well
) hdd i want more then to much space if u get me like never delete anything i do alot of downloading so.
and my valve folder now has hit the 35gb mark! so counter strike needs its own hdd lol dam servers adding there own music and shit all the time.
also a speaker package to go with it 8.1??? thats standard on the mobo, ive sorted my moniter i think im gona get a HDTV about 32inch with HDMI imputs(correct me if i wrong or got the wrong idea)
and the big question OVER CLOCKING once its done id like to over clock it nicely but not to much whats best for it,
hope i havent asked for to much lol
so far i have bought (some will be in chinese as im living in china at the moment and im getting it from a chinese site)
Tt Aqua bay M5(CL-W0103)
Tt Hardcano12
Tt A2461 (cool looking fan that tells the temp and the sound DB's)
TT 金刚500(W3010) think i should go for a NVIDA SLI ready one tho im not to clued up on SLI if someone wants to fill me in
cooler master 海雕(UWS-VB-01-GP) only using the radiator from this
TT Aqua R1(CL-W0102)
and thats all for now
cpu i want a quad or a dual core as good as a quad
mobo i was thinking a gigabyte quad sli royal
(im not much of a fan of msi after having 3 replaced in 4 months was told by my computer guy here in china 2 of 4 in china go back so tend not to go for them here)
now GFX cards i have seen
what i would like is a pc that will be the best for a few years, that will prob only need GFX cards updates and mabey some ram updates.
but when i say the best the best that i can get a hold of as some stuff i cant being in china. time isnt an issue and money shouldnt be in the road i can spend a quarter of my pay so in rmb about 8 to 10 k a month.
(im trying to save as well

and my valve folder now has hit the 35gb mark! so counter strike needs its own hdd lol dam servers adding there own music and shit all the time.
also a speaker package to go with it 8.1??? thats standard on the mobo, ive sorted my moniter i think im gona get a HDTV about 32inch with HDMI imputs(correct me if i wrong or got the wrong idea)
and the big question OVER CLOCKING once its done id like to over clock it nicely but not to much whats best for it,
hope i havent asked for to much lol

so far i have bought (some will be in chinese as im living in china at the moment and im getting it from a chinese site)
Tt Aqua bay M5(CL-W0103)
Tt Hardcano12
Tt A2461 (cool looking fan that tells the temp and the sound DB's)
TT 金刚500(W3010) think i should go for a NVIDA SLI ready one tho im not to clued up on SLI if someone wants to fill me in
cooler master 海雕(UWS-VB-01-GP) only using the radiator from this
TT Aqua R1(CL-W0102)
and thats all for now
cpu i want a quad or a dual core as good as a quad
mobo i was thinking a gigabyte quad sli royal
(im not much of a fan of msi after having 3 replaced in 4 months was told by my computer guy here in china 2 of 4 in china go back so tend not to go for them here)
now GFX cards i have seen