The online racing simulator
"So when you said your 1/4 mile time was a load of bull, you actually meant..."
My car handles like a load of bull...
This really is bull----, huh!?
"I bet that car of yours doesn't have as much bp (bull power ) as mine!"
Britney Spears in Another Vegas Marriage Fiasco!
Is that bull saying to the guy in the cowboy hat "don't look now, but Darth Vader is coming out of your engine"
After the success of the Car of Tomorrow (CoT), the officials moved onto their next success "Cowboy of Tomorrow" (right). It just about diverted attention from their failed "Race Driver of Yesterday" project (left)
"The teams new car made its debut at Las Vegas, featuring several innovative new design features in a solid attempt to stay ahead of the game, however pilots did complain tempremental handling and the new car was way off times set by its predescessor, during one test a pilot managed to fall off his car! Despite this, the crew chief has remained bullish about the new car"

Christ that was really bad


"Today Scawen showed us some previews of some of the new official cars that will be featured in S3"
"gentlemen, for your next challange, please hook nitrous up to your cars"
"Haha, NOS? Mine runs on Methan!"
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Is that bull saying to the guy in the cowboy hat "don't look now, but Darth Vader is coming out of your engine"

Good one, made me laugh.

Your turn.
Don't think we have had this one yet...
Attached images
McLaren's new 'finger phone' technology needed work

Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Don't think we have had this one yet...

Lewis Hamilton's coffin was an unusual shape - an extra large hole had to be built.
Before being taken on by McLaren, Lewis was offered a position at British Gas. Just before his first race he was day dreaming and practicing his finger flame.
Attached images
to driver:"ok, we are now going to test our new traction control system along with the new dynamic grade AI, just sit back and enjoy the ride"

EDIT:^"man, my fuel gague is so wrong! i need to check the fuel level manually with my new mutant abilities"
"Lewis gives a thumbs up during testing in Spain, however it seems Lewis is dreaming of better times in the past"
Lewis told the press that the pic is from his vacations: "i really liked that sauna"
Yoga FIRE!
Aight guys I'm ready for that stomach wash.
EDIT: damn wrong page
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Don't think we have had this one yet...

"...then I brake, turn in, and push the neutral button like this."
Quote from J@tko :Lewis Hamilton's coffin was an unusual shape - an extra large hole had to be built.

Thats the only one that was even close to being funny, so you win!
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Thats the only one that was even close to being funny, so you win!

Great - I'll post one when I get home tonight.

Caption Competition
(4255 posts, started )