The online racing simulator
#1 - LawVS
Logitech MOMO - brake pedal
Well, basically it's like this - after I've breaked into a corner and powering out, the brake starts to engage about 5% and dents my acceleration. It doesn't do any abrupt breaking, it's just little bit to annoy you.

I've installed the latest Logitech driver and wondering what the problem could be. I'm planning to move up to a DFP soon, but I'd rather save £70 if I can.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
try reconfiguring.

press down the pedal just a bit, hold it in that position, recalibrate, press the brake pedal down all the way (and do not forget the other axis, eh?) and you should be fine. always worked for me.
First try and re-calibrate your pedals.

Second mess around with LFS settings, I had this problem with my old Sidewinder multiple times and screwing around in LFS eventually solved this.

Third, download DXTweak and put a 5% deadzone on your brake pedal... It will stop it from denting your acceleration, but it might feel wierd at first when trying to lightly brake.

Oh, and are ur pedals combined, or seperate? Cause in LFS there is a setting to lower the sensitivity of your pedals. Can't remember the name of it tho and I am away from my PC and lfs.
#4 - LawVS
Quote from Matt0snap :

Oh, and are ur pedals combined, or seperate? Cause in LFS there is a setting to lower the sensitivity of your pedals. Can't remember the name of it tho and I am away from my PC and lfs.

Seperate. Oh you mean the Throttle/Break Centre Reduction thing? I tried it, and at around 0.5 it eliminated the majority of the fluctuations. I shall try out DXTweak and see how that fares. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
I have the exact same problem with my momo. I found that the problem lies in where the pedals cable plugs into the back of the wheel, it's a bad connection. I have to wiggle and twist the cable a bit, then unplug my wheel from the usb port and plug it back in to recalibrate it. After doing all that it works fine.