My new System About 45% built FILL MY BLANKS
Ok well ive had a project quiet for a bit but im gona let it out so that i can also get some advice and some help

what i would like is a pc that will be the best for a few years, that will prob only need GFX cards updates and mabey some ram updates.
but when i say the best the best that i can get a hold of as some stuff i cant being in china. time isnt an issue and money shouldnt be in the road i can spend a quarter of my pay so in rmb about 8 to 10 k a month.
(im trying to save as well) hdd i want more then to much space if u get me like never delete anything i do alot of downloading so.
and my valve folder now has hit the 35gb mark! so counter strike needs its own hdd lol dam servers adding there own music and shit all the time.
also a speaker package to go with it 8.1??? thats standard on the mobo, ive sorted my moniter i think im gona get a HDTV about 32inch with HDMI imputs(correct me if i wrong or got the wrong idea)

and the big question OVER CLOCKING once its done id like to over clock it nicely but not to much whats best for it,

hope i havent asked for to much lol

so far i have bought (some will be in chinese as im living in china at the moment and im getting it from a chinese site)


Tt Aqua bay M5(CL-W0103)

Tt Hardcano12

Tt A2461 (cool looking fan that tells the temp and the sound DB's)

TT 金刚500(W3010) think i should go for a NVIDA SLI ready one tho im not to clued up on SLI if someone wants to fill me in

cooler master 海雕(UWS-VB-01-GP) only using the radiator from this

TT Aqua R1(CL-W0102)

and thats all for now

cpu i want a quad or a dual core as good as a quad

mobo i was thinking a gigabyte quad sli royal
(im not much of a fan of msi after having 3 replaced in 4 months was told by my computer guy here in china 2 of 4 in china go back so tend not to go for them here)

now GFX cards i have seen

this is what im running at the moment if theres anything salvageable

昂达 7300GT 极速版II 256M 性能参数 256M DDR II 128bit 2.8ns MicroBGA/FBGA 400MHz 666MHz 8管 4个 支持DirectX 9.0c RAMDAC频率及支持MAX分辨率[/URL] 支持2×400MHz RAMDAC;2048x1536@85MHz
and 2 external 320gb hdds for storage

all my HDDS atm are maxitor Are they any good?

my cpu is Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz

ram is 4gb by Kingston ddrII 800

and a philips dvd burner and a blue ray player that gets used like never lol

if you want to search anything on the site i get my stuff from use . and theres a little search bar top left then after search only use top column for products
You post is one of the most confusing I have ever read...

Your links are all over the place too.
I plainly refuse to respond to such a post. I cannot believe that someone would post THAT MUCH INFORMATION in complete disarray (and with no regard towards any sort of grammar) and then expect people to read it, AND decipher it just to help THEM.

If you want help, I'm sure there are plenty of others on this forum who will help you out. I, however, honestly believe that nobody should reply until he makes the damned thing more legible. You are asking for OUR help - you should go out of YOUR way to make it easier for us to help you, not make US do all the work.

And don't try saying that your English is not that good. You obviously know enough about the English language to understand where one sentence ends and another begins.

Sorry if this post offends anyone, but ^that^ post offends me.
#5 - Jakg
I agree with what is above.

I find the 8800GS thing a bit suspicious, too...

If you want a better overclocking motherboard then a P5K-E or an x38 Gigabyte board would be good. An 8800GT is probably the best value graphics card atm.
i keep recomending it but either the p5k-e that jack says or a p5kc which i use, i dont knoe bout the e but the c has ddr3 support as well
Quote from The General Lee :You post is one of the most confusing I have ever read...

Your links are all over the place too.

theres two links to my knolage the GFX card one with the smiley and the pconline one

Quote from Stang70Fastback :I plainly refuse to respond to such a post. I cannot believe that someone would post THAT MUCH INFORMATION in complete disarray (and with no regard towards any sort of grammar) and then expect people to read it, AND decipher it just to help THEM.

If you want help, I'm sure there are plenty of others on this forum who will help you out. I, however, honestly believe that nobody should reply until he makes the damned thing more legible. You are asking for OUR help - you should go out of YOUR way to make it easier for us to help you, not make US do all the work.

And don't try saying that your English is not that good. You obviously know enough about the English language to understand where one sentence ends and another begins.

Sorry if this post offends anyone, but ^that^ post offends me.

as per usual people will always sit there and say shit before they even think about the most common problems these days so im going to appolagise now for my own self so that others know and will now see from now on,

i suffer from server dyslexia and dyspraxia wich is both for spelling and grammer and writting and hand eye co-ordernation so there is only so many times that i can appolaigse or should as im in my 20's get my girlfreind or maby get my mum too help me like when i was at school?????. i think what you have said is very degrading and offencive if you cant read it kindly say that it makes no sence and think that people may suffer from learning difficulty's. and dont even mention a spell cheaker if i cant spell in the first place only way any thing i write gets done is by human proof reading, so as before i am sorry that i seem to asked for help maby ive asked the wrong fourm
Looking at your second post I cant really see the need for you to upgrade other than gfx and maybe hard drive if your running out of space.

I would personally stay away from the 8500GT as it is a budget card. Buy a more expensive card and keep your existing CPU and memory to save the difference in cost.

For graphics I would personally go for a Nvidia 8800GT 512MB
like this

and here is a review

the 8800GTS 512MB is slightlty faster but imo does not warrant the extra cost (dont confuse with the 320 or 640MB versions as they are pretty much outdated now)

SLI means scalable link interface (i think) and it basically means that you can put 2 graphics cards of the same time in one computer however results vary from game to game. Some games work quite well with SLI and some show no increase in performance at all when compared to running a single card. IMO it is better to buy 1 fast card than 2 mediocre ones.


Samsung spinpoints are rated as being one of the better hard disks out there at the moment and 500GB disks probably have the cheapest cost per GB. like this one

My personal preferance however is seagate as they come with 5 year warranties although my 500GB s a bit noisy (but as it is in my server its not a problem) whereas the spinpoints are supposed to be very quiet.

BTW Your core 2 duo should overclock very nicely (should hit at least 3GHz). For gaming a quad core CPU will not generally provide much benefit at the present time although some games like the new unreal tournament do use multicore cpus more effectively. However if i was upgrading now i would choose a quadcore but thats mainly because i do a lot of rendering which takes soooooo long. However if I was running an E6550 (which i think is what you have got) I would not even be considering upgrading it at this time. (for comparison i am running an AMD X2 3800 - 2GHz) which still does me fine.

thanks bolders

i can get the samsung one for around the same price as a western digital one

the 8800gts is hard to get here i have found one but in china alot of companies use the chipset and brand it them selfs hence some of the prices i get. like the most known one that ive used is ONDA the 8800gs is made by onda as well and i think it would be ok. i should test it as money aint a prob and if it doesnt work out as well for me ill ebay it lol but i would go for the 8800gts if it wansnt so hard to get i may have to make a trip to hong kong for it.

and i was thinking of 2 of these cards on a sli setup. its now 1 am here in china so i realy cant look up them motherboards just yet as i have work tomoz. so for any of ya that is in the knolage of them boards do they support sli?

thanks loads people and i do think after being offended from the Stang70Fastback post further up and have thought about it he does have a point and i should have realy gone over the post before posting.
but still dont justify what he said but i understand where u are coming from so will try harder in my next posts as i said i can only appoligise so many times
#10 - Jakg
I'd get Seagate Barracuda's (esp the 7200.11's), failing that a WD AAKS drive. Samsung aren't amazing.

Only a mobo with an nForce chipset supports SLi (properly), so your looking at boards like the eVGA 680i or the Striker Extreme, which wont be as good at overclocking as the Intel boards.

Can you not find an 8800GT?
I'm sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, but I am just fed up with people who come on here seeking help from others and don't even bother to correctly phrase their question. Then it takes 5 responses from people asking what they meant and 5 responses by the author to clarify what he was asking. I am sorry if I jumped to the conclusion that you were doing it because you felt like it, not because you couldn't help it. You have to understand that the majority of the people who write as you did do it only out of laziness. As you said though, I'm fairly certain if you'd reread your post, you likely could have clarified a few things (at least put things in better order.)

I'll offer whatever help I can when I have more time, but I've got to run right now.
yea one lol in hujian provence lol 15 hours by train lol

um ill get my chinese interpreter to ring the guy tomoz and see what he says about sending it i can prob get a 8800gts in ONDA there as common as flies

thats where i get my stuff from as its like ebay for computers lol
and most of the market pc stalls use these suppliers so i can always get them
Quote from Stang70Fastback :I'm sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, but I am just fed up with people who come on here seeking help from others and don't even bother to correctly phrase their question. Then it takes 5 responses from people asking what they meant and 5 responses by the author to clarify what he was asking. I am sorry if I jumped to the conclusion that you were doing it because you felt like it, not because you couldn't help it. You have to understand that the majority of the people who write as you did do it only out of laziness. As you said though, I'm fairly certain if you'd reread your post, you likely could have clarified a few things (at least put things in better order.)

I'll offer whatever help I can when I have more time, but I've got to run right now.

as said before i do understand where u are comming from and will re-write it with alot of effort tomorrow at work got nothing else to do lol i hate being boss lol i liked it when all i had to do was get yelled at.
oh btw if you want sli, forget p5kc
It sounds like you are looking at a setup that might benefit from a RAID array. Are you considering such? Also, Maxtor drives are notoriously prone to failure. If you ever upgrade those, consider Seagate Barracuda drives instead I've had 4 of them since last August with no issues as of yet, plus they're quiet and don't put out too much heat (which is especially important if you've got more than one packed together...)
seagate 500gb around the same price as well if not can be cheaper

cpu what can i go for? how a bout a 2.8ghz dual core i saw it aint cheap either but would also overclock well and

quads are priced like this.
Q6600 \1700-2235
the new quads are not avalible just yet

core 2 extreme range
1 QX9650 \9500-9580元
2 QX6850 \6200元
3 Q6700 \2550-2850元
4 QX6700 \3500-5500元
5 X6800 \2750-2750

normal core 2 range

1 E6700 \1700-2235
2 E6850 \1700-2265元
3 well mine is here then thats it i aint going lower lol
Quote from Stang70Fastback :It sounds like you are looking at a setup that might benefit from a RAID array. Are you considering such? Also, Maxtor drives are notoriously prone to failure. If you ever upgrade those, consider Seagate Barracuda drives instead I've had 4 of them since last August with no issues as of yet, plus they're quiet and don't put out too much heat (which is especially important if you've got more than one packed together...)

may i ask what a raid array is?

i was always thinking on upgrading my maxitors as they are slow and i now have external sata imputs. the seagate drives are cheap enough so ill prob get them , but will they fit in my case the case has 3 5.25 imputs in the front
Quote from Dooonster :may i ask what a raid array is?

i was always thinking on upgrading my maxitors as they are slow and i now have external sata imputs. the seagate drives are cheap enough so ill prob get them , but will they fit in my case the case has 3 5.25 imputs in the front

RAID - Redundand Array of Independent Disks.
JBOD - Just a Bunch of Disks

What you have right now, I'm assuming, is a JBOD setup, which just means you have a bunch of hard drives all plugged into the mobo, and acting independently. Your operating system is installed on one drive, and the rest show up as D, E, F, etc... in My Computer, onto which you place files.

When you set up a RAID array, you are linking the drives together (not physically, just through the software.) There are different types of RAID (0, 1, 0+1, 5, etc...) which specify different setups. Depending on what you want, you pick a different one. Some people setup a RAID whereas all the drives show up as one MASSIVE drive to the computer, which is sometimes useful, but can be dangerous, because if one drive fails, ALL data is lost as it is spread across all the drives. Or you can setup half the drives as one big drive, and the other half as another big drive, that way if one drive fails, you only lost half your data.

One of the benefits, though, to setting up a RAID is the ability to incorporate redundancy into the system. You can setup half the drives to show up as one large drive, and the other half to "mirror" that data in real time, so that if any one drive fails, you still have your data, and can still use your computer. However, that cuts the usable space in half. There are lots of in-betweens as well. I'd suggest you read up on it a bit, just so that you know more about it as an option before you go ahead and put together a new computer.

It's simply a matter of whether you want performance, redundancy, or a combination of the two. Here's a good resource. A little ways down is a chart that briefly explains each form of RAID. Check it out:
at the moment im running two external drives and a2 internal drives with the drives partitioned so that they are all one drive but split up into the different sectors depending on the side
Yeah, it would be simpler to just keep it that way. I was just pointing out that RAID is always another option.
well so far this is good
my mate is good he advises me not to spend money saying i spend to much, and taobao is full of stolen goods if u read it correctly, it says store warranty or manufactures warranty. so if u get it cheaper u know where its come from and taking things back to stores ages away bah no thanks lol,

i use pc online to get a price that it sells at the the info then i go to my mate and get it at the good friends price