The online racing simulator
Feedback on Saturday's practice sessions
The only problems I had today were during the yellow flag laps. I don't watch enough real racing nor have I ever participated in a race with cautions. Is the safety car supposed to maintain a consistent speed? It felt like I had to alter my speed +/- 20mph constantly. I checked the replay (just for the first race) and the speed of the safety car varies from 55mph (tighter sections) to 120mph (oval) at different points on the track.

So I guess my question is, in real world racing is the safety car supposed to maintain a certain speed? If so, may I request the safety car use analog pedals (instead of the keyboard) so the cars behind can maintain an even pace?

In the USA, the only real racing I get to see is nascar (unfortunately) but I dont remember the pace car speeding up to 120mph before the green and then diving into the pits I think it maintains the same speed and gently goes into the pit area.

Also, in the first race when the safety car did go into pits, the yellow "safety car" message was still displayed, yet all the cars went green flag. I didn't know what to do, so I went full throttle too. The green flag wasn't displayed until the leader had already gone through the chicane.

I guess that's the only issue I really had during the practice session. I don't think we had one good restart where all the cars stayed nicely bunched up. The field was spread all over the place on restarts.

Please don't take this the wrong way! I had a fun time. I just want everything to run smoothly when the league begins.

After reading the "safety car procedure" I guess the variable speed is normal and the safety car is supposed to accelerate right before green. Still, the speed varied from 55 to 95, which seems like alot to me and it was hard to maintain a tight pack of cars.
The SC rules I follow for during the race are similar to F1.

The SC is a bit slower than the cars, so it goes full-out.

I believe it varies in speed some also in CCWS and IRL on the roadcourses.

The only SC procedure similar to NASCAR is the rolling start, where it holds the field until the starting area.

The restart procedure wasn't enitrely followed, I obsierved, but was too busy high-tailing it back to the pits to correct it.

The Kyoto layout starts/restarts aren't until the line on the second straight. So ideally, the leader shouldn't mash it until getting onto the pit straight.
The SC car should drive better
He wasnt able to drive straight even...
Quote from juurme :The SC car should drive better
He wasnt able to drive straight even...

I can drive straight when not making a turn.
Quote from dekojester :
The Kyoto layout starts/restarts aren't until the line on the second straight. So ideally, the leader shouldn't mash it until getting onto the pit straight.

The leader didn't mash it until the pit straight.
When we restarted in the second race I came under criticism for going too soon, but I didn't hit it until the pace car was out of the way and well into pit lane (as far as I could tell).

I've looked at a replay and as I crossed the start finish line the pace car was still in front of fact I didn't overtake the pace car until 5.5 seconds into the new lap. (See Pics)

I might be wrong, but in most if not all real racing the only obligation is to wait until the pace car is ON pit road, not past the line on a new lap.

Oh and I'm not gonna back off when Eveningstar is breathing down my neck like that

Altogether it was a great experience to race with you guys and look forward to the next one.
Attached images
Pace Car Ahead.jpg
why can't the safety car travel at about the pit lane limit? or maybe over at like 100km/h?

F1 only thrash the safety car cause the f1 tires can't handle it and go out of their working range, the FBM isn't a f1 car and we start on cold tires anyway so a minimum speed on the safety car isn't an issue?

if it cruised at a constant 100km/h that gives more time to clear accidents with minimal loss of laps?

"racing" the safety car only adds to the bunching and collisions behind it...

Other than that the sessions were awesome, the race control calls were great and the quality of racing and speed was superb. I look forard to the next one!
I go at the speed I do to keep the pace up a bit and keep it from getting too boring and not slow the overall pace too much.

And once I hit pitlane speed line, I try to send my "Safety Car IN PITS" bind to Let the leader know that I'm in pits.
Honestly the only problem I had was collisions with other people either when they are overtaking and i leave space and still get knocked or when im in the lead behind the safety car and it lets go of the gas pedal to type or such and then the pace isnt the same all the time and it creats a chain reaction.

Deko theres a program that changes ur speed limiter's speed limit if you want me to send it to you.. It was made for cruise servers but we can still use it. I think its important that you keep a constant pace so that there isnt any collisions created because of that. I also got fishtailed during one of the laps with the SC in front.
Quote from dekojester :And once I hit pitlane speed line, I try to send my "Safety Car IN PITS" bind to Let the leader know that I'm in pits.

So are you telling us we can nail it when you enter the pits?
Quote from Marlbro :So are you telling us we can nail it when you enter the pits?

You can nail it anytime, as long as you don't overtake the SC before that message.

I will have some more binds set up so I don't have to type messages.

Safety Car should maintain a consistent slow speed and when SC goes back into the pits then after first car has passed start line race can continue. No one can't overtake before start line.

And when red flag is displayed (race stopped) all driver should drive slowly to the pits and wait for restart. And of cource when red or yellow flag is been displayed, it means no overtaking!
At some point it said red flag but he sayed keep racing till the finish like and from there no more overtaking O_O
Quote from FinnWest :Safety Car should maintain a consistent slow speed and when SC goes back into the pits then after first car has passed start line race can continue. No one can't overtake before start line.

And when red flag is displayed (race stopped) all driver should drive slowly to the pits and wait for restart. And of cource when red or yellow flag is been displayed, it means no overtaking!

J@tko is the one who said keep going.

My say is that you safely come to a halt wherever you are on course and wait for further instructions.

I will write up Red Flag procedures Sunday.
Sorry I couldn't attend, the Internet was full on dead yesterday. Virgin Media have been pissing me and my family off for a few days now.

On other news, Jack has accepted the Sam Speedway! And I'm getting TM United today!
Quote from dekojester :J@tko is the one who said keep going.

Sorry guys - that my was my fault trying to interfere.

Red flag means stop racing immediatly - the result is taken from the lap before.
I believe I was a bit of a wally
Quote from JO53PHS :I believe I was a bit of a wally

U did complain alot.

But never mind - just don't do it again
Quote from J@tko :But never mind - just don't do it again

I wont - Its just that the FBM is my enemy

I started the Team TG skin for the XFG and they look really good in Hi-res
Quote from FinnWest :Safety Car should maintain a consistent slow speed and when SC goes back into the pits then after first car has passed start line race can continue.

I'd like to point out that the first car is actually responsible for keeping all the cars in one pack after sc lights have been turn off - you can't floor it before the "start straight", in this case the straight where the blue cones and green flag line are (of course you are allowed to floor it when you want, but it's not very sportsmanlike). If the pack isn't even and smooth (=there are big gaps between drivers), the sc has to be sent out again, to close the gaps.

What I'm trying to say, is that the sc procedure is there to make sure all cars are in one group and there's not much spread. That's why it's so important that the safety car goes at a speed where it's easy for all drivers to keep up.
Please see the rules thread for the newly posted Red Flag procedures.
