I totally agree.. buy it, or you'll regret it!
As anyone who's ever raced against a TeamCCUK member will know, we're by and large pretty crap at it
(with one or two exceptions). This is because we're actually not a proper team.. we're actually just a bunch of techy boffs. CCUK Stands for "Computing Chat UK", and it's a chatroom we all met in, on AOL of all places.
We originally started ClanCCUK because a few of us were in to playing Halo. We put a dedicated server in a London Docklands datacenter, and got a few more people interested in playing games. We added Unreal Tournament 2004 to the server and played that, added SWAT4 and played that, Battlefield2, Command and Conquer, and Live For Speed.
There's a point to this post, honest! It goes as follows:
Today, we're TeamCCUK rather than ClanCCUK. The reason for this is that, even though we play all of the games above (except SWAT4 because there aren't enough multiplayer seats to cope with us all, and the dedicated server is an abomination of coding), the ONLY one of them where we CONSISTENTLY return to play together is Live For Speed. We're all agreed in TeamCCUK that the "game" with the best ongoing playability is LFS, and the one thing we all enjoy BEING most is the CCUK
TEAM in LFS. LFS is a very good investment.. both monetarily, AND in pastime.
Plus, if you don't buy it, you'll never be able to kick a TeamCCUK member's butt at South City in a Formula XR - worth buying for that alone, IMO