Ultimate Garage!
(24 posts, started )
Ultimate Garage!
/me put that tissue to good use. :P

Man, thats one impressive collection, he has almost every high end class car imaginable! Any info on whether these are ALL his, or is he doing it for a business etc. ?
All that, and not ONE Aston Martin?? What a waster!
I got a feeling its more of a collection of garages, rather than just the one. Still very semi-inducing though

Quote from Bladerunner :All that, and not ONE Aston Martin?? What a waster!

Second from bottom mate

No BMW's though. Can't be a car nut IMO
Quote from Bladerunner :All that, and not ONE Aston Martin?? What a waster!

There was an aston martin there, kinda. It was a Zagato DB7. a.ka the damn ugly one.

edit: look to the left of the Porsche carerra GT.
Attached images
Should've gone to specsavers!.jpg
Yea, the convertible that looks like its pulling this face ------->
Yet all look to clean to have been driven. It's always the same, great cars just seem to lie in the garage covered and hidden from us mortals.

Win i win the Lotto (our Uncle Bill gives me his cash), its shopping with a Zonda for me.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :There was an aston martin there, kinda. It was a Zagato DB7. a.ka the damn ugly one.

edit: look to the left of the Porsche carerra GT.

/me cleans glasses...zooms in a bit...


Well..it WAS teh ugly duckling!!
Someone was playing TDU a bit too much and wanted his dream collection for real, and some more!

A lot of ugly cars in there but a hell of a lot of nice ones.
Thats pointless, unless thats ALOT of people owning those. Can't imagine what his/her maintance bill is, never mind the insurance.

If I was rich, I'd have a 1982 Datsun 280zx special edition, with that feminine voice that tells you if there's a problem, now thats classy.

"fuel level is low"
"driver door is open"
Isn't that the collection of one of the Google guys? It must be an American anyways, with the muscle cars he has and the fact he overlooked a couple of very decent European car-makers.

I read on another forum on how he sometimes lets people visit the garages, but they have to sign a contarct sayign they won't touch any of them. The guys seems allright though. he organises rally's where you can drive the cars. He has a couple of hangars full of cars across the US. I hope he got a couple of racetracks too though...
#12 - Jakg
Any source to these pics? I've seen these pics before posted on a forum (if you really want i'll dig out the thread) and iirc they were owned by some religious cult guy.
Quote from Hoppers :Isn't that the collection of one of the Google guys? It must be an American anyways, with the muscle cars he has and the fact he overlooked a couple of very decent European car-makers.

That's where I thought the pictures started getting interesting .

I though, "Eh? Ferrari, big deal. Rich bastard. Another Ferrari, and another, and ano.... WHOA! There we go! Musclecars!"
I am waiting for someone to post the pictures I saw a few years ago of some Arab Prince's warehouses full of supercars. They sorted the cars by colour, one big hanger for red cars, one for yellow, one for black, it was crazy.
#15 - Jakg
Hmm in the garage in tthe attachment doesnt the car all the way at the right look almost exactly the same as the FZ5 O_O
Attached images
ferrari garage.jpg
OMG! The LM2002 is rare enough, and that prince has two!
Quote from wheel4hummer :OMG! The LM2002 is rare enough, and that prince has two!

I'm fairly sure that he has had quite a few Ferrari concept cars made into fully working supercars just for him. According to some people on those forums he has cars so secret that you won't be able to take pictures of them, so god knows what concept cars he has had built by car companies.
#20 - Jakg
Quote from evilpimp :Hmm in the garage in tthe attachment doesnt the car all the way at the right look almost exactly the same as the FZ5 O_O

Isn't that just a 612 Scaglietti?
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I'm fairly sure that he has had quite a few Ferrari concept cars made into fully working supercars just for him. According to some people on those forums he has cars so secret that you won't be able to take pictures of them, so god knows what concept cars he has had built by car companies.

Mmmmm, 456 "Venice" Ferrari Estate...
Some people need punched

I'd be happy with just the Viper, the Lambo Murcie and the 355 Spider
I ´m sure he/she has no time to spend driving them
Quote from kaulgt. :Here is a list of the cars the Sultan owns:
http://www.germancarzone.com/p ... plete-car-collection.html
Funny to see he owns a AE92 'rolla! I know he owns one of those Nissan Skylines tuned and rebadged by HKS as the Zero-R.


I wonder what kind of racing track complex he has built on his backyard (or back.. country..)

"Whoops, I trashed a Ferrari. Nevermind, I still have 72 of those, and 5 awaiting for delivery..."

Ultimate Garage!
(24 posts, started )