I've been wondering - should I report anyone for misconduct or just gross cases?
This is because, for example in CTRA race1 you can hardly defend your position (i.e. use defensive driving by braking in the middle of the track, "closing the door", etc) when your opponent doenst have overlap simply because most drivers dont understand that if they havent got the nose to the door of the other car, they must back down even on straights. This results in crashes and the lead car being spun any time you try to close the door on someone. Granted, closing the door all the way to the wall in a straight isnt exactly nice to do, but at the very least on the corners...
Should we be lenient of these crashes and only report the real wreckers, or is there no problem in flooding the report system with reports of non-overlap crashes, drivers recovering with no care of incoming traffic, blue-flag ignorers, etc?
I'd tend to report eveyrone, but I'd guess a flooded report system is also no good.
Nice would be to when reviewing a replay, check the reportee for the whole race, and also penalize him for any misconduct on the replay he sent - would make people think twice before going on a revenge run in the same race as they got taken out
This is because, for example in CTRA race1 you can hardly defend your position (i.e. use defensive driving by braking in the middle of the track, "closing the door", etc) when your opponent doenst have overlap simply because most drivers dont understand that if they havent got the nose to the door of the other car, they must back down even on straights. This results in crashes and the lead car being spun any time you try to close the door on someone. Granted, closing the door all the way to the wall in a straight isnt exactly nice to do, but at the very least on the corners...
Should we be lenient of these crashes and only report the real wreckers, or is there no problem in flooding the report system with reports of non-overlap crashes, drivers recovering with no care of incoming traffic, blue-flag ignorers, etc?
I'd tend to report eveyrone, but I'd guess a flooded report system is also no good.
Nice would be to when reviewing a replay, check the reportee for the whole race, and also penalize him for any misconduct on the replay he sent - would make people think twice before going on a revenge run in the same race as they got taken out