Competition is OVER.
Fredthebest wins the S2 voucher.
The next highest scoring demo racer will also get an S2 voucher.
The highest S2 licensed racer will get £5 worth of LFS World skin credit.
So, the answers:
Batch A)
1) False, it also included joystick support.
2) False, unless you're cutting/using tweaks/hacks
3) True, it is an anagram/abbreviation
4) True
5) True
Batch B)
6) 1997 test session
7) Andy Priaulx, BMW
8) They all happened in 1994. Al Unser Jr won the Indy 500, Benetton got investigated for the use of TC, Mansell returned to Williams, and Jeff Gordon won the inaguaral Brickyard 400
9) It was a Porsche 917
10) Bignotti-Cutter
Batch C)
For questions 11-15, I gave you all points.
Batch D)
16) True. The first 3 non-stickied threads were locked at a few points last year.
17) SamH, Bob Smith, Gunn, Franky500, XCNuse
18) Phlos, Kidocea, wheel4hummer (I know he's unbanned, but he was banned for a while), and others
19) Take your pick from the whole forum
20) Again, subjective. I gave you all points.